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WordPress Login Page Admin Login Styler – Custom Login Page Theme Customizer – Google reCaptcha Login Captcha – Redirect After Login And Logout

WordPress Login Page Admin Login Styler – Custom Login Page Theme Customizer – Google reCaptcha Login Captcha – Redirect After Login And Logout Reviews

Wordpress Custom Login Page Customizer allows you to easily customize the layout of login, admin login , register pages.

Rating and reviews


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Users appreciate the "Login Page Styler" plugin for its ease of use, customizable options, and the excellent, prompt support provided by the developer, Zia Bajwa. Many found it essential for tailoring their WordPress login pages, highlighting features like background image sliders and the ability to change the look and feel of the login page. However, drawbacks include the free version offering very limited functionality, making the premium version almost necessary for meaningful customization. Some users reported technical issues, like functionality bugs and conflicts with other plugins, and experienced frustration with the plugin's pricing and the necessity to purchase premium for basic features.