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Snow Monkey Forms

Snow Monkey Forms

The Snow Monkey Forms is a mail form plugin for the block editor.


Rating summary




Active installations

Snow Monkey Forms
Snow Monkey Forms



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Supports multiple form fields

Easy block editor integration

User-friendly interface

Customizable form options

About this plugin

Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 7.0.0
Last updated: 16-07-2024
WordPress version: 6.6
Tested up to: 6.6
PHP version required: 7.4
Languages: 日本語
Learning resources: View resources


The Snow Monkey Forms plugin is designed to integrate seamlessly with the WordPress block editor, offering a versatile solution for creating mail forms. It provides a comprehensive set of form fields, including text, email, telephone, URL, file upload, textarea, select menus, radio buttons, and checkboxes, allowing users to build customized forms to fit a wide range of needs. This flexibility makes it an ideal tool for website administrators looking to enhance their site's interactivity and data collection capabilities. The plugin is actively maintained and its source code is available on GitHub, enabling developers to contribute or tailor it further.

Wide Range of Form Fields

  • Supports various input types such as text, email, telephone, and URL.
  • Includes file upload capabilities.
  • Offers multiple choice options with radio buttons and checkboxes.
  • Provides dropdown selection with the select field.

Block Editor Integration

  • Seamlessly integrates with the WordPress block editor.
  • Allows for easy drag-and-drop form creation.
  • Enables users to visually design forms without coding.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Intuitive and easy-to-use interface.
  • Simplifies the process of creating and managing forms.
  • Reduces the learning curve for new users.

Open Source and Community Support

  • Available on GitHub for community contributions.
  • Regular updates and improvements from the developer community.
  • Access to a wide range of resources and support from other users.

Features list


Free version

Free personal and commercial API access

Provides API access for both personal and commercial use at no cost.

Comprehensive WordPress vulnerability database

Offers an extensive database of WordPress vulnerabilities.

Free webhook integration

Allows free integration with webhooks for automated notifications.

Access to the same data as the user interface

Grants access to the same data available through the user interface.

Stay on top of the latest vulnerabilities

Keeps you informed about the latest vulnerabilities.

Immediate notifications for vulnerabilities affecting your site

Sends instant alerts for vulnerabilities impacting your site.

Documentation available for API and webhook configuration

Provides documentation for setting up API and webhook configurations.


Wordfence Intelligence Vulnerability Database API

$0 / free

Plan includes

Free personal and commercial API access
Comprehensive WordPress vulnerability database
Free webhook integration
Access to the same data as the user interface
Stay on top of the latest vulnerabilities
Immediate notifications for vulnerabilities affecting your site
Documentation available for API and webhook configuration
Buy Now

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Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the Snow Monkey Forms plugin for its ease of use, particularly in creating forms within the block editor without needing to write code. Its capabilities allow for quick addition of basic functions and setting up confirmation screens, making it accessible for users with limited coding knowledge. The plugin supports reCAPTCHA and offers class attribute assignments, which aids in maintaining a well-designed form without requiring modifications to HTML or CSS. However, it has limitations compared to MW WP Form, such as restricted functionality within the block editor, lack of CSS class reflection, and difficulty in extending features beyond simple configurations. Advanced customizations and integrations like those with JavaScript are less feasible.


11 Jul, 2024

同じ作者のMW WP FORMと比較すると必要最低限の機能しか備わっていないため、使える場面が結構限られていますが、ブロックディター上で簡単にフォームが作れるのは嬉しいポイントです。しかし、ブロックエディターの挙動に「準じていない」「制限をかけている」箇所が多く中途半端な印象を受けました。 「Snow Monkey Form」ブロックに対して追加CSSクラスを書いてもどこにも反映されない。 「Form」ブロックに対して「Item」ブロックを入れるのが必須なので、他のブロックを入れられない。 MW WP FORMは自由度が高く、他のjsプラグイン(YubinBango)などと組み合わせるのも簡単だったが、Snow Monkey Formは簡単な作りであるが故に拡張がとても難しくなった印象です。


04 Apr, 2024

machine translation: You can create forms with a block editor.Basic functions can be added quickly, and confirmation screens can be quickly set up. Even if you lack the knowledge to write code, this plugin is easy to handle. ブロックエディターでフォームを作ることができます。基本的な機能をすぐに追加することが出来、確認画面などもさっと設定することが出来ます。コードを書くなどの知識がまだ少なくても、扱いやすいプラグインだと思います。


03 Aug, 2023

日本国内で問い合わせフォームのプラグインと言えばContact Form 7が有名ですが、ある程度デザインを整えるにはHTMLやCSSをいじれないと難しいし、確認画面を設けることができません。 Snow Monkey FormsならHTMLもCSSもいじらなくてもある程度整ったデザインのフォームが作れますし、確認画面の有無も選べます。フォームのプラグインでは最もわかりやすく、かつ機能がすばらしいと思います。


11 Jun, 2022

ブロックエディタでコードを書かずにフォームを設置できます。 名前に「Snow Monkey」が付いていますが、テーマは「Snow Monkey」ではなくても使用できます。 確認画面のオン・オフ切り替え、reCAPTCHAに対応しているので、日本国のようなフォームへの要件が厳しいウェブサイトにも採用しやすいです。 フォームや各項目にclass属性を付与できます。また、複数の入力項目をグループ化することもできるので(姓・名を分ける、郵便番号と住所など)、デザインの自由度はかなり高いです。 同じ作者さんの「MW WP Form」と比較するとやや機能は少なくなっていて、高度な入力内容のチェックや、送信後に特定ページへ自動転送はJavaScriptの知識が必要になります。


19 Jun, 2020

How easy is it to do this in the block editor? I can.


Can the Snow Monkey Forms be used with any theme?

What types of form fields are supported by Snow Monkey Forms?

Is Snow Monkey Forms compatible with the block editor?

Where can I find the source code for Snow Monkey Forms?

Do I need to use the Snow Monkey theme to use Snow Monkey Forms?

Can I customize the form fields in Snow Monkey Forms?

Is there any documentation available for Snow Monkey Forms?

Are there any limitations on the number of forms I can create with Snow Monkey Forms?