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Create a Website with AI


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About author

Member since:July 23rd, 2015
Location:Serbia / USA


The team behind ManageWP, the first and most successful service built to help WordPress developers manage their websites with less stress and time wasted. We’ve built over 30 plugins so far, with several of them having over a million downloads. We’re core contributors, WordCamp speakers, sponsors, organizers and volunteers – overall a fun bunch of people 🙂

WordPress Origin Story

We dabbled with WordPress. We figured out that managing multiple websites was a real pain. So we did something about it. We bootstrapped ManageWP back in 2010 – no VC, no millions of dollars to pamper us. We like to believe that’s why ManageWP is now a badass service managing over a quarter of a million websites, with a two dozen strong team to make sure everything runs smoothly. Hard work and team spirit, YARRR!