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Advanced Google Translate

Advanced Google Translate

Advanced Google Translate plugin.


Rating summary




Active installations

Advanced Google Translate
Advanced Google Translate



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Auto translate website contents

Compatible with all themes

Simple settings with inline help

Multiple language switcher options

No impact on page loading

About this plugin

Author: ycxmz100
Version: 2.1.0
Last updated: 11-11-2021
WordPress version: 4.7
Tested up to: 5.8.10
PHP version required: 7.0
Languages: Español, Русский
Learning resources: View resources


The Advanced Google Translate plugin for WordPress offers an effortless and free solution for translating website content into multiple languages. With a single click, it enables multilingual functionality and provides automatic translation for all website elements, including pages and posts. Compatible with various themes and plugins, it features an easy setup process with user-friendly settings. The plugin offers multiple options for language switching, such as short-code, WP menu item, or a floating drop-down menu, and supports live previews of translated pages. Storing all settings in a single database record and eliminating the need for complex JavaScript and CSS files, it ensures minimal impact on page loading times. With support for over 30 languages and no additional charges, the Advanced Google Translate plugin is an ideal choice for building a multilingual website, enabling you to reach a broader audience efficiently.

Auto Translate Website Contents

  • Automatically translates all website contents, including pages and posts.
  • Ensures that your entire site is accessible in multiple languages.

Compatibility and Ease of Use

  • Completely compatible with all themes and plugins.
  • Easy to set up with simple settings and inline help.

Flexible Language Switcher

  • Use short-code [language-switcher], WP menu item, or floating drop-down menu.
  • Allows placement of the language switcher anywhere on the site.

Performance and Cost Efficiency

  • Minimal impact on page loading speed.
  • Totally free with no extra charges for any services.

Features list


Premium version

Use on 25 Sites

Deploy and manage up to 25 different websites.

Unlimited Pageviews

No limit on the number of pageviews across all sites.

Unlimited Users

Allow an unlimited number of users to access the platform.

Exceptions Reports

Generate detailed reports on exceptions and errors.

Site Notes

Add and manage notes for each site.


Automate routine tasks and workflows.

Site Management

Comprehensive tools for managing all aspects of your sites.

WordPress Multisite Support

Full support for managing WordPress multisite networks.

Advanced Access Control

Granular control over user permissions and access levels.

Client License Management

Manage licenses for clients efficiently.

Premium Support

Access to priority customer support services.



$99.6 / year

Plan includes

Use on 1 Site
Unlimited Pageviews
Unlimited Users
Standard Analytics Features
EU Compliance Addon
AI Insights
Standard Reports
Realtime Analytics Dashboard
Buy Now


$399.6 / year

Plan includes

Use on 25 Sites
Unlimited Pageviews
Unlimited Users
Exceptions Reports
Site Notes
Site Management
WordPress Multisite Support
Buy Now

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users highly appreciate the WordPress translation plugin for its simplicity, effectiveness, and ease of installation, which enables their websites to become multilingual and reach a broader audience. They commend its impressive translation accuracy and the fact that no coding knowledge is required. The plugin leverages the Google Translate API to facilitate real-time translations, enhancing site accessibility. However, users express a desire for additional features like options to exclude specific words from translation and more CSS customization, particularly for padding adjustments. Some also noted the limitation of having only nine languages available. Despite these minor drawbacks, the consensus is overwhelmingly positive, with high recommendations for its use.


26 Jan, 2023

The best free translate plugin for wordpress I found till now!Just would love a way to exclude words from translating (like names that start with a capital or so) But hey, its free. Of course it can not be complete.


26 Oct, 2022



26 Oct, 2022

Very good plugin


12 Aug, 2022

La verdad es que me salvó. Es impresionante lo bien que traduce. Si sigue así en poco tiempo será casi perfecto. Felicitaciones. This topic was modified 1 year, 11 months ago by gomezfiori.


05 Jul, 2022



Can I contribute to this plugin?

Is the Advanced Google Translate plugin free?

How many languages does the plugin support?

Is the plugin compatible with all themes and plugins?

How can I place the language switcher on my site?

Does the plugin impact page loading speed?

Where are the plugin settings stored?

Can I preview my translated pages live?