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Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks

Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks

Blocks Animation allows you to add CSS Animations to all of your Gutenberg blocks in the most elegant way.


Rating summary




Active installations

Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks
Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks
Blocks Animation: CSS Animations for Gutenberg Blocks



Customer support & learning resources

Main benefits

Add CSS Animations

Native and intuitive UI

Animation settings in sidebar

Elegant integration

About this plugin

Author: Themeisle
Version: 2.6.13
Last updated: 17-07-2024
WordPress version: 6.2
Tested up to: 6.6
PHP version required: 5.4
Languages: Čeština, Deutsch [+2]


Blocks Animation is a WordPress plugin designed to seamlessly integrate CSS animations into Gutenberg blocks, enhancing the visual appeal of your content. With an intuitive and native-feeling user interface, the plugin ensures that animation settings are effortlessly accessible directly within the Block Settings Sidebar of each Gutenberg block. This streamlined approach allows users to easily apply a variety of animations to their blocks without any intrusive or complicated steps, making it an ideal tool for improving user engagement and interactivity on their WordPress websites.

Elegant CSS Animations

  • Add CSS Animations to all Gutenberg blocks
  • Enhance visual appeal of your website

Native and Intuitive UI

  • Feels like a built-in feature
  • Seamless integration with Gutenberg editor

Easy Installation

  • Simple to install
  • Animation settings appear automatically in Block Settings Sidebar

Enhanced Block Settings

  • Animation settings available for all blocks
  • Conveniently located in the Block Settings Sidebar

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users generally appreciate the WordPress plugin for its ease of integration, time-saving features, and the ability to enhance the visual appeal of their websites through animations. It seamlessly integrates with Gutenberg Blocks and doesn’t require CSS adjustments, making it straightforward to add animations. Users also appreciate that it stores changes in CSS classes, ensuring minimal disruption if uninstalled. However, there are notable drawbacks. Issues such as malfunctioning with newer WordPress versions, lack of font customization, and unintuitive UI are commonly mentioned. Animations can also become too speedy on PC browsers, making them unrecognizable. Additionally, users experience difficulty in managing hover animations and visibility during transitions.


08 Apr, 2024

The best in my experience


23 Nov, 2023

–EnglishThis is no good. It works when opened in a smartphone browser, but when opened on a PC, it is super fast and the animation is almost unrecognizable. The developer asks for a URL to review the trouble, but look at where he introduces this plugin. Everything is super fast. –Japaneseこれ、ダメじゃん。スマートフォンのブラウザで開いたら動くけど、パソコンで開いたら超高速になって、アニメーションがほとんど判らない。 開発者はトラブルのレビューにURLを聞いているけど、このプラグインを紹介しているところを見てごらん。全部が超高速になっているから。


12 Sep, 2023

Smart and well working plugin. Thanks !


12 Jun, 2023

Not working for me with WP 6.2.2 and Spectra One… nothing happens. Animations are dead.
Alexa Andig

Alexa Andig

30 Mar, 2023

Waiting for devs to add hover animations like translateX,Y,Z . But overall and easy to use plugin.


What is Blocks Animation?

How do I install Blocks Animation?

Where can I find the animation settings?

Do I need coding skills to use Blocks Animation?

Can I use Blocks Animation with any Gutenberg block?

Is Blocks Animation compatible with other plugins?

Does Blocks Animation affect website performance?

Can I customize the animations?