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Responsive Pricing Table

Responsive Pricing Table

A responsive and elegant way to present your offer to your visitors. Create a new pricing table now and copy-paste the shortcode anywhere.


Rating summary




Active installations

Responsive Pricing Table
Responsive Pricing Table
Responsive Pricing Table
Responsive Pricing Table
Responsive Pricing Table



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Easy pricing table creation

Customizable plan features

Simple shortcode display

Unlimited free version

PHP 8 compatible

About this plugin

Author: WP Darko
Version: 5.1.12
Last updated: 08-04-2024
WordPress version: 3.6
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: false
Languages: English (Canada), Español de México [+2]
Learning resources: View resources


The Responsive Pricing Table plugin for WordPress enables users to effortlessly create and manage pricing tables directly from the admin panel, simplifying the process of showcasing various pricing plans on their website. With a user-friendly interface, this plugin allows you to add an array of customizable elements including titles, subtitles, descriptions, prices, recurrence types, icons, features, buttons, and colors. It supports custom CSS classes and offers an intuitive, shortcode-based method for integrating tables into any webpage. The free version imposes no limits and is compatible with PHP 8, while additional settings like currency sign customization, plan highlighting, and font adjustments enhance flexibility. The PRO version unlocks advanced features such as price toggles, plan equalizers, new designs, and informative tooltips. Comprehensive documentation and fast support are available to ensure smooth usage and prompt assistance.

Ease of Use

  • Adds a 'Pricing Tables' tab in the admin panel for easy access.
  • Quickly add features to different plans.
  • Display price tables anywhere with a simple shortcode.

Customization Options

  • Choose a color and many other options for each plan.
  • Available fields include title, subtitle, description, price, recurrence, small icon, features, button URL and text, custom buttons, custom CSS classes, and color.
  • Available settings include recommended plan highlighting, currency sign options, link behavior, font settings, and title alignment.

Free and Unlimited

  • No limitations for the Free version.
  • Create as many features and plans as needed without restrictions.

Advanced PRO Features

  • Price toggle for monthly/yearly plans.
  • Pricing plan equalizer for balanced layouts.
  • New designs and layouts for enhanced appearance.
  • Feature tooltips for additional information.

Features list


Free version

Premium version

Create stunning pricing tables effortlessly

Easily design attractive pricing tables.

Customize colors

Personalize the color scheme of your tables.

Showcase tables anywhere using a simple shortcode

Embed tables anywhere with a shortcode.

Feature your staff

Highlight your team members prominently.

Add pictures, job titles, bios, social links

Include images, roles, biographies, and social media links.

Reorder your members on the fly

Easily change the order of team members.

Add a clean notification bar to the top of your site

Place a neat notification bar at the top of your website.

Share messages and custom links with your visitors

Distribute messages and custom links to your audience.

Includes all plugins

Access to all available plugins.

License key for each product

Unique license key provided for every product.


Free Plan

$0 / lifetime

Plan includes

Create stunning pricing tables effortlessly
Customize colors
Showcase tables anywhere using a simple shortcode
Feature your staff
Add pictures, job titles, bios, social links
Reorder your members on the fly
Add a clean notification bar to the top of your site
Share messages and custom links with your visitors
Buy Now

All-in-One Plugin Bundle

$99 / lifetime

Plan includes

Includes all plugins
License key for each product
Create stunning pricing tables effortlessly
Customize colors
Showcase tables anywhere using a simple shortcode
Feature your staff
Add pictures, job titles, bios, social links
Reorder your members on the fly
Buy Now

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

The WordPress plugin excels due to its ease of use, professional design, and responsive interface, allowing users to create visually appealing pricing tables with minimal effort. The plugin provides ample customization options, even in the free version, and works well on various devices and browsers. Users appreciate the excellent and prompt customer support, which resolves issues quickly and efficiently. However, drawbacks include limited HTML tag support, lack of mobile optimization for certain elements, and some useful features being restricted to the premium version. Technical difficulties with shortcodes and compatibility issues with plugins like Elementor have also been reported, along with concerns about losing data upon updates.


20 Mar, 2024

Great plugin! Offers enough customization options for the free version. The support team is fantastic. Thank you!


22 Feb, 2024

The “features” section supports a very limited amount of html tags (img, a, strong).


20 Feb, 2024

What an incredible level of arrogance. Just 3 lines of code for making the boxes the same size is a premium option. Holy fuck. I know that authors of WP plugins are greedy and milking money from everything but sometimes it’s very cool to purchase premium option if it’s worth it and as some kind of “thank you” for author. Here we have pure greed in it’s chemically destilled form. In addition, there is a description stating that the plugin has no time limit for use. Holy fuck x2. Shortcode cannot cope with add-ons such as Elementor, making editing incredibly inconvenient – the block does not appear ready in Elementor editor, but as plain text with an added icon. It takes so much space during writing posts and works simply very bad.Additionally, the plugin does not have good support for mobile devices, causing half of the “length” of the screen to be payment options, instead of horizontally flipping the prices to make whole block smaller and more intuitive.Only plus for it? It works.


30 Nov, 2023

One of the better plugins in my arsenal of WordPress products. Quick, trouble-free, and if there is an issue support responds quickly. Highly recommend.


19 Nov, 2023

Hic bir örnek görsel yok, herseyi manuel girmek gerekiyor


No limitation for the Free version

PRO features

Usage/Video tutorial


How do I create a pricing table?

Can I customize the appearance of the pricing tables?

What fields are available for each pricing plan?

What settings can I configure for the pricing tables?