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Mongoose Page Plugin

Mongoose Page Plugin

The most popular way to display the Facebook Page Plugin on your WordPress website. Easy implementation using a shortcode or widget.


Rating summary




Active installations

Mongoose Page Plugin
Mongoose Page Plugin
Mongoose Page Plugin
Mongoose Page Plugin



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Main benefits

Easy Facebook page integration

Customizable widget areas

Supports 111 languages

Shortcode generator available

Highly rated plugin

About this plugin

Categories: Social Networking
Version: 1.9.1
Last updated: 03-01-2024
WordPress version: 4.6
Tested up to: 6.4.5
PHP version required: 5.3
Languages: English (Australia), English (New Zealand)


The Mongoose Page Plugin for WordPress is a user-friendly tool designed to seamlessly integrate a Facebook Page into your website, trusted by over 30,000 sites globally. It simplifies the process of embedding your Facebook Page by allowing you to place it in any widget area with a custom Mongoose Page Plugin widget, complete with live preview in the Customizer. Additionally, the plugin supports placement in posts, pages, or text widgets via the [facebook-page-plugin] shortcode. Key features include a shortcode generator in the admin dashboard, support for 111 languages, and customizable settings such as size, visibility of the page cover photo, facepile, tabs configuration, and more. The plugin is highly regarded within the WordPress community, boasting numerous installs and positive ratings, making it an ideal solution for enhancing social media presence on your website.

Easy Integration

  • Add your Facebook page to any widget area with the custom Mongoose Page Plugin widget.
  • Live preview available in the Customizer.
  • Use shortcode [facebook-page-plugin] to display the plugin in posts, pages, or text widgets.

Multilingual Support

  • Uses your site language by default.
  • Supports all 111 languages that Facebook supports, including English, Spanish, Arabic, German, French, and Russian.

Highly Customizable

  • Shortcode generator on the admin dashboard for easy shortcode creation.
  • Multiple settings available for customization, including width, height, cover photo, facepile, tabs, call to action, and responsiveness.

Popular and Trusted

  • Trusted by more than 30,000 WordPress websites worldwide.
  • Over 50 5-star ratings, making it one of the most popular social media plugins for WordPress.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations



25 Feb, 2024

Working well so far. The only hiccup seems to be with the Firefox browser even if I turn off the Enhanced Tracking Protection for my website.


16 Jan, 2024

Pasted the code. Showes nothing on any device.


07 May, 2023

wordking ok


20 Nov, 2020

To me, the best Facebook feed plugin. Some others are not responsive. Mongoose is! Some others don’t have tabs -Feed, Events, Messages- Mongoose does! Some others only fecth data from one Facebook page. With Mongoose, you can fetch any FB page feed (provided the source fanpage is correctly configured)! Nice job, Cameron!


09 Jun, 2020

This is a very easy plugin to configure and it works like a charm! I tried several other options that involve complicated code, and none of them worked. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


The plugin doesn’t load properly

The plugin loads but doesn’t show the facepile or posts

Where is the shortcode generator?

Is there a Gutenberg block?

How do I add the Facebook page to a widget area?

Can I use the plugin in multiple languages?

What are the available settings for the shortcode?

How can I change who can see the shortcode generator on the dashboard?