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Formidable Honeypot

Formidable Honeypot

Add SPAM protection to your Formidable forms without annoying your visitors with Captchas, math, or other fields.


Rating summary




Active installations

Formidable Honeypot
Formidable Honeypot



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Invisible SPAM protection

No settings required

Works with Formidable forms

Alerts on SPAM detection

Compatible with Formidable Pro

About this plugin

Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 0.2
Last updated: 25-06-2014
WordPress version: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 3.9.40
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


The Honeypot plugin for WordPress provides an effective and non-intrusive method for SPAM protection by employing the "honeypot" technique. This approach adds an invisible form field to all Formidable forms on your site, which is designed to be undetectable by human users but tricks spambots into filling it out. If this hidden field is populated, the form submission is blocked, thereby preventing SPAM entries. This plugin works seamlessly without any settings adjustments and is compatible with both the free and Pro versions of Formidable. While not officially affiliated with Formidable, the Honeypot plugin extends the functionality of your forms and maintains ease of use, with a gentle request for donations to support the developer's continued work.

Invisible SPAM Protection

  • Uses the 'honeypot' technique to protect against SPAM.
  • Invisible to humans, but tricks robots into filling out an invisible form field.
  • Prevents form submission if the invisible field is filled.

Ease of Use

  • No settings to configure.
  • Automatically added to all Formidable forms on your site.
  • Works seamlessly without user intervention.


  • Tested to work with both Formidable (free) and Formidable Pro.
  • Ensures smooth integration with existing Formidable forms.

User Alerts

  • Alerts visitors when SPAM is suspected and the form is not submitted.
  • Provides feedback to users about form submission status.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate this WordPress plugin for its effective spam prevention using the Honeypot method, which is considered less intrusive and more user-friendly compared to traditional Captchas. The plugin’s simplicity and ease of use are highlighted, with a special note that users need to be logged out of WordPress to see the hidden field in action. However, this login requirement could be seen as a minor inconvenience. Overall, it successfully enhances user experience by keeping forms spam-free without compromising on aesthetics or usability.


28 Jan, 2016

This is a great plugin!!
Adam Robertson

Adam Robertson

26 Nov, 2014

I really dislike Captchas! quite ugly and not a very user-friendly device. Honeypot does the trick! Just remember you must be logged out of WordPress for the hidden field to be there. Thanks Developer!


Can SPAM still sneak through somehow?

Will it ever block real people by accident?

Does it work with both Free and Pro versions of Formidable?

What is the honeypot technique?

Are there any settings to configure?

What happens when SPAM is suspected?

Is this plugin connected to Formidable?

How can I support the development of this plugin?