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Forms: 3rd-Party Integration

Forms: 3rd-Party Integration

Send contact form submissions from other plugins to multiple external services e.g. CRM. Configurable, custom field mapping, pre/post processing.


Rating summary




Active installations

Forms: 3rd-Party Integration
Forms: 3rd-Party Integration
Forms: 3rd-Party Integration
Forms: 3rd-Party Integration
Forms: 3rd-Party Integration



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Integrates with multiple services

Custom field mapping

Hooks and filters available

Send separate or additional emails

Examples for common CRMs

About this plugin

Author: zaus
Version: 1.8
Last updated: 09-09-2019
WordPress version: 3.0
Tested up to: 5.2.21
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


The plugin facilitates seamless integration of popular WordPress forms such as Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, or Ninja Forms with various third-party services like CRMs, enabling efficient data transfers through configurable remote requests (POST). Users can map custom fields, use provided hooks and filters for pre- and post-processing, and send or attach specific results as separate emails. The plugin includes example hooks for common CRM services like Listrak, Mailchimp, and Salesforce, and can be extended through additional plugins to support functionalities like XML/SOAP posts, setting headers, and dynamic fields. Sponsored by Stephen P. Kane Consulting and originally inspired by Alex Hager's work, the plugin also offers a comprehensive FAQ section and GitHub issue tracker for support.

Integration with 3rd-party Services

  • Send form submissions to various 3rd-party services like CRMs.
  • Supports multiple configurable services and custom field mapping.
  • Includes examples for common CRMs such as Listrak, Mailchimp, and Salesforce.

Advanced Hooks and Filters

  • Provides hooks and filters for pre/post processing of results.
  • Allows for further processing on service responses and altering processing results.
  • Enables programmatic alteration of request parameters and remote post arguments.

Email Customization

  • Send separate emails or attach additional results to existing emails.
  • Modify email content based on service responses.
  • Stop email from being sent if service failure occurs.

Extensible Functionality

  • Add-on plugins extend functionality, such as sending XML/SOAP posts and setting headers.
  • Allows adding sections to service admin settings and appending metaboxes to the plugin admin settings page.
  • Includes hooks for bypassing or altering debug logging and submission URLs.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users highly appreciate this WordPress plugin for its seamless integration capabilities with various CRM systems such as SugarCRM, SuiteCRM, Salesforce, Pardot, LassoCRM, Insightly, Capsule, and Zoho. They find it reliable, easy to use, and time-saving, with features that facilitate complex tasks without needing programming skills. The plugin supports different form tools like CF7 and Gravity Forms, making it versatile and convenient for multiple scenarios. The debugging feature and user-friendly settings panel are particularly praised. However, users highlight the need for regular updates and improvements in the UI. Some also encountered implementation difficulties, especially in linking with Salesforce without clear instructions on where to input specific details.


11 Sep, 2021

Excellent free plugin to send your emails contacts to SugarCRM or SuiteCRM like I do. Works perfectly for years. Keep this supported, please.


19 Jul, 2021

Fantastic plugin, very useful and most important thing: still works in WordPress. Now I’m using WordPress 5.7.2 and this plugin still works very well! I’ve just one suggestion: keep updated this plugin, please!!! 😉


14 Mar, 2020

Works as good as any paid plugin–without requiring you to add your account credentials. Providing a plugin developer with admin accounts logins for a company’s CRM platform is a disaster waiting to happen. Not saying those premium plugin companies would do anything malicious but hard to warrant the risk when using POST or GET and OIDs with hooks to transfer the data and tying to a campaign keeps the account safe. Word of advice… if you’re getting redirect errors make sure you don’t use hyphens or underscores in the source field ID and select “Enable data forwarding to the success location” in the Pardot form handler.
Webprom Design

Webprom Design

08 Jan, 2020

Excellent plugin, should make UI a bit better


05 Nov, 2019

It is a great plugin! I use it to join Ninja Forms with Mailrelay and it works perfectly.


I need help / My form isn’t working

How do I add / configure a service?

How can I pre/post process the request/results?

I need to submit multiple values as...

How do I make a GET request instead of POST?

How do I dynamically change the URL?

What about Hidden Fields?

How do I export/import settings?

How do I map url parameters?

How do I send XML/submit to SOAP?

How do I set headers?

How do I show a custom message on the confirmation screen?

How do I conditionally submit? (if field == ...)

How do I resend a service call?

How do I include part of the response in another service call?

How do I include part of the response the contact form results?