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GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent

GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent

This plugin adds GDPR-compliant cookie management to websites, ensuring legal compliance and enhancing user privacy.


Rating summary




Active installations

GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent
GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent
GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent
GDPR Compliance & Cookie Consent



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Transparent privacy policies

GDPR consent checkboxes

Cookie blocking functionality

Access to consumer data

Data deletion requests

About this plugin

Categories: Security
Version: 1.6.1
Last updated: 06-07-2024
WordPress version: 4.6
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: false
Languages: Nederlands


The GDPR Compliance and Cookie Consent plugin for WordPress is a free tool designed to help website owners adhere to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) standards, ensuring user privacy and responsible data management. Key features include customizable privacy and cookie policies, GDPR consent checkboxes for various forms, cookie blocking capabilities, data access, and deletion request options for users. Compatible with WordPress versions 4.6 and higher, this plugin integrates seamlessly with popular plugins like Contact Form 7, Gravity Forms, and WooCommerce, among others. By leveraging these features, website owners can enhance user trust and comply with GDPR regulations, thereby safeguarding both the business and its clientele from severe legal penalties.

Ensure the Right to be Forgotten

  • Users can request to delete all stored data.
  • Deletion requests are confirmed via email link.

Control Data Access

  • Provides a dedicated form for users to request personal data stored on the website.
  • Allows users to access their data easily.

GDPR Consent Checkboxes

  • Adds consent boxes for various forms on the website.
  • Supports WordPress Comments and customized contact forms.

Cookie Blocker

  • Blocks all cookies, including analytics and advertising networks, until formal consent is given.
  • Ensures compliance with GDPR cookie regulations.

Features list


Free version

Premium version

Course Builder

Create and organize course content easily.

Advanced Assignments

Design complex assignments for students.

Course Details Page

Showcase course information and syllabus.

Interactive Quizzes

Engage students with interactive quizzes.

Zoom & Live streams

Conduct live classes and sessions via Zoom.


Connect with various third-party tools.

Online Lessons

Deliver lessons through an online platform.

Drip Content

Schedule content release over time.

Student Management

Manage student data and progress.

Custom Certificates

Award personalized certificates to students.


Generate revenue from your courses.

Media Lessons

Include multimedia content in lessons.

Email manager

Manage and send emails to students.

Page Builders

Create custom pages for your site.

Marketing Tools

Promote your courses with marketing tools.

Statistics and payouts

Track earnings and view detailed statistics.


Collaborate with other instructors on courses.

Email Manager

Manage and send emails to students.


Issue certificates upon course completion.

Udemy Importer

Import courses directly from Udemy.

Point System

Reward students with points for course activities.

Course Bundles

Offer multiple courses as a single bundle.

LMS Forms Editor

Create and customize forms within the LMS.


Set required courses before enrolling in advanced ones.


Create and manage course assignments.

Google Classrooms

Integrate with Google Classroom for course management.

File Upload Manager

Manage and organize uploaded files.

Online Testing

Create and administer online tests.


Track and manage student grades.

Zoom Conference

Host live classes and meetings via Zoom.



$0 / lifetime

Plan includes

Course Builder
Advanced Assignments
Course Details Page
Interactive Quizzes
Zoom & Live streams
Online Lessons
Drip Content
Buy Now


$69 / yearly

Plan includes

Statistics and payouts
Email Manager
Udemy Importer
Point System
Course Bundles
LMS Forms Editor
Buy Now

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations

Mortgage Calculator

Mortgage Calculator

08 Apr, 2024

Works as expected, old bugs fixed


25 Mar, 2024

Currently works perfectly!
Maruf Hasan

Maruf Hasan

20 Aug, 2021

please add the save button


25 Mar, 2021

Hi I have installed and set up the plugin and so far everything is working ok. The cookies window shows up ok on the homepage, and after I click to agree the cookies button, the cookies window is closing. Now the problem with this plugin is that every time when I open a new page on the site, the cookies window opens and asking to accept cookies. It should open once when you enter the homepage of the site and not on any webpage again and again. Is there a fix to it as otherwise it cannot be used as it is now? This topic was modified 3 years, 5 months ago by Jak.


03 Dec, 2020

waste of time, cache plugin conflicts


What is GDPR

GDPR Plugin Features

Who is it for?

How do I use it?

How do my customers use it?

Why should I get it?

Is the plugin compatible with other WordPress plugins?

Can I customize the privacy policy and consent forms?