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GDPR Data Request Form

GDPR Data Request Form

Use WordPress Core GDPR tools to build front-end Personal Data export/erasure forms (includes Widget, Gutenberg Block, shortcode & Hooks).


Rating summary




Active installations

GDPR Data Request Form
GDPR Data Request Form
GDPR Data Request Form
GDPR Data Request Form
GDPR Data Request Form



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

GDPR Compliance Tools

Front-end Data Request Forms

Multiple Integration Options

User-friendly AJAX Forms

Customizable DPO Email

About this plugin

Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 1.7
Last updated: 05-02-2024
WordPress version: 4.9.6
Tested up to: 6.4.5
PHP version required: 5.6
Languages: English (Australia), English (Canada) [+16]


The GDPR Data Request Form plugin seamlessly integrates with WordPress to enhance GDPR compliance by leveraging WordPress Core tools for managing Privacy User Requests. Since WordPress version 4.9.6, administrators can create data requests to export or erase user data, and this plugin enables the display of such Data Request Forms on the front-end, such as on your Privacy Policy Page. Users can easily request personal data export, erasure, or both through user-friendly forms implemented via widgets, Gutenberg Blocks, shortcodes, or PHP functions. The plugin uses AJAX for smooth functionality and allows flexibility in placement across the site. The workflow involves user request submission, confirmation through email, and final validation by the website administrator, ensuring that personal data is securely sent or deleted as requested. The plugin also accommodates changes to the Data Protection Officer's email in the Privacy Settings.

Easy Integration of Data Request Forms

  • Allows administrators to display Data Request Forms on the front-end.
  • Supports integration via Widget, Gutenberg Block, Shortcode, and PHP Function.
  • Provides options for Personal Data Export, Personal Data Erasure, or both.

User-Friendly and Clean Forms

  • Uses AJAX for seamless and user-friendly form interactions.
  • Forms can be integrated into any page, such as the Privacy Policy Page, or in the sidebar/footer.

Customizable Data Protection Officer (DPO) Email

  • The email address of the DPO can be easily changed in the Privacy Settings screen.
  • Ensures that data requests are sent to the correct contact person.

Comprehensive Data Request Workflow

  • Users can request Personal Data Export or Erasure through the form.
  • Requests are managed through WordPress Tools > Export/Erase personal data.
  • Email notifications are sent to both users and administrators to confirm and validate requests.
  • Personal data is sent via email as a downloadable link or erased based on the request.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users love this WordPress GDPR plugin for its essential functionality in helping comply with GDPR regulations. It automates the data removal process, integrates smoothly with Gravity Forms, and supports seamless email communication. The plugin's simplicity and effectiveness are highly appreciated, as it works out-of-the-box and makes GDPR compliance hassle-free. However, users point out a significant drawback where admin paths are visible in confirmation emails, potentially exposing vulnerabilities. Additionally, some users wish for more control over email message content, including a more formal greeting and localization options. Finally, important usage details like the shortcode should be more accessible within the plugin's admin panel.


01 Sep, 2022

I use it on all my GDPR pages so that visitors can query the database and have their respective data removed, if they wish, without me having to do anything. Brilliant and essential!
Loïc Antignac

Loïc Antignac

03 Aug, 2021

An essential extension for those who want to comply with the GDPR. Not having this functionality in the Core is nonsense.


08 Jul, 2020

Very good


12 May, 2020

Very good plugin hoping that it always stays up to date because very very useful function thank you
Wolly aka Paolo Valenti

Wolly aka Paolo Valenti

04 Sep, 2019

I use on some sites, and I think it’s really a fantastic plugin. Thanx



Data Request Workflow

How to display Data Request Forms using the shortcode?

How to display Data Request Forms using the PHP function?

How to display Data Request Forms using widgets?

How to display Data Request Forms using Gutenberg Block?

Can I use custom CSS styles for my GDPR Data Request Forms?

How can I manage Users Personal Data Request in WordPress Admin?

My language is not supported or partially, what can I do?

How can I contribute to this plugin?