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GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms

GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms

Export all Gravity Forms entries to Excel (.xlsx) or CSV via a download button or a secret shareable URL.


Rating summary




Active installations

GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms
GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms
GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms
GravityExport Lite for Gravity Forms



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Save exports to FTP

Export as PDF

Dropbox integration

Secure download URL

Configure export fields

About this plugin

Author: GravityKit
Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 2.3.1
Last updated: 05-07-2024
WordPress version: 4.0
Tested up to: 6.6.0
PHP version required: 7.2
Languages: Español, Español de Venezuela
Learning resources: View resources


GravityExport (Gravity Form Entries in Excel) is a robust WordPress plugin designed to streamline the process of exporting data from Gravity Forms, offering users a no-hassle solution. The plugin enables data exports directly to Excel (.xlsx) or CSV format, eliminating the need for manual configuration. Users can benefit from features such as secure URL sharing for easy data access, limiting download access, combining reports from multiple forms, exporting entry notes, and attaching exports to notifications. The full version extends functionality by supporting PDF exports, Dropbox integration, FTP report storage, and advanced data formatting for analysis. This makes GravityExport an ideal tool for efficiently managing and analyzing Gravity Forms data.

Secure URL for Exporting Entries

  • Generate a secure download URL for sharing data without needing to log in.
  • Reports automatically update as new entries are added.

Direct Export to Excel (.xlsx)

  • Export entries directly to .xlsx format, eliminating the need to import CSV files into Excel.
  • Save time by avoiding re-configuring columns.

Advanced Filtering and Configuration

  • Add search filters to the download URL to filter by date range and field value.
  • Configure which fields are included in your CSV or Excel export, saving setup time.

Additional Powerful Functionality in Full Version

  • Export entries as PDF with customizable output options.
  • Integrate with Dropbox to save form data directly.
  • Send reports to your own FTP server with support for various protocols.
  • Create multiple export URLs for different formats and fields.

Features list


Free version

Share data using a secure URL

Provide a secure link to share your data.

Export directly to Excel (.xlsx)

Export your data directly into Excel format.

Customize your reports

Tailor your reports to meet specific needs.

Analyze, format and share your Gravity Forms data

Examine, organize, and distribute data from Gravity Forms.

Download reports using a secure link

Securely download reports via a protected link.

Easily share or limit access to downloads

Control who can access your downloadable reports.

Download reports from multiple forms at once

Retrieve reports from several forms simultaneously.

Customize your data reports

Personalize your data reports to fit your requirements.

Attach reports to email notifications

Include reports in your email alerts.


GravityExport Lite

$0 / one-time

Plan includes

Share data using a secure URL
Export directly to Excel (.xlsx)
Customize your reports
Analyze, format and share your Gravity Forms data
Download reports using a secure link
Easily share or limit access to downloads
Download reports from multiple forms at once
Customize your data reports
Buy Now

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

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Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations



I don’t want the metadata like ID, date, and IP in my file

I want to rename the labels, but only in Excel, how can I do this?

How can I change the value of a field in Excel?

Can I separate the fields of an address into multiple columns?

I have a custom field. Can your plugin handle this?

How can I change the downloaded file name?

Can I change the sort order of the rows?

I want to download directly from the forms table without the URL!

How can I disable the hyperlinks on URL-only cells?

My numbers are formatted as a string, how can I change the cell type?

I’d like to add a hyperlink to a specific field

I’ve added some notes, where are they?

How do I add colors? It’s all too boring in Excel.

I don’t have enough memory!

Can I hide a row, but not remove it?