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Image Captcha For Gravity Forms

Image Captcha For Gravity Forms

Adds a Honeypot and a clean image captcha to Gravity Forms. Images are made using Font Awesome's font icon.


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Main benefits

GDPR compliant CAPTCHA

Inline SVG images

No additional header requests

Improved spam protection

Customizable CAPTCHA appearance

About this plugin

Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 2.0
Last updated: 16-07-2021
WordPress version: 3.5
Tested up to: 5.8.10
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


This WordPress plugin enhances the spam protection of your Gravity Forms by integrating a honeypot and a GDPR-compliant image CAPTCHA. Users can easily add the image CAPTCHA through the Advanced Fields in the Gravity Forms editor without slowing down their sites, thanks to the use of inline SVG images. The Pro version of the plugin offers robust spam protection features, including extended support for login screens, registration forms, WooCommerce, WPForms, and default WordPress comments. It also provides customization options for the CAPTCHA's appearance and behavior, stronger security measures like hashed answers, and additional features like reverse honeypot and a variety of icon choices. The Pro version ensures improved compliance with ADA/a11y/WCAG standards while offering a jQuery-free experience on the front end.


  • Ensures user data privacy by complying with GDPR regulations.
  • Uses inline SVGs to avoid additional header requests, maintaining site speed.

Enhanced Spam Protection

  • Includes honeypot and image CAPTCHA to deter automated spammers.
  • Pro version offers stronger security with hashed answers and CAPTCHA refresh on submit.

Customization Options

  • Allows customization of CAPTCHA look and style, including icon selection and appearance.
  • Options to change captcha message, errors, box color, border, font, and icon color and size.

Wide Form Support

  • Supports Gravity Forms, WPForms, WooCommerce forms, and WordPress login/registration forms.
  • Pro version extends support to additional forms and provides more control over form appearance.

Rating and reviews


What is the main functionality of this plugin?

Is the CAPTCHA GDPR compliant?

Will this plugin slow down my site?

What additional features are available in the Pro version?

Can I customize the appearance of the CAPTCHA?

Does the plugin support WooCommerce forms?

Is there support for WordPress login and registration forms?

How does the reverse honeypot feature work?