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Infinite Scroll Block

Infinite Scroll Block

Adds an infinite scroll block to the full site editor that can be placed inside a Query Loop to replace classic pagination.


Rating summary




Active installations

Infinite Scroll Block
Infinite Scroll Block



Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Infinite scroll functionality

Replaces classic pagination

Detects user proximity

Includes loading posts block

Includes no more posts block

About this plugin

Author: Patrick
Categories: Content Management
Version: 1.1.0
Last updated: 30-03-2024
WordPress version: false
Tested up to: 6.4.5
PHP version required: false


The Infinite Scroll Block plugin enhances the full site editor in WordPress by introducing an infinite scroll feature, which substitutes traditional pagination within a Query Loop. When users approach 1200px (default) from the designated infinite scroll block, the frontend script automatically loads additional posts, providing a seamless browsing experience. The plugin also includes two optional blocks: the Loading Posts Block, which shows content during the loading process of new posts, and the No More Posts Block, which displays when there are no more posts to load. Users should note that using more than one Post Template Block or Infinite Scroll Block within a single Query Block may result in undefined behavior.

Infinite Scroll Block

  • Replaces classic pagination with infinite scrolling.
  • Detects when the user is 1200px from the block to fetch more posts.
  • Best placed right after the theme template block.

Loading Posts Block

  • Displays content while more posts are loading.
  • Provides a visual indication that more content is being fetched.

No More Posts Block

  • Displays a message when there are no more posts to load.
  • Informs users that they have reached the end of the content.

Full Site Editor Integration

  • Can be placed inside a Query Loop in the full site editor.
  • Enhances the user experience by seamlessly integrating with the site's design.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the plugin's effectiveness and simplicity, particularly noting that it enhances functionality without overhauling existing structures. It integrates seamlessly with Site Editor themes and upgrades utility while maintaining ease of use. Users value the reliability it provides, especially in block creation scenarios. However, a recurring issue is noted: when a list block is situated beyond a certain article position on a multi-post blog page, the list can flow out improperly. Despite this minor bug, which users hope will be addressed, the overall user sentiment is positive, highlighting the plugin's role in improving their editing experience.
James Revillini

James Revillini

05 Aug, 2024

This plugin and the new block you created works so well. FINALLY, a plugin that doesn’t reinvent the wheel, just upgrades the rims!!! Made my day.One funny thing I noticed that has nothing to do with functionality – if I don’t have your plugin loaded and I hit the [+] button in the editor and type Infinite, your plugin comes up under a different name – I think it said “No more posts” hahahahah … but same icon, same ratings.


05 Mar, 2024

This plugin saved my life. Thank you very much.


29 Dec, 2022

Very good extension, works well in most cases, but I found an issue with list blocks. Some times, the list flows out of the post article. I have a blog page, with 2 columns and 4 items per page. When there is a list block in post number 5, the list flows out. It’s ok if there is a list block in post number 4. I hope this will help you. Thanks This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by frankychambers. This topic was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by frankychambers.


21 Nov, 2022

Love the simplicity of this plugin. Works perfectly within Site Editor themes. Nice work 🚀 This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by spidrweb.


What is the purpose of the Infinite Scroll Block?

Where should I place the Infinite Scroll Block?

How does the Infinite Scroll Block detect when to load more posts?

What are the optional blocks included with the Infinite Scroll Block?

What does the Loading Posts Block do?

What does the No More Posts Block do?

Can I add more than one Post Template Block to a Query Block?

Can I add more than one Infinite Scroll Block to a Query Block?