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JWT Authentication for WP REST API

JWT Authentication for WP REST API

Extends the WP REST API using JSON Web Tokens Authentication as an authentication method.


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JWT Authentication for WP REST API
JWT Authentication for WP REST API



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Secure token-based authentication

Supports WP REST API

Customizable token settings

Easy token validation

CORS support available

About this plugin

Author: Tmeister
Version: 1.3.4
Last updated: 11-09-2023
WordPress version: 4.2
Tested up to: 6.3.5
PHP version required: 7.4.0
Learning resources: View resources


The "wp-api-jwt-auth" is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance the WP REST API V2 by incorporating JSON Web Tokens (JWT) as an authentication method, ensuring secure and efficient credential validation between clients and the server. JSON Web Tokens, adhering to the industry-standard RFC 7519, facilitate secure transmission of claims. The plugin requires WP REST API V2 and PHP 7.4 or higher, with specific configurations to enable HTTP Authorization Headers. Key functionalities include generating and validating tokens through endpoints, storing tokens securely, and integrating them into API calls for authentication. For developers, it offers various filters to customize token generation and validation processes, and supports CORS configurations. The plugin's source is maintained on GitHub, where users can also seek support and contribute.

Secure Authentication

  • Uses JSON Web Tokens (JWT) for secure authentication.
  • JWTs are an open, industry-standard method for representing claims securely between two parties.
  • Ensures that user credentials are validated and securely transmitted.

Easy Integration

  • Extends the WP REST API V2 plugin features.
  • Simple configuration steps to set up secret keys and enable CORs support.
  • Provides clear instructions for enabling HTTP Authorization Header.

Developer Friendly

  • Offers multiple hooks to customize default settings.
  • Allows modification of token data before encoding and signing.
  • Supports changing the signing algorithm and token expiration settings.

Comprehensive Endpoints

  • Adds new namespace and endpoints for token generation and validation.
  • Provides endpoints to validate user credentials and return tokens.
  • Includes helper endpoint to validate tokens easily.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users generally appreciate the WordPress plugin for its ease of installation and integration, especially with mobile apps using frameworks like Flutter, Vue.js, ReactJS, and Angular. It's praised for its simplicity in setting up authentication for external applications and providing good documentation. The plugin helps users by extending the WP REST API and allowing fast and effective user authentication without the complexities of OAuth. However, drawbacks include issues with WooCommerce API calls and non-authorized endpoints, leading to errors like "Authorization header malformed." Some users report challenges with token management, such as expiring tokens and handling user deletions. Consistent updates and clearer instructions are also desired.


30 Jul, 2024

I can’t find references about how to block endpoints. You can use a code like this: // add user id to the token to store on your front endfunction add_user_id_and_role_to_jwt_response( $data='', $user='' ) { $data[ 'user_id' ] = $user->data->ID; return $data;}add_filter( 'jwt_auth_token_before_dispatch', 'add_user_id_and_role_to_jwt_response', 10, 2);// create a callback functionfunction token_jwt_permission_callback ( WP_REST_Request $request = null ) { $user_id = sanitize_text_field( $request->get_param( 'user_id' ) ); $jwt = new Jwt_Auth(); $jwt_public = new Jwt_Auth_Public( $jwt->get_plugin_name(), $jwt->get_version() ); $user_id_at_token = $jwt_public->determine_current_user( $user_id ); $validate_token = $jwt_public->validate_token( $request ); $valid_token = false; if ( !is_wp_error( $validate_token ) ) { $valid_token = ( $validate_token[ 'code' ] === 'jwt_auth_valid_token' ); } if ( !$valid_token || $user_id != $user_id_at_token ) { return false; } return true;}// when register your route: register_rest_route( self::get_plugin_namespace(), '/get_services', array( array( 'methods' => WP_REST_Server::CREATABLE, 'callback' => array( $this, 'get_services' ), 'permission_callback' => 'token_jwt_permission_callback', // <<<<<< set your callback here ) ) );


13 Mar, 2024

I integrated it with my Flutter app, and it works flawlessly. Here is a little piece of code that I implemented to get User ID and Role: add_filter('jwt_auth_token_before_dispatch', 'add_user_id_and_role_to_jwt_response', 10, 2); function add_user_id_and_role_to_jwt_response($data, $user) { // Aggiungi il campo 'user_id' al JSON della risposta $data['user_id'] = $user->data->ID; // Ottieni il ruolo dell'utente $user_roles = $user->roles; $user_role = !empty($user_roles) ? $user_roles[0] : ''; // Aggiungi il campo 'user_role' al JSON della risposta $data['user_role'] = $user_role; // Restituisci il nuovo array dati modificato return $data; } This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by graficowalab.


30 Jan, 2024

Perfect! This plugin is very easy to install and use. It’s also easy to extend and add your own return data.


21 Nov, 2023

It totally works fine. It was challenging to set it up in start but this plugin is helping me to extend the functionalities for my mobile app.


11 Sep, 2023

Hi, The new version (1.3.3) block woocommerce api call. I use OAuth1 for woocommerce so I didn’t use jwt for that (only for sign in) but now I have a 403 error. Message: “Authorization header malformed.” Can you tell why and how to resolved that ? Thank you.


What is the purpose of the wp-api-jwt-auth plugin?

What are the requirements to use the wp-api-jwt-auth plugin?

How do I enable the PHP HTTP Authorization Header?

How do I configure the secret key for JWT?

How do I enable CORs support?

What endpoints are added by the wp-api-jwt-auth plugin?

How do I use the /wp-json/jwt-auth/v1/token endpoint?

What should I do with the token once I receive it?