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Local Google Fonts

Local Google Fonts

Host your used Google fonts on your server and make your site more GDPR compliant 💯.


Rating summary




Active installations

Local Google Fonts
Local Google Fonts
Local Google Fonts



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Host Google fonts locally

Enhance GDPR compliance

Avoid legal issues

Improve site privacy

About this plugin

Author: EverPress
Categories: Security
Version: 0.22.0
Last updated: 11-09-2023
WordPress version: 4.6
Tested up to: 6.3.5
PHP version required: false
Languages: Deutsch (Sie), Deutsch [+9]
Learning resources: View resources


The WordPress plugin aims to enhance your website's GDPR compliance by allowing you to host Google Fonts directly on your own server. This is in response to a German court ruling in January 2022, which determined that using Google Fonts could violate Europe's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). By self-hosting the fonts, you reduce the reliance on Google's servers, thus potentially mitigating privacy concerns and legal risks associated with using externally hosted fonts.

GDPR Compliance

  • Hosts Google Fonts locally on your server
  • Reduces the risk of GDPR violations
  • Avoids potential legal issues related to data privacy

Improved Site Performance

  • Reduces external HTTP requests
  • Potentially faster page load times
  • Enhances user experience by minimizing latency

Increased Control

  • Full control over font versions and updates
  • Eliminates dependency on third-party services
  • Ensures consistent font availability

Enhanced Security

  • Reduces exposure to third-party vulnerabilities
  • Minimizes the risk of external script injections
  • Improves overall site security by limiting external dependencies

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the Wordpress plugin for its simplicity and effectiveness in making a website GDPR-compliant by hosting Google Fonts locally, thus addressing privacy concerns. Many found it easy to install and use, with some mentioning that it worked out of the box without customization. It also saved considerable time and effort in managing fonts across multiple client websites. However, several users noted drawbacks: limited documentation on initial setup, compatibility issues with certain themes or other plugins, and the plugin being outdated. These issues led some to experience malfunctioning or incomplete font detection and replacement. Overall, the plugin gets praise for its core functionality but needs better support and updates.


13 Jul, 2024

Easy Google Fonts with same logo work perfectly. But this plugin useless and unclear why.
Chris Lovie-Tyler

Chris Lovie-Tyler

18 Apr, 2024

Does what I need it to. Thanks!


01 Feb, 2024

Good plugin. But it s scan homepage only for font detection ?


26 Nov, 2023

I couldn’t find any documentations about what to do first with this plugin. Also I couldn’t find nothing on the Setting page. How do I make it work? Furthermore, it is outdated now.


22 Nov, 2023

I was very positively surprised by this plugin. It did – out of the box without any customization – the core tasks which is something other plugins want you to pay for. A client website was made compliant with the GDPR in just 5 minutes and even the client was surprised how easy it all was. Kudos to the developers for the ease of use; this is one impressive piece of software if you ask me. Please keep up the great work. 🙂


Will this load Google Fonts automatically?

Is it Legal to Self-Host Google Fonts?

How to check if my site is loading Google Fonts?

My fonts do not show up on the settings page, what can I do?

My fonts are not replaced, what can I do?

The Divi theme still loads a Google font?

Why only the woff2 font format is loaded?

How to host Fonts loaded with Slider Revolution?

Why are some characters displayed in the fallback font?