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WP Login and Register using JWT

WP Login and Register using JWT

WordPress login (WordPress Single Sign-On) using JWT token obtained from other WordPress sites or applications. Synchronize user sessions between your …


Rating summary




Active installations

WP Login and Register using JWT



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Secure auto-login feature

Session synchronization support

Cross-platform compatibility

Customizable token settings

User management APIs

About this plugin

Author: miniOrange
Version: 2.8.0
Last updated: 04-06-2024
WordPress version: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: 5.6
Learning resources: View resources


The WordPress Login and Register using JWT plugin facilitates seamless Single Sign-On (SSO) for WordPress users by allowing them to log into their WordPress site using a JWT token, which can be obtained from various external applications or platforms such as mobile apps or other WordPress sites. This plugin removes the need for users to log in multiple times, enhancing user experience by synchronizing sessions across different platforms. It supports JWT tokens from numerous OAuth/OpenID Connect providers like Google, Facebook, Microsoft Azure, and more. Key features include a WordPress login endpoint to generate user-based JWT tokens, auto-login capabilities using JWT passed via URL, headers or cookies, and API endpoints for user registration and deletion within WordPress. The plugin offers both free and premium plans, with additional security and customization options available under the premium plan, accommodating token expiration customization, role mapping, and SSO audit tracking.

WordPress Single Sign-On (SSO)

  • Allows users to log in to WordPress using credentials from other platforms.
  • Utilizes user-based JWT tokens obtained externally for authentication.
  • Eliminates the need for users to log in multiple times across different applications.

Automatic Session Synchronization

  • Synchronizes user sessions between WordPress and other applications.
  • Supports various frameworks like React, Node, Next JS, Flutter, Angular, Java, PHP, and C#.
  • Ensures seamless user experience by maintaining login sessions across platforms.

Mobile App Integration

  • Allows automatic WordPress login and site access from mobile app web views.
  • Synchronizes user sessions between mobile apps and WordPress sites.
  • Enhances user experience by eliminating the need to re-enter credentials.

Comprehensive API Endpoints

  • Provides endpoints for user registration, login, and deletion using JWT tokens.
  • Supports secure JWT token generation and validation.
  • Enables easy integration with external applications and platforms.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the plugin for its comprehensive documentation and exceptional support team. The support team is praised for their responsiveness and willingness to assist, even through direct methods like Google Meet. Special mention was given to Vidushi Gupta for her outstanding support. However, users also noted some issues during implementation in the development environment, which required significant support to resolve. Despite these challenges, the overall sentiment is positive due to the effective and kind assistance from the support team, making the plugin highly recommended.


02 Jul, 2024

I chosed this plugin because the documentation was comprehensive. Upon checking if it could meet the specifications we required, the support team was extremely helpful, which was a major plus. After purchasing, when we tried to implement it in the development environment, we encountered several issues. The support team continued to provide ongoing support, and at times, they advised us via Google Meet while checking our screens, which helped us resolve the issues successfully. I am truly grateful, thank you! Special thanks to Vidushi Gupta, who was outstanding.


25 Aug, 2023

Great support team with fast response.


21 Aug, 2023

They helped me solve various technical problems in a very short time, with kindness and helpfulness! Highly recommended plugin and premium support service πŸ™‚


What is the login using JWT or JWT login?

What is JWT SSO (JWT Single Sign-On)?

Does this plugin allow auto login users in WordPress from mobile applications?

Does this plugin allow WordPress user registration and deletion of the REST API endpoint?

Can sessions across multiple applications be synchronized using this plugin?

Does this plugin provide session sharing for WordPress site opened in the web view of a mobile application?

I am using AWS Cognito to log in user to my site built using react and want to achieve auto-login in WordPress when the user accesses the WordPress site using an existing AWS Cognito session