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VS Contact Form

VS Contact Form

With this lightweight plugin you can create a contact form.


Rating summary




Active installations

VS Contact Form
VS Contact Form
VS Contact Form
VS Contact Form
VS Contact Form



Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Lightweight contact form

Customizable form fields

Dashboard submission display

Supports multiple email addresses

Avoids spam with sum field

About this plugin

Author: Guido
Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 16.2
Last updated: 21-06-2024
WordPress version: 5.0
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: 7.0
Languages: English (Australia), English (Canada) [+21]
Learning resources: View resources


The VS Contact Form plugin is a lightweight solution for creating customizable contact forms on WordPress websites. Users can easily integrate the form into pages, posts, or sidebars using blocks, shortcodes, or widgets. The form includes essential fields such as Name, Email, Subject, and Message, alongside features like a sum field to prevent abuse and a privacy consent checkbox. Customization options are extensive, allowing adjustments through the settings page or by appending attributes to blocks, shortcodes, and widgets. Additional functionalities include the ability to display form submissions within the dashboard, adjust email settings, and tailor labels, placeholders, and error messages. This plugin supports SMTP to reduce the likelihood of emails being marked as spam and recommends excluding the contact page from caching plugins to avoid conflicts. Though the plugin doesn't come with pre-included translations, it supports WordPress language packs, inviting users to contribute new translations for broader accessibility.

Customizable Contact Form

  • Easily create a contact form with fields for Name, Email, Subject, and Message.
  • Includes a sum field to avoid abuse and a privacy consent checkbox.
  • Customize form via settings page or by adding attributes to the block, shortcode, or widget.

Multiple Display Options

  • Display the form using a block, shortcode, or widget.
  • Add the form to any page or widget area on your website.
  • Attributes can override settings for specific forms, useful for multiple forms on one site.

Dashboard Form Submissions

  • Activate form submissions to be displayed in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Easily manage and review form submissions from the 'Submissions' menu item.

Enhanced Email Delivery

  • Supports SMTP for sending emails, reducing the chance of submissions being marked as spam.
  • Customize email settings such as 'From' header, subject, and recipient addresses.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the simplicity and ease of use of the WordPress plugin, which allows them to quickly set up a contact form without unnecessary features. This minimalist approach results in a lightweight plugin that doesn't consume significant system resources. Users find it straightforward to install, configure, and customize through shortcodes, and are particularly impressed with the responsive and helpful support provided by the developer, Guido. However, some users noted drawbacks such as the inability to easily change the email recipient from the site admin and limited customization options for form fields and labels. Despite these issues, the overall feedback highlights satisfaction with its simplicity and functionality.
Chris Lovie-Tyler

Chris Lovie-Tyler

18 Apr, 2024

I needed a simple form plugin that didn’t come with all the bells and whistles like most of the others. This does what I need. Thanks!


21 Feb, 2024

I had a problem with spam lately after years of not getting any really, which in itself is a great result already. I already liked the plugin for its simplicity and clean look, but after experiencing how Guido addressed my questions when we did got spam, I can only say this man is a true caring professional. You feel his intention is to try to make his extension better, being very informative with consistent communication along the way. I wish everyone was like him, would make everything much more fluent. This review is well deserved, It’s not many times i write an unasked review, but I feld this time it wouldnt be fair if I didnt. Thanks a lot Guido, again. This topic was modified 5 months ago by optimalprime.


06 Oct, 2023

I just love it.


12 Aug, 2023

Simple to use, activate, drop [contact] in a page. Done Looks good, works good. Period, what more do you want?


28 Nov, 2022

… is this plugin when they are looking for contact forms. There are some many contact form plugins with drag and drop building stuff really nobody uses. This plugin is really simple and perfect for my use! Also this plugin does not contact any external servers. Perfect!


How do I set plugin language?

What is the default email address?

Why is the 'from' email address not from sender?

Can I display multiple forms on the same page?

Can I add extra fields to form?

Why does form submission fail?

Why do I not receive form submissions?

Does this plugin have anti-spam features?

Does this plugin meet the conditions of the GDPR?

Why is there no semantic versioning?

How can I make a donation?

Other questions or comments?

How do I customize the form?

How do I display form submissions in the dashboard?

What is SMTP and why should I use it?

How do I avoid conflicts with caching plugins?