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WP Content Copy Protection with Color Design

WP Content Copy Protection with Color Design

This plugin will protect the posts content from copying by disable right click and disable selecting text. You can exclude pages and posts.


Rating summary




Active installations

WP Content Copy Protection with Color Design
WP Content Copy Protection with Color Design
WP Content Copy Protection with Color Design
WP Content Copy Protection with Color Design



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Prevents content copying

Customizable alert messages

Disable right-click functionality

Exclude specific pages/posts

Protects print preview

About this plugin

Categories: Security
Version: 2.3.8
Last updated: 13-03-2024
WordPress version: 3.0
Tested up to: 6.4.5
PHP version required: false
Languages: 日本語, Русский [+1]


WP Content Copy Protection with Color Design is a robust security plugin designed to safeguard your WordPress website's content. It effectively prevents unauthorized copying of text and images by disabling right-click functions and blocking keyboard shortcuts such as CTRL+C, CTRL+A, CTRL+X, CTRL+V, and CTRL+P. The plugin also allows you to display a customizable alert message when right-click actions are attempted, with options to adjust the alert window's color to match your website's theme. Additionally, you can tailor the protection by excluding specific pages, posts, or login users, ensuring only desired content remains secure. This comprehensive tool ensures your content remains yours, providing peace of mind and enhanced security for your site.

Content Protection

  • Prevents copying of content and images
  • Disables text selection and drag-and-drop of images
  • Blocks common keyboard shortcuts like CTRL+C, CTRL+A, CTRL+X, CTRL+V, and CTRL+P

Customizable Alert Messages

  • Displays an alert window when right-click is attempted
  • Allows customization of alert messages
  • Option to change the color of the alert window to match your website

Selective Protection

  • Option to exclude specific pages and posts from protection
  • Ability to protect only specified pages and posts
  • Exclude logged-in users from protection

Additional Security Features

  • Option to disable right-click without showing an alert window
  • Protects print preview page (CTRL+P)

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations

Benjamin Wälzlein

Benjamin Wälzlein

14 Jun, 2024

it´s not a bug it’s a feature 😉 when it would be clear and deactivated after 3xtimes pushn´ on the right mouse button for a special secret function like a tricky for fast inputer of the company or worker, that could be the nicest feature of WordPress… maybe it is possible! I would be very happy for that. 😉 (Q) 5-5*****


13 Dec, 2022

Thank you for making this plugin! Even though I bought a premium plugin for content copy, it could not prevent printing!! But this plugin performed the job flawlessly!


26 Jul, 2022

Only basic functions work using hot keys. None of the options work from any browser menu. So, waste of time. Install and try to do all options from browser menu, everything works like printing, save the page, developer tools like inspect element, view page source. So what is the point of having this plugin. Waste of time.


06 Sep, 2021

I want to share my experience with the developer of this plugin. I purchased the pro version, but noticed that it is missing one feature, which is not critical, but still. I wrote to the developer to clarify. The developer didn’t make something up and make excuses like many vendors do. The developer apologized and returned the money. I was very pleasantly surprised. I recommend Kazuki Yanamoto as an honest and decent seller. He is a pleasure to work with.


14 Jul, 2021

<p>You have to buy the Pro version to block the F12 copy-capability that some PCs have, but it’s well worth it.</p> <p>It has saved me a lot of effort stopping scrapers and content thieves, not to mention the time saved sending out DMCAs.</p> <p>Kazuki, the Developer, is very dilligent answering queries, if you encounter problems setting it up.</p> <p>I didn’t have a PC to test if the F12 trick was working after I set up the Pro version, so Kazuki made a video to show me it works perfectly to block PC trickery.</p> <!– wp:paragraph –> <p>April 2023 Update: Working perfectly well, and regularly updated by Kazuki San to keep pace with WP core updates. I’ve not had to send a single DMCA notice since I installed both Pro plugins.</p> <!– /wp:paragraph –> This topic was modified 3 years ago by 1waytoheaven. This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by 1waytoheaven. Reason: Update


Does is affects SEO?

Does it work on smartphone and tablet?

Can I just only disable right click and have no messages?

Can I exclude certain pages and posts from protection?

Can I customize the alert messages?

Can I disable right click without showing an alert window?

Does the plugin protect print preview pages?

Can I exclude logged-in users from the protection?