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Paid Memberships Pro – ConvertKit Integration

Paid Memberships Pro – ConvertKit Integration

This plugin integrates ConvertKit with Paid Memberships Pro.


Rating summary




Active installations

Paid Memberships Pro – ConvertKit Integration
Paid Memberships Pro – ConvertKit Integration



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Capture more leads

Sell more products

Subscribe and tag members

Add purchase data

About this plugin

Version: 1.2.0
Last updated: 11-04-2024
WordPress version: 5.2
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


The ConvertKit for Paid Memberships Pro plugin is designed to seamlessly integrate lead capture and email marketing functionalities into your membership site. By subscribing and tagging your Paid Memberships Pro members in ConvertKit, the plugin ensures efficient email segmentation and personalized communication. Additionally, it enriches your subscriber data by adding purchase details from the initial membership checkout, enabling targeted marketing and sales strategies to ultimately boost lead generation and product sales.

Easy Lead Capture

  • Simplifies the process of capturing leads
  • Integrates seamlessly with ConvertKit

Enhanced Product Sales

  • Facilitates selling more products
  • Leverages ConvertKit's powerful marketing tools

Automated Subscriber Management

  • Automatically subscribes and tags Paid Memberships Pro members
  • Ensures accurate and up-to-date subscriber information

Purchase Data Integration

  • Adds purchase data to the subscriber profile
  • Tracks initial membership checkout details in Paid Memberships Pro

Features list


Premium version

Dedicated account manager

Personalized support from a dedicated account manager.

Custom development support

Assistance with tailored development needs.

Advanced analytics and insights

In-depth data analysis and actionable insights.

Priority feature requests

Expedited handling of feature requests.

Exclusive webinars and training

Access to special webinars and training sessions.

Extended support hours

Support available beyond standard business hours.

Custom integration assistance

Help with integrating custom solutions.

Enhanced scalability options

Advanced options for scaling your operations.

White-labeling options

Ability to rebrand the product as your own.

Early access to new features

Get new features before they are publicly released.



$297 / yearly

Plan includes

All features in Free plan
Advanced content restriction options
Priority support
Access to premium Add Ons
Enhanced security features
Customizable frontend UI
Member management tools
Detailed analytics and reporting
Buy Now


$597 / yearly

Plan includes

Dedicated account manager
Custom development support
Advanced analytics and insights
Priority feature requests
Exclusive webinars and training
Extended support hours
Custom integration assistance
Enhanced scalability options
Buy Now

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Does this plugin require a paid service?

What does this plugin do?

Is this plugin compatible with Paid Memberships Pro?

Can I track purchase data with this plugin?

Do I need a ConvertKit account to use this plugin?

How does this plugin help with lead capture?

Does this plugin support tagging in ConvertKit?

Is there any additional setup required after installing the plugin?