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SAR Friendly SMTP

SAR Friendly SMTP

A friendly SMTP plugin for WordPress. No third-party, simply using WordPress native possibilities.


Rating summary




Active installations

SAR Friendly SMTP
SAR Friendly SMTP



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

No third-party libraries

Respects modified fields

Enable debug mode

Secure settings page

Send Email Test page

About this plugin

Version: 1.2.6
Last updated: 02-05-2024
WordPress version: 4.9
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: 7.0
Languages: Français
Learning resources: View resources


This WordPress SMTP plugin is designed as a straightforward solution for sending emails through an SMTP server, addressing common issues with existing plugins that frequently break functionality by overwriting the 'from' address and name fields. Developed to adhere to the KISS principle, it uses WordPress core for SMTP without relying on third-party libraries, thus ensuring compatibility with other email-sending plugins like Gravity Forms. Key features include the ability to enable debug mode for logging communications, secure settings configuration via the WordPress settings API, and customizable access to settings through user roles. Additionally, it provides an Email Test page to verify SMTP setup correctness and supports overriding settings via `wp-config.php`, ideal for multi-site installations. Compatible with PHP 7.0+ and WordPress 4.9+, the plugin aims to be a reliable and user-friendly tool for administrators, while also welcoming contributions from developers for continuous improvement.

KISS Principle

  • Keeps the plugin simple and easy to use.
  • Avoids unnecessary complexity.

No Third-Party Libraries

  • Uses WordPress core for SMTP functionality.
  • Reduces dependency on external libraries.

Respect for Other Plugins

  • Does not overwrite 'from address' and 'from name' fields.
  • Ensures compatibility with plugins like Gravity Forms.

Debug Mode and Test Email

  • Option to enable debug mode for logging communication.
  • Send Email Test page to verify SMTP settings.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the SAR Friendly SMTP plugin for its simplicity, minimal size, and efficiency in sending emails via SMTP without unnecessary features or advertisements. It's praised for its easy setup, effective performance, and compatibility with tools like Gravity Forms and Divi Builder Contact form. Users value its straightforward configuration, debugging tools, and the ability to add settings in the wp-config.php file, making it suitable for multisite installations. However, some users have expressed concerns about its functionality in multisite environments and the added top-level item in the admin menu. There are a few instances where it failed to deliver emails or did not respect override "FROM" values.


12 Jul, 2024

It is clean and simple plugin. It does what is needed without annoying ads. Thanks!


22 Apr, 2024

I used to use PostMan SMTP – now Post SMTP plugin, but this has become very annoying. Because it has become a bulky plugin that almost forces you to go to a paid subscription. The Post SMTP zip file is 8,7MB, while this SAR Friendly SMTP is only 38kB! Of course the other plugin has many more options, but if you just need the mail to be sent by SMTP this SAR Friendly SMTP plugin is absolutely fabulous. Therefore I just made a small donation.


21 Dec, 2023

Thank you!


31 Dec, 2022

Perfect and tiny in size…just awesome


11 Aug, 2022

We tried Postmark. We tried Post SMTP. They would either not deliver e-mails at all (via a SendGrid API relay)… or would only relay text versions. With this plugin, it just WORKED. Thank you!


I can’t receive emails sent by my WordPress, what happen?

Where can I find that PHP error log file?

I’m using Gmail SMTP server and all my emails are sent with my Gmail account address in the from address field even when I have another email in 'From Email Address', why?

My emails are sent, debug log looks ok, but they’re lost in the cyberspace, never reach the destination! Why life is so cruel with me? I’m going to cry!

What means error messages displayed on send email test screen?

My emails always have the site name as from name, FROM Name in settings is not being used, why?

Can I set the SMTP server configuration from wp-config.php using constants?