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Send Emails with Mandrill

Send Emails with Mandrill

The Send Emails with Mandrill plugin sends emails that are generated by WordPress through Mandrill, a transactional email service powered by MailChimp …


Rating summary




Active installations

Send Emails with Mandrill
Send Emails with Mandrill
Send Emails with Mandrill
Send Emails with Mandrill
Send Emails with Mandrill



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Uses Mandrill API

Tracks and tags emails

Supports custom templates

Easy installation and configuration

Spanish translation available

About this plugin

Author: Matt Miller
Version: 1.3.1
Last updated: 05-01-2023
WordPress version: 3.0
Tested up to: 6.1.7
PHP version required: 5.6
Learning resources: View resources


The "Send Emails with Mandrill" WordPress plugin leverages the Mandrill API to streamline the process of sending outgoing emails including attachments, directly from your WordPress website, effectively replacing the default wp_mail function. This forked version of the previously unsupported wpMandrill plugin ensures seamless email tracking and automatic tagging for detailed statistics accessible through the Mandrill Dashboard. Users can add general or specific tags to emails and utilize their own MailChimp templates that are shared with their Mandrill account. The plugin offers multiple integration levels, from simple installation and configuration to advanced customization via filters and exposed functions like wpMandrill::mail. It requires a valid Mandrill API key, which can be entered in the settings page or through the site's wp-config.php file. Additionally, it is localized in Spanish and helps users by providing support forums for troubleshooting. Known limitations include incomplete data representation in daily statistics for accounts with an extensive number of senders or tags.

Easy Integration

  • Simple installation and configuration process.
  • Automatically starts sending emails through Mandrill once configured.

Enhanced Email Tracking

  • Emails are tracked and automatically tagged for statistics within the Mandrill Dashboard.
  • Ability to add general and specific tags to emails for detailed tracking.

Customizable Email Sending

  • Allows the use of custom templates from MailChimp shared with Mandrill.
  • Provides a function to send emails from within plugins, replacing the wp_mail function.

Localization Support

  • Currently localized in Spanish (es_ES).
  • Supports adding translations for other languages.

Features list


Free version

Premium version

Available on

The plugin can be downloaded from

2% Additional Application Fees

An extra 2% fee is applied to each transaction.

Community Forums

Access to community forums for support and discussions.

Stripe, Square, or PayPal

Supports payments through Stripe, Square, or PayPal.

No Unlimited Images

Does not support unlimited image uploads.

No Coupons or Promotions

Does not offer coupon or promotion features.

No Downloads or Subscriptions

Does not support downloadable products or subscriptions.

No B2B Features

Lacks features specifically for business-to-business transactions.

No Membership Content

Does not offer content restricted to members only.

Everything in PRO

Includes all features available in the PRO plan.

Apps + Extensions

Access to additional apps and extensions for enhanced functionality.

Unlimited Support Requests

Submit an unlimited number of support requests.

Stripe, Square, and PayPal

Integration with Stripe, Square, and PayPal payment gateways.

Desktop Management App for Windows & iOS

Manage your account using desktop apps for Windows and iOS.

Android & iOS Management Apps

Manage your account using mobile apps for Android and iOS.

Facebook & Instagram Shop

Sell products directly on Facebook and Instagram.

ShipStation Automation

Automate shipping processes with ShipStation integration.

Quickbooks Desktop

Integration with Quickbooks Desktop for accounting.

BlueCheck Age Verification

Verify customer ages using BlueCheck.

AffiliateWP Marketing

Utilize AffiliateWP for affiliate marketing.

Easycart -> WP User Sync

Sync Easycart with WP User for seamless user management.

More Extensions

Access to additional extensions for more features.

0% application fees

No application fees for transactions.


Free Plugin

$0 / Free

Plan includes

Available on
2% Additional Application Fees
Community Forums
Stripe, Square, or PayPal
No Unlimited Images
No Coupons or Promotions
No Downloads or Subscriptions
No B2B Features
Buy Now

Premium Cart Plugin

$89 / Year

Plan includes

Everything in PRO
Apps + Extensions
Unlimited Support Requests
Stripe, Square, and PayPal
Desktop Management App for Windows & iOS
Android & iOS Management Apps
Facebook & Instagram Shop
ShipStation Automation
Buy Now

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Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate this WordPress plugin primarily for its ease of use and effective integration with Mandrill, rescuing users from manual setup difficulties. Despite previous concerns about outdated support, users are pleased that it is now actively maintained, providing reliable service. They commend the plugin for resolving errors caused by the old, unsupported Mandrill plugin and appreciate that it works seamlessly with WooCommerce and modern PHP versions. However, they note the need for updates to ensure full PHP 7.4 compatibility and suggest adding a few extra options to enhance functionality. Overall, users are happy with the plugin’s performance and its active development.


27 Oct, 2023

I had trouble integrating Mandrill manually, but this plugin was a fantastic find. Despite my initial concerns about its lack of recent updates and a small support team, I’m happy to report that it worked perfectly. I highly recommend this plugin for Mandrill setup—it’s easy to use and flawlessly effective.


30 Apr, 2020

And it’s still supported by the developers unlike the old one


28 Apr, 2020

Great that this plugin got a second life! It beats tons of other SMTP plugins trying to support mandrill. It needs a few updates to be fully PHP7.4 compatible and it would be great to have a few extra options (thing return_path_domain etc). On that note: I can help if that would in this great effort!? This topic was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by RT_PDX. Reason: Typos


05 Mar, 2020

The old unsupported Mandrill app had begun causing errors on our website. It caused issues with our WooCommerce installation. Luckily we found this plugin just in time to fix all of our problems. Thank you! Thank you!


05 Mar, 2020

Thanks for maintaining this.


Why do I need a Mandrill API key?

Do I need a MailChimp account?

Are all emails routed through Mandrill?

What if I need to send some of my emails using the native wp_mail() function?

My emails are broken and show weird CSS code

Is there any way to check what’s going on?

I am getting an Invalid API Key message and I’m sure my API is valid!

How do I configure the plugin?

Can I use my own email templates?