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Create a Website with AI
Snow Monkey Blocks

Snow Monkey Blocks

Gutenberg blocks collection made by MonkeyWrench.


Rating summary




Active installations

Snow Monkey Blocks
Snow Monkey Blocks
Snow Monkey Blocks
Snow Monkey Blocks



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Create landing pages easily

No coding required

Optimized for Snow Monkey

Responsive design blocks

Wide variety of blocks

About this plugin

Version: 21.0.0
Last updated: 16-07-2024
WordPress version: 6.6
Tested up to: 6.6
PHP version required: 7.4
Languages: 日本語
Learning resources: View resources


Snow Monkey Blocks is a versatile Wordpress plugin designed to enhance the Gutenberg editor by offering a comprehensive collection of content blocks. This user-friendly tool allows individuals to create and publish sophisticated landing pages or highly designed web pages quickly and effortlessly, without requiring any programming knowledge. The plugin introduces a wide array of blocks, including features, checklists, FAQs, steps, testimonials, and call-to-actions, which facilitate the rapid development of responsive and visually appealing pages. While it is optimized for the Snow Monkey theme, Snow Monkey Blocks can also be seamlessly integrated with other themes to produce perfectly designed outputs that match the editor's view. Additional functionalities include a range of module and section blocks, from alerts and pricing tables to accordion menus and hero headers, ensuring a rich and dynamic website-building experience.

Ease of Use

  • Allows creation and publication of landing pages quickly and easily.
  • No need to write any code.
  • Optimized for the Snow Monkey theme but can be used with other themes.

Variety of Blocks

  • Includes a wide range of blocks such as features, checklists, FAQs, steps, testimonials, and CTA.
  • Specialized blocks like alert, balloon, box, button, FAQ, icon list, pricing table, and more.
  • Section blocks like Section with background image, Section (Break the grid), and Section (Side heading).

Responsive Design

  • Quickly and easily launch responsive landing pages.
  • Ensures the output is perfectly designed and matches the edit screen view.
  • Supports responsive design elements like sliders and media text.

Integration with 3rd Party Resources

  • Integrates with Font Awesome for icons.
  • Uses slick for sliders.
  • Includes photos from various photographers under appropriate licenses.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users praise the Snow Monkey Blocks WordPress plugin for its numerous, unique, and highly customizable content blocks, which ease the burden of coding. It is described as simple to use, minimalistic, and beautiful, making it stand out among similar plugins. The developers actively listen to user feedback and provide quick responses, ensuring continuous improvement. However, a drawback mentioned is that the plugin can prevent users from logging in or navigating the website, leading some users to uninstall it despite its beneficial features. Overall, it is considered indispensable by many users for WordPress site creation.


04 Apr, 2024

I was really impressed by the plugin. They know what they are doing. かゆいところに手が届くブロックが多数あり、これなしでは生きていけません…!


05 Apr, 2020

This plugin prevents users from logging in or using navigation links on the website. The features are great but had to remove due to this issue.


03 Jan, 2020

Are you still exhausted by coding? The「Snow Monkey Blocks」 will solve it.
Ko Takagi

Ko Takagi

07 Sep, 2019

This plugin has many useful blocks. It’s cool!


22 Jul, 2019

the only time when developers don’t need to send the annoying reminders, asking to review the plugin. I am willingly doing it myself. Simple to use, highly customizable, minimalistic, beautiful. It stands out from similar plugins because offers some very unique blocks. Thank you!!!


Can Snow Monkey Blocks be used with any theme?

What is Snow Monkey Blocks?

Do I need to write any code to use Snow Monkey Blocks?

What types of blocks are included in Snow Monkey Blocks?

Is Snow Monkey Blocks optimized for any specific theme?

Can I use Snow Monkey Blocks with third-party resources?

Are there any blocks that can only be used with the Snow Monkey theme?

What kind of sections can I create with Snow Monkey Blocks?