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Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7

30+ Essential Addons for Contact Form 7 - Conditional Fields, Multi Step Forms, Redirection, Form Templates, Columns, WooCommerce, Mailchimp, and more


Rating summary




Active installations

Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7
Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7
Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7
Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

30+ essential features

AI form generator

Multi-step forms

Mailchimp integration

WooCommerce integration

About this plugin

Author: Themefic
Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 3.3.16
Last updated: 17-07-2024
WordPress version: 4.2
Tested up to: 6.6
PHP version required: 7.4
Learning resources: View resources


Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7 is a comprehensive plugin designed to significantly enhance the functionality of Contact Form 7 on WordPress websites. This all-in-one plugin includes over 30 essential free and pro features, providing users with advanced capabilities such as Conditional Fields, Multi-Step Forms, AI Form Generation, Database Integration, Mailchimp and WooCommerce integrations, among others. It caters to both basic and advanced form requirements, ensuring customization, dynamic field population, submission tracking, and streamlined user interactions. With dedicated addons for styling, security, and third-party integrations, the plugin facilitates efficient management of contact forms, making it a vital tool for any website using Contact Form 7.

AI Form Generator

  • Empowers you to create a variety of Contact Form 7 templates with the power of AI.
  • Facilitates a quick start for your website’s forms.

Multi-Step Forms

  • Simplifies the process of creating multi-step forms with Contact Form 7.
  • Perfect for managing longer forms efficiently.

Conditional Fields

  • Helps implement conditional logic to show or hide fields based on user selections and backend logic.
  • Makes your forms more interactive and user-friendly.

Mailchimp Integration

  • Links your Contact Form 7 and Mailchimp accounts.
  • Ensures that submissions from Contact Form 7 are automatically added to a specific list in Mailchimp.

Features list


Premium version

Unlimited Sites

Use on an unlimited number of websites.

Lifetime Updates for All Plugins

Receive updates for all plugins for life.

All Future Features & Addons

Access all future features and addons.

Lifetime Support for All Plugins

Get lifetime support for all plugins.

Priority Email Support

Receive priority support via email.

Avg. 4 hours Response Time

Average response time of 4 hours.

Ultimate Addons Pro

Includes the Ultimate Addons Pro plugin.

Tourfic Pro

Includes the Tourfic Pro plugin.


Includes the BEAF Pro plugin.

Instantio Pro

Includes the Instantio Pro plugin.


Single Plugin

$59 / annual

Plan includes

All Free & Pro Addons
1 Year License for 1 Site
License for Staging Site
Product Updates of 1 Year
Product Support for 1 Year
Priority Ticket Support
Avg. 4 hours Response Time
Buy Now

4-in-1 Lifetime Pack

$649 / lifetime

Plan includes

Unlimited Sites
Lifetime Updates for All Plugins
All Future Features & Addons
Lifetime Support for All Plugins
Priority Email Support
Avg. 4 hours Response Time
Ultimate Addons Pro
Tourfic Pro
Buy Now

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Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

The Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7 plugin is highly appreciated for its intuitive, lightweight, and easy-to-use nature. Users laud its capacity to extend the functionalities of Contact Form 7, noting features like multi-step forms, dynamic fields, conditional logic, and column arrangements that significantly enhance form creation. The plugin also simplifies form customization without requiring coding skills and receives high praise for its excellent, responsive customer support. However, some drawbacks include limited access to lead data for editor-level users and significant compatibility issues with WooCommerce, particularly with Product ID fields, which have frustrated a few users. Overall, it is seen as a highly beneficial and supportive tool for enhancing web forms.


25 Jul, 2024

Thanks for this nice plugin


26 Jun, 2024

does the work as perfect as it can be


20 Jun, 2024

A great and simple plugin that works as intended.


04 Jun, 2024

A plugin that does its job properly. I am satisfied.The only missing Leads data I can see can only be accessed by admin users.This authorisation cannot be given to the editor level.


26 May, 2024

I just purchased the Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7 and had some adjustments needed with styling codes. In a day they responded and solved the issue. This is what I would expect from a professional company. Really value their support service!


How can I report security bugs?

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