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All in One SEO – Best WordPress SEO Plugin – Easily Improve SEO Rankings & Increase Traffic

The original WordPress SEO plugin. Improve your WordPress SEO rankings and traffic with our comprehensive SEO tools and smart SEO optimizations!


Rating summary




Active installations

Main benefits

Easy SEO Setup Wizard

Smart Schema Markup

AI Title Generator

Unlimited SEO Keywords

Google Keyword Tracking

About this plugin

Author: AIOSEO Plugin Team
Categories: SEO and Marketing
Version: 4.6.2
Last updated: 03-05-2024
WordPress version: 5.3
Tested up to: 6.5.3
PHP version required: 7.0
Languages: Albanian, Arabic [+103]

Google search console

Meta description



Xml sitemap

Learning resources: View resources


AIOSEO, the original WordPress SEO plugin established in 2007, is trusted by over 3 million website owners and SEO experts for its comprehensive suite of SEO tools and features aimed at enhancing website rankings in search engines. This plugin facilitates the optimization of WordPress SEO settings, incorporation of schema markup, creation of XML sitemaps, local SEO enhancements, and tracking of SEO keyword rankings. Additionally, it offers advanced functionalities like automatic internal linking, SEO audits, Author SEO (EEAT), and direct integration with Google Search Console. AIOSEO leverages artificial intelligence, including OpenAI's ChatGPT, to generate SEO titles and descriptions, and provides robust tools for managing SEO revisions, monitoring content decay, and handling advanced SEO redirects. The Pro version expands these features with enhanced capabilities including smart schema markup, advanced sitemaps, local SEO, WooCommerce SEO, and more, making it a top-rated solution for business owners, marketers, and developers looking to gain a competitive edge in search engine rankings.

Easy SEO Setup Wizard

  • Optimizes your website’s SEO settings based on your unique industry needs
  • Takes less than 5 minutes to complete

Smart Schema Markup (Rich Snippets)

  • Improves click-through rate (CTR) and Google rich featured snippets
  • Supports various schema types like FAQ, product, and recipe schema

AI Title and Description Generator

  • Automatically generates SEO titles and meta descriptions
  • Utilizes OpenAI ChatGPT for content generation

Unlimited SEO Keywords

  • Allows optimization for unlimited SEO keywords
  • Provides detailed content and readability analysis with TruSEO score

Features list


Premium version

Use on 100 sites

Allows usage on up to 100 different websites.

Unlimited TruSEO Keywords

Enables tracking of an unlimited number of TruSEO keywords.

Unlimited SEO Audits

Permits conducting an unlimited number of SEO audits.

Unlimited Users

Supports an unlimited number of users.

Unlimited SEO Revisions

Allows unlimited revisions to SEO settings.

Advanced 404 Management

Provides advanced tools for managing 404 errors.

SEO Statistics

Offers detailed SEO statistics and analytics.

Post Index Status

Shows the index status of posts.

Keyword Rank Tracking

Tracks the ranking of specified keywords.

Dynamic Job Listing Schema

Supports dynamic schema for job listings.

Google Search Console Metrics

Integrates with Google Search Console for metrics.

SEO Changes Performance Tracking

Monitors the performance of SEO changes.

PageSpeed Insights

Provides insights into page speed performance.

Top Content Discovery

Identifies top-performing content.

Content Decay Tracking

Tracks the decay of content performance over time.



$49.6 / year

Plan includes

Use on 1 site
Unlimited TruSEO Keywords
Unlimited SEO Audits
Unlimited Users
Advanced SEO Modules
WooCommerce SEO
Powerful XML Sitemaps
Smart Schema Markup


$299.6 / year

Plan includes

Use on 100 sites
Unlimited TruSEO Keywords
Unlimited SEO Audits
Unlimited Users
Unlimited SEO Revisions
Advanced 404 Management
SEO Statistics
Post Index Status

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate All in One SEO for its ease of use, making complex SEO tasks accessible even to beginners while offering advanced features for experts. It significantly improves search engine rankings, enhances website traffic, and provides useful SEO insights and strategies. The plugin's ability to guide content optimization and its effective support team are also highly valued. However, some users are dissatisfied with the practice of automatically installing additional plugins without consent and find the cost of the Pro version high. Despite these concerns, the overall feedback is very positive, highlighting its user-friendliness, effectiveness, and comprehensive SEO management tools.


26 Apr, 2024

Easy to use, simple, and delivers results! I love it!


26 Apr, 2024

Definitely the best SEO move we have made!


26 Apr, 2024

Great Service! THX


25 Apr, 2024

amazing service


25 Apr, 2024

Um excelente optimizador SEO!


Who should use AIOSEO?

Which themes does AIOSEO support?

Will AIOSEO slow down my website?

Can I use AIOSEO on client sites?

Are AIOSEO sitemaps better than default WordPress sitemaps?

Does AIOSEO help with SEO Verification?

Why is AIOSEO better than other SEO plugins?

Do I really need an XML Sitemap?

Does AIOSEO integrate directly with Google Search Console?