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Create a Website with AI

Autoptimize speeds up your website by optimizing JS, CSS, images (incl. lazy-load), HTML and Google Fonts, asyncing JS, removing emoji cruft and more.


Rating summary




Active installations

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Main benefits

Aggregates and minifies scripts

Optimizes and lazy-loads images

Defers scripts to footer

Improves site performance

Extensive API available

About this plugin

Author: Frank Goossens
Categories: Performance Optimization
Version: 3.1.11
Last updated: 03-04-2024
WordPress version: 5.3
Tested up to: 6.5.3
PHP version required: 5.6
Languages: Chinese (China), Dutch [+59]


Core web vitals




Learning resources: View resources


Autoptimize is a powerful WordPress plugin designed to simplify the process of optimizing your website's performance. It achieves this by aggregating, minifying, and caching scripts and styles, injecting CSS into the page head, inlining critical CSS, and deferring the aggregated full CSS to improve load times. The plugin also moves and defers scripts to the footer, minimizes HTML, and provides extensive image optimization capabilities, supporting formats like WebP and AVIF. Additionally, it optimizes Google Fonts, asynchronously handles non-aggregated JavaScript, and eliminates unnecessary WordPress core elements such as emojis. With a robust API for customization, Autoptimize can be tailored to suit the specific needs of any website. For those seeking even greater performance enhancements, Autoptimize Pro offers advanced features including CDN integration, comprehensive image optimization, page caching, and automatic critical CSS rules. Premium support and web performance optimization services are also available through Accelera.

Script and Style Optimization

  • Aggregates, minifies, and caches scripts and styles
  • Injects CSS in the page head by default
  • Can inline critical CSS and defer the aggregated full CSS
  • Moves and defers scripts to the footer

Image Optimization

  • Optimizes and lazy-loads images
  • Supports WebP and AVIF formats

Performance Enhancement

  • Improves site performance even on HTTP/2
  • Optimizes Google Fonts
  • Async non-aggregated JavaScript
  • Removes WordPress core emoji cruft

Customization and Extensibility

  • Extensive API available for customization
  • Tailor Autoptimize to specific site needs

Features list


Premium version

Image optimization

Enhances image loading speed and quality.


Distributes content globally for faster access.

Page Caching

Stores static versions of pages for quicker load times.

Automatic Critical CSS rules

Generates essential CSS for faster initial rendering.

Autoptimize Boosters

Improves overall site performance with advanced optimizations.

Great support

Provides exceptional customer service and assistance.


Single site

$11.99 / monthly

Plan includes

Image optimization
Page Caching
Automatic Critical CSS rules
Autoptimize Boosters
Great support

5 Sites

$299 / yearly

Plan includes

Image optimization
Page Caching
Automatic Critical CSS rules
Autoptimize Boosters
Great support

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the Autoptimize plugin for its effectiveness in significantly improving website speed and performance. They highlight its ease of use, extensive features such as image optimization, lazy loading, CSS/JS minification, and critical CSS. The support provided by the plugin’s developer, Frank, is consistently praised for being prompt, helpful, and going above and beyond expectations. However, some users experienced issues such as site crashes, increased server load, or page slowing instead of speeding up. There are also occasional compatibility issues with other plugins. Overall, while the plugin has its drawbacks, its performance optimization features and responsive support make it highly recommended by users.
Laurine Moreau

Laurine Moreau

31 May, 2014

OK, thanks!
Laurine Moreau

Laurine Moreau

31 May, 2014

OK, thanks!


19 Mar, 2020

Upgrade seems for “free” but isnt….


14 Sep, 2023

The best plugin for optimization!


10 Sep, 2023

Brilliant Image Lazy Loading feature among others.


What does the plugin do to help speed up my site?

But I’m on HTTP/2, so I don’t need Autoptimize?

Will this work with my blog?

Why is jquery.min.js not optimized when aggregating JavaScript?

Why is Autoptimized JS render blocking?

Why is the autoptimized CSS still called out as render blocking?

What is the use of “inline and defer CSS”?

But how can one find out what the “above the fold CSS” is?