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Contact Form 7 Captcha

Contact Form 7 Captcha

Add reCAPTCHA V2, hCAPTCHA or Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA to Contact Form 7


Rating summary




Active installations

Contact Form 7 Captcha
Contact Form 7 Captcha



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources

Main benefits

Supports multiple CAPTCHA types

Easy integration process

Customizable CAPTCHA attributes

Supports multiple forms

Language-specific rendering

About this plugin

Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 0.1.5
Last updated: 19-06-2024
WordPress version: 4.1.2
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


This WordPress plugin enhances the security of your Contact Form 7 forms by integrating three popular CAPTCHA solutions: Google reCAPTCHA V2, hCAPTCHA, and Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA. It provides an easy setup process and supports multiple forms on a single page. Users can generate keys for each CAPTCHA service and update them via the plugin settings. The plugin allows customization of the CAPTCHA appearance, including size, color theme, and type, to match your form's design. Shortcodes make it simple to add CAPTCHA protection above the submit button and ensure your forms are safeguarded against spam and bots.

Protect your Contact Form 7 forms with Google CAPTCHA V2, hCAPTCHA or Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA

  • Provides robust protection for your forms against spam and bots.
  • Supports three different CAPTCHA services for flexibility.
  • Ensures only human users can submit forms.

Easy integration and supports multiple forms on a single page

  • Simple setup process with clear instructions.
  • Allows multiple forms on a single page to be protected simultaneously.
  • User-friendly interface for managing CAPTCHA settings.

Customizable CAPTCHA settings

  • Adjust size, color theme, and type of CAPTCHA to fit your form design.
  • Supports compact and normal sizes for different layout needs.
  • Offers light and dark themes to match your website's aesthetics.

Language and attribute flexibility

  • Force CAPTCHA to render in a specific language for better user experience.
  • Combine multiple attributes to customize CAPTCHA appearance and behavior.
  • Easily update Site key and Secret key from the plugin settings.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the simplicity and ease of integration of this WordPress plugin, especially its seamless connection with Google's reCAPTCHA, making it quick to set up and effective in preventing spam. The fact that it's free is also highly valued. However, significant drawbacks include frequent malfunctions, poor support, and incompatibility with Contact Form 7, leading to error messages, reduced site performance, and display issues across different browsers. Users also lament the infrequent updates and lack of thorough instructions, making it sometimes difficult to implement without running into errors. Despite these issues, some users still praise its basic functionality and simplicity when it works correctly.


03 Aug, 2024

Just take a look at the Support forum for the plugin. A ton of support requests over the years going unanswered. It might not matter that much had the author constantly update his plugin to stay on top of issues. But the frequency of updates leaves much to be desired, I guess…..
Pavas Dave

Pavas Dave

03 Aug, 2024

Worst plugin to work with, no support provided, doesn’t block the bots, invalid error message does not go even on successfully checking the captcha checkbox.


03 Aug, 2024

With this Captcha, the forms from Contact Form 7 don’t work.


03 Aug, 2024

After making the Cloudflare settings, I press the save button and I encounter a warning that says you do not have permission to access this page.


03 Jul, 2024

With this Captcha, the forms from Contact Form 7 don’t work.


How do I integrate Google reCAPTCHA V2 with Contact Form 7?

How can I change the size of Google reCAPTCHA V2?

How do I change the color theme of Google reCAPTCHA V2?

How do I integrate hCAPTCHA with Contact Form 7?

How can I change the size of hCAPTCHA?

How do I change the color theme of hCAPTCHA?

How do I integrate Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA with Contact Form 7?

How can I change the size of Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA?

How do I change the color theme of Cloudflare Turnstile CAPTCHA?