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Gmail SMTP

Gmail SMTP

Connect to Gmail SMTP server to automatically send email from your WordPress site. Configure wp_mail() to use SMTP with OAuth 2.0 authentication.


Rating summary




Active installations

Gmail SMTP
Gmail SMTP
Gmail SMTP



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Secure OAuth 2.0 authentication

Uses popular PHPMailer library

Retains wp_mail benefits

No less secure apps needed

About this plugin

Author: Noor Alam
Last updated: 17-07-2024
WordPress version: 6.5
Tested up to: 6.6
PHP version required: 5.6
Languages: English (Australia), English (Canada) [+5]
Learning resources: View resources


The Gmail SMTP plugin for WordPress is designed to resolve email sending issues often encountered with shared hosting servers, such as email blockage or missing emails due to server restrictions. This plugin authenticates with your Gmail account via the Gmail SMTP server using the secure OAuth 2.0 protocol, removing the need for less secure app access and providing encrypted (TLS/SSL) email transmissions. Main features include configuring your site to send email using Gmail SMTP, utilizing WordPress's native "wp_mail" function with OAuth 2.0 authorization, and incorporating PHPMailer for sending emails. Users are required to create a project in the Google Developers Console, enable the Gmail API, and set up necessary credentials and configurations in the plugin settings to facilitate secure and reliable email sending from their WordPress site.

Secure Authentication with OAuth 2.0

  • Uses OAuth 2.0 protocol for secure access to Gmail API.
  • No need to enter username or password.
  • Avoids the need to enable 'Allow less secure apps' in Gmail.

Reliability in Email Delivery

  • Bypasses email restrictions on shared hosting servers.
  • Routes emails through Gmail’s SMTP server to prevent blocking or missing emails.
  • Ensures emails are sent even if the website reaches the daily limit of outgoing emails.

Integration with WordPress

  • Utilizes 'wp_mail' function instead of overriding it.
  • Maintains benefits of the default WordPress mail function.
  • Uses PHPMailer library, which is also used in core WordPress.

Easy Setup and Configuration

  • Step-by-step setup instructions provided.
  • Requires creating a project in Google Developers Console and enabling Gmail API.
  • Simple configuration of OAuth client ID, client secret, and other settings.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate this WordPress plugin for its simplicity, effectiveness, and detailed documentation when configuring email functionalities, particularly with Google Workspace (Gsuite) and Gmail. It successfully sends emails without the need for complex settings or additional credentials. Many users find it easy to follow the installation instructions and value the absence of ads, prompt customer support, and secure OAuth 2.0 protocol integration. However, some users report difficulties with initial setup, finding Google API configurations confusing, and encountering issues with specific settings or email deliveries. Complaints also include unresponsive support, occasional plugin failures, and conflicts with certain contact forms. The setup complexity could be daunting for non-technical users.
Menn Studio

Menn Studio

06 Jul, 2024

I use this plugin with Google Workplace and it helps me record every email sent to customer. Thank you so much for this great plugin.


21 Apr, 2023

Rather use complex or multifunction mail provider plugin. If you want to use gsuite/gmail, just simple use this plugin. No ads and fare for add-on.


13 Apr, 2023

Only the necessary settings, simple and clean, good description. Thanks!


28 Dec, 2022

thank you very much. very helpful plugin.


06 Mar, 2022

Very simple and easy to use if you follow the directions properly, and the customer service is quick at resolving any issues!


Can I send email from my Gmail account using this plugin?

Can this plugin use OAuth 2.0 to send email?

Can I use this plugin for Gmail signup?

Can I use this plugin on Gmail app?

Can I use this plugin to access my Gmail inbox?

Can I use this plugin to sign out of my Gmail account?

What is the main benefit of using the Gmail SMTP plugin?

How do I configure the Gmail SMTP plugin?