Plugin categories

Create a Website with AI
Google Tag Manager

Google Tag Manager

The Google Tag Manager plugin adds a field to the existing General Settings page for the ID and outputs the javascript to make it work.


Rating summary




Active installations

Google Tag Manager



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Simplifies Google Tag Manager

Automatic code integration

Requires only Account ID

About this plugin

Version: 1.0.3
Last updated: 30-04-2020
WordPress version: 2.7
Tested up to: 5.4.16
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


This WordPress plugin simplifies integrating Google Tag Manager into your website by automatically adding all the necessary code for you. Users only need to supply their Google Tag Manager Account ID, making the process quick and straightforward. Ideal for site owners looking to streamline the setup of Google Tag Manager without delving into manual code insertion, this plugin ensures a hassle-free experience, thereby enhancing website management efficiency.

Ease of Use

  • Simplifies the process of using Google Tag Manager
  • Automatically adds all necessary code
  • Requires only the Account ID from the user

Features list


Premium version

SEO Analysis

Evaluates your website's SEO performance.

Keyword Tracking

Monitors the rankings of your targeted keywords.

Advanced Schema Generator

Creates structured data for better search engine understanding.

Google Analytics Integration

Connects your site with Google Analytics for detailed insights.

Local SEO

Optimizes your website for local search results.

WooCommerce SEO

Enhances SEO for WooCommerce online stores.

Image SEO

Optimizes images for better search engine visibility.

Video SEO

Improves the SEO of video content on your site.

News SEO

Optimizes your site for Google News and other news platforms.

Redirections Manager

Manages URL redirects to maintain SEO value.

404 Monitor

Tracks and reports 404 errors on your website.

Role Manager

Controls SEO access based on user roles.

SEO Performance Reports

Provides detailed reports on your SEO performance.

SEO Audit

Conducts a comprehensive audit of your website's SEO.

SEO Automation

Automates repetitive SEO tasks to save time.


Ninja Forms Elite

$299 / year

Plan includes

Unlimited Sites
Priority Support
All Add-ons Included
Conditional Logic
Multi-Part Forms
File Uploads
PDF Form Submissions
Zapier Integration
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Rank Math Agency

$499 / year

Plan includes

SEO Analysis
Keyword Tracking
Advanced Schema Generator
Google Analytics Integration
Local SEO
WooCommerce SEO
Image SEO
Video SEO
Buy Now

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

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Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate that the plugin is simple, efficient, and does exactly what it promises by correctly inserting the Google Tag Manager (GTM) code without complicating the process. It solves issues quickly and integrates well with Google Analytics. The plugin is particularly beneficial for those unfamiliar with inserting codes manually. However, there are notable drawbacks. A common complaint is that the plugin places the GTM code further down in the HTML, rather than just after the opening tag, as Google recommends. This placement issue can lead to inefficiencies and functional problems, with some users reporting that it causes Google to be unable to utilize the code properly.


09 Jan, 2021

Otros plugins no me enviarvan al información de Google Analytics 4 pero este en un ratito lo solucionó, es genial y sencillo


03 Jan, 2021

Albeiro Ochoa

Albeiro Ochoa

12 Jun, 2020

Sin tantas complicaciones, funciona correctamente
Gagan Deep Singh

Gagan Deep Singh

18 Mar, 2017

Does what it says, inserts just the GTM code at the right time at the right location. Fell in love with the simplicity of this plugin, wonder why it does not show up in top when looking for GTM plugin for WP. Had to mess around with so many other plugins before I found it. All other related plugins are too complex, and slows down the site as well. This plugin does what its supposed to do and nothing else 🙂 “LESS is MORE” Kudos to the author for such a beautiful implementation. One suggestion though, if there would have been a single “do_action” with some custom action, before printing the GTM code, could make it easier to add some custom JS variables, if needed, to pass along to GTM, rather than printing them at wp_head with priority 9. This topic was modified 7 years, 4 months ago by Gagan Deep Singh. Reason: Added a suggestion


10 Feb, 2017

I’m trying to follow some youtube tutorials on GTM. They say to install the code manually, however, I use a child theme and I don’t know how to insert the code via functions php file. There are other GTM plugins, but they have so many options and things I’m afraid they will interfere with the tutorials. From reading the description, it sounds like the only thing your plugin does is insert the GTM code in the correct places. It doesn’t do anything else, am I correct?


Why isn’t the output displaying?

How do I sign up for a Google Tag Manager account?

What does this plugin do?

Where do I find my Google Tag Manager Account ID?

Do I need to add any code manually?

Is this plugin compatible with all WordPress themes?

Can I use this plugin with other Google services?

What should I do if I encounter issues with the plugin?