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WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager

WPCode – Insert Headers and Footers + Custom Code Snippets – WordPress Code Manager Reviews

Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert header & footer scripts, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel code, and more.

Rating and reviews


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Users highly praise this WordPress plugin for its ability to clean up unwanted code left by themes, other plugins, and WordPress itself. They find it effective, easy to use, and lightweight, highlighting its user-friendly interface and extensive pre-made templates. Many appreciate its flexibility in managing and enabling/disabling snippets of code effortlessly. However, some users mention drawbacks, such as insufficient documentation, persistent nags for reviews, and critical security issues like virus injections. Additionally, while it's powerful for PHP code, it lacks support for CSS. Despite these drawbacks, the plugin is generally seen as a valuable tool for coding within WordPress, offering extensive functionality and reducing the need for multiple plugins.