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Login Logo

Login Logo Reviews

Customize the logo on the WP login screen by simply dropping a file named login-logo.png into your WP content directory. CSS is automatic!

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




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User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate this WordPress plugin for its simplicity, ease of use, and reliability. It helps users customize their WordPress login screens by easily allowing them to change the login logo without any complicated configurations. Most users found that just by uploading an image to the wp-content folder, the changes they desired were applied seamlessly. The plugin is highly praised for not having unnecessary settings or uploader complications, which keeps it straightforward and fast to implement. However, a significant drawback noted by users is the need for FTP access to upload the image, which could be cumbersome for those who prefer using WordPress’s media library manager. Additionally, there were some mentions of intermittent issues with database connections caused by the plugin, leading to uninstallation by some users. Despite not being updated for years, many still report it works effectively.