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Create a Website with AI
Mailchimp for WooCommerce


Rating summary




Active installations

Main benefits

Sync purchase data automatically

Targeted marketing campaigns

Recover abandoned carts

Showcase product recommendations

Track marketing performance

About this plugin

Author: ryanhungate
Categories: E-commerce
Version: 4.0.2
Last updated: 13-05-2024
WordPress version: 4.9
Tested up to: 6.5.3
PHP version required: 7.4
Languages: English (UK), العربية [+11]





Learning resources: View resources


Mailchimp for WooCommerce is a seamless integration plugin designed to help online store owners enhance their e-commerce marketing efforts. By automatically syncing customer and purchase data with your Mailchimp account, the plugin enables you to send targeted campaigns, follow up with customers post-purchase, recommend products, recover abandoned carts, and track the ROI of your marketing initiatives—all for free. Additional features include automations for cart reminders and customer win-back, detailed marketing performance insights within the Mailchimp Dashboard, and the ability to create attractive landing pages and pop-up forms. The plugin also supports WPML and integrates with Facebook, Instagram, and Google ads to expand your reach and boost sales. This robust plugin leverages Mailchimp's API 3.0, offering a powerful tool for users who haven't yet linked their WooCommerce stores with Mailchimp.

Automated Customer Engagement

  • Send targeted campaigns based on customer purchase data.
  • Automatically follow up with customers post-purchase.
  • Set up marketing automations for cart reminders, win-back campaigns, and post-purchase follow-ups.

Enhanced Marketing Insights

  • Track and segment customers based on purchase history and frequency.
  • View detailed data on marketing performance in the Mailchimp Dashboard.
  • Measure the ROI of your marketing efforts.

Seamless Integration and Syncing

  • Automatically sync customer and purchase data with Mailchimp.
  • Sync new subscribers to your Audience when they create an account and opt-in.
  • Supports powerful API 3.0 features for enhanced functionality.

Advanced Advertising and Promotion Tools

  • Find new customers and connect with current ones using Facebook and Instagram ads.
  • Set up Google remarketing ads to turn site visitors into shoppers.
  • Add WooCommerce discount codes to emails and automations with a Promo Code content block.

Features list


Premium version

Phone & Priority Support

Get immediate assistance with priority phone support.

15X contacts monthly email sends

Send emails to 15 times the number of your contacts each month.

Unlimited Seats

Add as many team members as needed without extra cost.

Unlimited Audiences

Create and manage an unlimited number of audience segments.

5 Roles

Assign up to five different roles to team members.

Forms & Landing Pages

Create custom forms and landing pages for your campaigns.

Remove Mailchimp Branding

Remove Mailchimp's branding from your emails and landing pages.

A/B Testing

Test different versions of your emails to see which performs better.

Dynamic Content

Personalize email content based on user behavior and preferences.

Advanced Segmentation

Segment your audience using advanced criteria for targeted campaigns.

Behavioral Targeting

Target users based on their behavior and interactions.

Unlimited seats & audiences

Add unlimited team members and audience segments.

Migration support

Get assistance with migrating your data to the platform.

Customer success manager

Have a dedicated manager to ensure your success with the platform.

Priority phone support

Receive priority support via phone for urgent issues.

Dedicated onboarding

Get personalized onboarding to help you get started quickly.



$13 / monthly

Plan includes

24/7 Email & Chat Support
10X contacts monthly email sends
3 Seats
3 Audiences
2 Roles
Forms & Landing Pages
Remove Mailchimp Branding
A/B Testing


$350 / monthly

Plan includes

Phone & Priority Support
15X contacts monthly email sends
Unlimited Seats
Unlimited Audiences
5 Roles
Forms & Landing Pages
Remove Mailchimp Branding
A/B Testing

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations



Who is subscribed to my Audience with this plugin?

What is the recommended way to sync larger stores?

Are multisite configurations supported?

Why aren’t product categories being sent to Mailchimp?

My sync is slow, or has stalled

My question is not listed

How do I set up marketing automations?

Can I track and segment customers based on purchase history?