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MW WP Form

MW WP Form

MW WP Form is shortcode base contact form plugin. This plugin have many features. For example you can use many validation rules, inquiry data saving, …


Rating summary




Active installations

MW WP Form
MW WP Form
MW WP Form
MW WP Form
MW WP Form



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Form created using shortcodes

Using confirmation page

Many validation rules

Saving inquiry data

Displaying Chart using data

About this plugin

Categories: Forms and Surveys
Version: 5.1.0
Last updated: 13-03-2024
WordPress version: 6.0
Tested up to: 6.4.5
PHP version required: false
Languages: Español, 日本語 [+2]
Learning resources: View resources


MW WP Form is a robust WordPress plugin designed for creating mail forms with a confirmation screen. By utilizing shortcodes, users can easily generate custom forms that can optionally include a confirmation page. The plugin offers flexibility in how pages change—whether using the current URL or distinct URLs for different steps. It boasts a variety of validation rules, ensuring the collected data is accurate and reliable. Additionally, MW WP Form allows users to save inquiry data and visualize it through charts, powered by Google Charts. This plugin is actively maintained, with contributions from numerous developers, ensuring its reliability and ongoing enhancements. For further details, official resources are available on their website and GitHub repository.

Form created using shortcodes

  • Easily create mail forms using simple shortcodes.
  • No need for complex coding or technical knowledge.

Using confirmation page is possible

  • Allows users to review their input before submission.
  • Reduces errors and improves user experience.

Many validation rules

  • Ensures data integrity and accuracy.
  • Customizable validation rules to fit specific needs.

Saving inquiry data is possible

  • Stores submitted data for future reference.
  • Enables data analysis and reporting.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the plugin for its user-friendliness, customization options, and effectiveness in creating forms, including those with confirmation and completion screens. It is particularly valued in client work and is often mentioned as an essential tool. Users find it easy to use, even for beginners, and beneficial for projects requiring detailed form configurations and visual editing capabilities through paid add-ons. However, the plugin has drawbacks such as difficulties in deletion, language issues after updates, incompatibility with PHP version 5.3, and errors post-update for some users. Users also face challenges with backing up forms during server migrations and search visibility of confirmation/completion pages. Despite these issues, it remains a favored tool for form creation.


23 Sep, 2023

You can’t delete the plugin if you don’t want it.


07 Jan, 2021

プラグイン画面もエラーメッセージも英語になってしまい、新バージョンだと、もともとからあった日本語ファイルが消えてたそうですが、なぜ消えたのかわかりません。。 以下2つのファイル復活させる方法ないでしょうか? /wp-content/language/plugins/ /wp-content/language/plugins/mw-wp-form-ja.po


17 Sep, 2018

配列の初期化に[]を利用しているので、 PHHP5.3で利用できなくなったようです。 PHPのバージョンチェックしてほしい。


11 Sep, 2018

私の環境では4.0.3アップデート後にエラーが出ました。 ログを確認したところclass.main.phpの中の [ が原因のようでした。 4.0.2に戻しましたが、ほかの方はどうでしょう?


11 Sep, 2018

先に投稿されている方もいらっしゃいますが、私も4.0.3にアップデートしたらページから管理画面から全てエラーになりました。 サーバーからプラグインを削除し、古いバージョンを入れなおすと改善できます。


Where can I find official support for MW WP Form?

Where can I get community support for MW WP Form?

Who is the current maintainer of MW WP Form?

Can I create a mail form with a confirmation screen using MW WP Form?

Is it possible to use a confirmation page with MW WP Form?

Can the page change by the same URL or individual URL?

Are there many validation rules available in MW WP Form?

Can I save inquiry data using MW WP Form?

Is it possible to display charts using saved inquiry data?

Where can I find the GitHub repository for MW WP Form?