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Create a Website with AI

Manage 301 redirects, track 404 errors, and improve your site. No knowledge of Apache or Nginx required.


Rating summary




Active installations

Cover Photo
Main benefits

Manage 301 redirections

Track 404 errors

Conditional redirects

Full logging

HTTP headers support

About this plugin

Author: John Godley
Categories: SEO and Marketing
Version: 5.4.2
Last updated: 27-01-2024
WordPress version: 5.9
Tested up to: 6.4.4
PHP version required: 5.6
Languages: Chinese (China), Dutch [+43]






Learning resources: View resources


Redirection is a powerful and popular WordPress plugin designed to simplify the management of URL redirects on your site, offering robust features such as 301 redirections and 404 error tracking. Suitable for both small blogs and large websites with thousands of redirects, this tool is essential for minimizing errors and improving SEO rankings. Key functionalities include conditional redirects based on various criteria like login status, browser type, and IP address; full logging capabilities to monitor and export redirect data; and compatibility with both Apache and Nginx servers. Users can also manage query parameters, migrate permalinks, and leverage fine-grained permissions. Best of all, Redirection is completely free and supported by extensive documentation and community feedback.

Redirect Manager

  • Create and manage redirects quickly and easily without needing Apache or Nginx knowledge.
  • Full support for regular expressions to create redirect patterns.
  • Automatically create redirects when post or page permalinks are changed.

Conditional Redirects

  • Redirect based on user login status, WordPress capability, browser, referrer, cookies, HTTP headers, custom filters, IP address, server, and page type.
  • Highly customizable redirection rules to suit various scenarios.

Full Logging

  • Configurable logging option to view all redirects occurring on your site.
  • Logs can be exported, searched, and filtered for detailed investigation.
  • Display geographic information about an IP address and full user agent information.

Track 404 Errors

  • Keep track of all 404 errors that occur on your site.
  • Errors can be grouped to show where to focus attention and can be redirected in bulk.

Features list


Free version

Manage 301 redirections

Easily manage 301 redirects for your site.

Track 404 errors

Monitor and track 404 error pages.

No server knowledge required

No need for server expertise to use.

Supports WordPress 5.4+ & PHP 5.6+

Compatible with WordPress 5.4+ and PHP 5.6+.

Easy and simple management

User-friendly interface for easy management.

Regular expressions support

Supports the use of regular expressions in redirects.

Conditional redirects

Create redirects based on specific conditions.

Full logging

Comprehensive logging of all redirect activities.

Apache & Nginx support

Works with both Apache and Nginx servers.

Import & export system

Easily import and export redirect rules.

Export to Apache .htaccess

Export redirect rules to Apache .htaccess file.

Export to Nginx rewrite rules

Export redirect rules to Nginx rewrite rules.

Copy redirects between sites using JSON

Transfer redirects between sites using JSON format.

Import from other redirect plugins

Import redirect rules from other plugins.


Free Plan

$0 / free

Plan includes

Manage 301 redirections
Track 404 errors
No server knowledge required
Supports WordPress 5.4+ & PHP 5.6+
Easy and simple management
Regular expressions support
Conditional redirects
Full logging

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users generally appreciate the WordPress plugin for its ease of use, robust features, and reliability in managing redirects. The plugin simplifies the process of setting up redirects, which is essential for site migrations and restructuring. Users find the import and export features particularly helpful for bulk URL updates, and the logging functionality for tracking 404 errors is highly valued. The free nature of the plugin and excellent support also stand out. However, some users experienced issues, such as conflicts with the REST-API, website security alerts, and occasional "too many redirects" errors. While generally stable, the plugin can cause site disruptions for some, leading to deactivation as a precaution.


02 May, 2024

Die REST-API lässt es zu, die Usernamen spionieren. Der Versuch, diese Sicherheitslücke zu schließen mit Filter entfernt wichtige Informationen für den Zugriff von außen, führt dazu, dass Redirection nicht mehr funktioniert. Der Entwickler des Filters gibt an, dass Plugins mit diesem Filter die REST-API nutzen können – es funktioniert aber nicht.


24 Apr, 2024

Al geruime tijd krijg ik van sommige mensen de melding dat mijn website als gevaarlijk wordt beschouwd. Zelfs toen ik via mijn website naar deze plugin pagina ging kreeg ik die melding. Via mijn nieuwe pagina kreeg ik te horen dat dit met een redirect te maken kon hebben. Bijv. van www naar zonder www oid. Ik heb mijn redirection linkjes gecontroleerd. Overbodige weggehaald. Maar vanavond een shortcut aangemaakt. Maar mensen die op die shortcut klikten, kregen te zien dat de pagina niet zichtbaar werd. Dus… ik heb de plugin eraf gegooid. En ga zonder redirects voortaan mijn site doen. Ik heb er niets aan als mensen vervolgens allerlei meldingen krijgen terwijl er niets aan de hand is met mijn website. En of dat in combinatie is met het thema (Consulting) dat ik heb. Geen idee. Maar Redirection doet iets, wat sommige browsers/providers als schadelijk zien.


16 Apr, 2024

Simple to use and easy to configure but very powerful nonetheless.


07 Apr, 2024

I’ve used this plugin since 2019, when I moved from a straight HTML site design to WordPress for a 10-year-old website. It has saved me from having migraines over search engines directing visitors to the old pages! Well done, Mr. Godley. Well done. This topic was modified 1 month ago by duriologist. This topic was modified 1 month ago by duriologist. This topic was modified 1 month ago by duriologist.


04 Apr, 2024

Did a major website update with new page structure. Red


Why would I want to use this instead of .htaccess?

What is the performance of this plugin?

Is Redirection compatible with the latest PHP versions?

Can I use Redirection to manage redirects without Apache or Nginx knowledge?

Does Redirection support regular expressions?

Can I track 404 errors with Redirection?

Is it possible to add custom HTTP headers with Redirection?

Can I import and export redirects with Redirection?