Plugin categories

Create a Website with AI
Simple Map

Simple Map

Easy way to embed google map(s).


Rating summary




Active installations

Simple Map
Simple Map
Simple Map
Simple Map



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Embed Google Maps easily

Supports address and coordinates

Customizable map dimensions

Tooltip with HTML content

Automatic static map for iPhone

About this plugin

Version: 4.9.0
Last updated: 11-03-2018
WordPress version: 3.9
Tested up to: 4.9.26
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


The WordPress plugin described allows users to easily embed customizable Google Maps into their posts or pages using a simple shortcode. By providing an address, latitude and longitude coordinates, or a URL, users can generate interactive maps with markers and tooltips. The plugin offers various customization options, including map dimensions, zoom level, display of static maps for mobile, and control over map types. Additionally, users can leverage filter hooks for further customization of default settings. Maintained on GitHub, the plugin comes with support for oEmbed functionality and several contributor enhancements, ensuring flexibility and ease of use for WordPress site owners.

Easy Embedding of Google Maps

  • Embed Google Maps using simple shortcodes.
  • Convert addresses directly into Google Maps.
  • Supports embedding maps via URLs similar to oEmbed.

Customizable Map Display

  • Set map width, height, and zoom level.
  • Add markers using addresses or latitude/longitude coordinates.
  • Display static maps automatically for iPhone users.

Interactive Features

  • Add tooltips to markers with simple HTML content.
  • Option to open infoWindow by default.
  • Supports various map types like ROADMAP, SATELLITE, HYBRID, and TERRAIN.

Developer Friendly

  • Maintained on GitHub with active contributors.
  • Includes filter hooks for customizing default settings.
  • Translatable with existing support for Japanese.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the WordPress plugin for its simplicity, ease of use, and the ability to add functionalities through short codes without complex settings, making it a lightweight and efficient solution for various needs. Many users find it straightforward and quick to set up, praising its uncomplicated nature and broad application across multiple sites. However, some users have experienced issues with poor documentation, bugs, and non-user-friendly aspects, making it less than ideal for professional use. There's also a question regarding its performance in multi-language sites and how it handles different language displays. Overall, the plugin is favored for its simplicity and functionality but is critiqued for its lack of detailed documentation.


29 Jul, 2016

I waiting a long time this feature! Thank you for your update!


19 May, 2016

I was looking for something simple, where I could add a short code into a page. Without any complicated plug-in settings or anything else. Everything can be set up and run very simple within the short code. I have used several other plug-ins on the the other sites over the years. But this is what I was actually always looking for. It is lightweight, easy, simple, nothing unnecessary. So again thank you So much for this great plug-in. I will replace the other map plug-ins with this one on the other sites. You’re awesome plug-in simply rocks. Thank you.


26 Dec, 2015

Nice, simple plugin! Keep up the great work! Rolf


20 Jun, 2015

EXTREMELY Poorly Documented. Buggy, non-user-friendly. Not for professional use – expect a lot of wasted time trying to make it look semi-professional


09 Sep, 2014

Simple and great function! Thank you so much!


Installation Instructions

How do I use the plugin?

Can I add markers to the map?

What are the default values for width, height, and zoom?

How can I display a static map for iPhone?

What is the default breakpoint value?

Can I customize the default settings?

What happens if I set both lat/lng and address?