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SMTP2GO for WordPress – Email Made Easy

SMTP2GO for WordPress – Email Made Easy

Resolve email delivery issues, increase inbox placement, track sent email, get 24/7 support, and real-time reporting.


Rating summary




Active installations

SMTP2GO for WordPress – Email Made Easy
SMTP2GO for WordPress – Email Made Easy



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Easy and low maintenance

Reliable email delivery

Intuitive real-time reporting

Secure worldwide servers

Handles SPF and DKIM

About this plugin

Version: 1.9.0
Last updated: 23-06-2024
WordPress version: 5.8
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: 7.4
Languages: فارسی
Learning resources: View resources


The SMTP2GO WordPress plugin seamlessly replaces the default wp_mail() functionality with SMTP2GO’s robust API, ensuring higher reliability and detailed tracking for all email correspondence. Specifically designed for ease of use, this plugin can be set up in under ten minutes and offers comprehensive real-time reporting tools that give insights into delivery rates, opens, clicks, and bounces. This makes it ideal for all types of emails, including transactional, marketing, newsletters, contact forms, and notifications. Enhanced security with global servers, intelligent routing, and managed SPF and DKIM are crucial benefits, along with world-class support readily available almost 24/7. By leveraging SMTP2GO, users avoid common pitfalls associated with email delivery from shared hosts and can rest assured that their emails will effectively reach their intended recipients.

Easy and Low Maintenance Setup

  • Set up the plugin in under ten minutes.
  • Designed to be user-friendly and require minimal maintenance.

Reliable Email Delivery

  • Replaces the default WordPress email system for more reliable delivery.
  • Ensures emails arrive successfully at their destination inbox.

Intuitive Real-Time Reporting Tools

  • Access real-time reports on delivery, open rates, click rates, bounce, and unsubscription.
  • Diagnose and resolve delivery issues with insightful reporting.

Secure and Fast Email Delivery

  • Utilizes secure worldwide servers with intelligent routing for network redundancy.
  • Handles SPF and DKIM on your behalf and can convert “http” links to “https”.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the WordPress SMTP2Go plugin for its effortless setup, reliable email delivery, and excellent customer support. The plugin simplifies the email configuration process, often requiring just a few minutes to generate an API key and verify settings. Users are particularly impressed with its reliability for sending transactional emails, preventing them from ending up in spam folders. The plugin's detailed reporting features and ability to track email opens and clicks are highly valued. Additionally, users commend its affordability and the generous limits on the free tier. However, a minor drawback mentioned includes the need to adjust certain settings when switching from other SMTP plugins to ensure compatibility with existing forms.


12 Jan, 2024

I’ve tried a number of SMTP tools for transactional emails for various sites I have built. SMTP2Go is by far the easiest to set up. I had some issues with one site and their tech support team responded quickly and solved the problem in 5 minutes. There is no waiting for “approval,” no credit cards required for the free account, and setting up CNAME records is a snap. I won’t go back to any other SMTP plugin. Thank you!
Context Canada

Context Canada

04 Dec, 2023

WOW! After spending a ridiculous amount of my time, and with the help of my webhosts, I couldn’t get another SMTP plugin to work. Zero Support from them. This took 10 minutes total time and delivered a test email. Fantastic. Thank you for this wonderful service.


21 Nov, 2023

If you want to be sure all emails are correctly delivered. All mails send from WP or any form is send throught SMTP2GO, simple installation with an API-key. Clear logs. I love it for years. This topic was modified 8 months ago by elifafd.


25 Sep, 2023

This is the only plug-in I use to ensure my clients’ contact form form emails reliably get from their website to their inbox. Works as advertised, never any issues!


20 Sep, 2023

I always chose to use SMTP for my client websites, as i find it provides a much more reliable and secure way for customers to interact with my clients. I’ve used a variety of SMTP methods over the years, but none of them have been as easy to manage, maintain and install as SMTP2GO. Their system is fantastic, and extremely affordable even for small agencies. It’s really easy to install the plugin, generate an API key and test the configuration. With additional options in the SMTP interface to set-up authorised domains. High reccommend using! Unless something changes, i’ll be using this for a long time.


Do I need an SMTP2GO account?

How much will it cost me?

Can you tell me about the compatibility of this plugin?

Can I get support?

How do I avoid emails going to the spam or junk folder?

How do I set up the SMTP2GO plugin?

What kind of email statistics can I track with SMTP2GO?

Is the SMTP2GO plugin secure?