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Advanced Editor Tools

Advanced Editor Tools

Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) and the classic editor (TinyMCE).


Rating summary




Active installations

Advanced Editor Tools
Advanced Editor Tools
Advanced Editor Tools
Advanced Editor Tools
Advanced Editor Tools



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Classic Paragraph block

Improved Clear Formatting

Advanced table settings

Import/export settings

Customizable toolbar buttons

About this plugin

Author: Andrew Ozz
Categories: Content Management
Version: 5.9.2
Last updated: 04-04-2024
WordPress version: 5.9
Tested up to: 6.5.5
PHP version required: 5.6
Languages: Albanian, Catalan [+86]
Learning resources: View resources


Advanced Editor Tools, formerly known as TinyMCE Advanced, is a WordPress plugin that offers an enhanced editing experience by introducing a "Classic Paragraph" block for the Gutenberg block editor. This plugin is ideal for users who are not ready to fully transition to the block editor or need to use plugins that are not yet compatible with it. It integrates the familiar TinyMCE editor, allowing users to manage most editing tasks while still benefiting from Gutenberg's new features. Advanced Editor Tools includes various customization options such as an improved "Clear Formatting" button, advanced table settings, and tools for importing and exporting settings. It is fully compatible with the Classic Editor plugin, enabling side-by-side use of both editors. Users can add, remove, and arrange toolbar buttons, configure multiple rows of buttons, and utilize 15 TinyMCE plugins. Additional features include the ability to set default blocks, convert between classic and default blocks, create and edit tables, enhanced list insertion options, search and replace functionality, and customizable font settings. Importantly, Advanced Editor Tools does not collect user data or affect user privacy, making it a secure and user-friendly enhancement for WordPress sites.

Classic Paragraph Block

  • Allows continued use of the familiar TinyMCE editor within the block editor.
  • Provides full access to all blocks and new features in the block editor.
  • Supports converting between default blocks and classic paragraphs.

Enhanced Formatting Options

  • Improved 'Clear Formatting' button.
  • Advanced settings for tables.
  • Options for keeping paragraph tags in text mode.

Customizable Toolbar

  • Add, remove, and arrange buttons on the Visual Editor toolbar.
  • Configure up to four rows of buttons including Font Sizes, Font Family, text and background colors, tables, etc.
  • Includes 15 plugins for TinyMCE that are automatically enabled or disabled based on chosen buttons.

Privacy Assurance

  • Does not collect or store any user-related data.
  • Does not set cookies or connect to third-party websites.
  • Uses only functionality available in WordPress and TinyMCE editor.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users generally appreciate the plugin for enhancing the text-editing capabilities of WordPress, especially by adding useful features that make it easier to format content. They find it straightforward, boosting work efficiency with intuitive tools and options. However, several drawbacks were noted: compatibility issues with the latest WordPress updates and other plugins, particularly WooCommerce and Visual Composer, leading to functionality disruptions. Some users also experienced minor annoyances such as the absence of a "Paste from Word" button and inadequate handling of HTML tags. Despite these issues, many still find the plugin indispensable for text formatting, table creation, and overall editing, wishing for more frequent updates and improved compatibility.
sushil kumar

sushil kumar

19 Jul, 2024

Very useless plugin, updating posts becomes very complicated when used


30 May, 2024

Thank you so much! Your work is greatly appreciated. I re-installed just in time as I come to the end of 18 years work for others. Paul from Ireland…
Sérgio T

Sérgio T

08 Apr, 2024

After installing the WordPress 6.5 update, the plugin stopped working.


08 Apr, 2024

After installing the WordPress 6.5 update, the plugin stopped working. At all.Technical support responded like this: you are not on our hosting, so go to hell, we won’t deal with it


13 Feb, 2024

So far, so good. I’ve un-Gutenberged the site with Classic Editor +, and have had no problems. I needed a way to quickly and easily highlight text in a couple of different colors, and this plugin had just the button I needed.


I see an error like: “Failed to load plugin from url…”

Tables look different (inline styles are missing) when I insert a table

No styles are imported in the Formats sub-menu

I have just installed this plugin, but it does not do anything

When I add “Smilies”, they do not show in the editor

The plugin does not add any buttons

I still see the “old” buttons in the editor

How do I set the Classic Paragraph block as the default block?

Can I use this plugin with the Classic Editor plugin?

Does Advanced Editor Tools collect any user data?