Plugin categories

Create a Website with AI
Converter for Media – Optimize images | Convert WebP & AVIF


Rating summary




Active installations

Main benefits

Reduces page weight

Automatic image conversion

Supports WebP and AVIF

No original image modification

Improves website loading speed

About this plugin

Author: Mateusz Gbiorczyk
Categories: Performance Optimization
Version: 5.12.5
Last updated: 15-04-2024
WordPress version: 4.9
Tested up to: 6.5.3
PHP version required: 7.0
Languages: English (UK), Deutsch (Schweiz, Du) [+20]

Compress images

Convert webp

Image optimization

Optimize images


Learning resources: View resources


The Ease Image Optimizer WordPress plugin is designed to enhance your website's performance by converting standard JPEG, PNG, and GIF images into more efficient WebP and AVIF formats, dramatically reducing page weight without sacrificing quality. Once installed, the plugin effortlessly converts your existing and new images in the Media Library, ensuring that over 90% of internet users with WebP-compatible browsers can benefit from faster loading times. This leads to a lighter server load and improved Google rankings. The PRO version extends functionality to AVIF, which provides superior compression and quality. The plugin works seamlessly without altering the original images or causing cache issues, and even supports additional directories like /plugins and /themes. Enjoy a more efficient and optimized website with minimal effort, and consider the PRO version for advanced features and dedicated support.

Automatic Image Conversion

  • Automatically converts existing images to WebP and AVIF formats.
  • New images added to the Media Library are converted automatically.
  • No need for manual intervention after installation.

Improved Website Performance

  • Reduces page weight by more than half without losing image quality.
  • Faster loading times for users, enhancing user experience.
  • Less server load, contributing to better performance.

SEO Benefits

  • Better optimized websites can improve Google rankings.
  • Reduced data download for users, leading to faster page loads.

Non-Intrusive and Secure

  • Does not modify original images, ensuring file security.
  • No redirects in default mode, avoiding cache issues.
  • Leaves no trace if the plugin is removed, ensuring a clean uninstall.

Features list


Free version

Premium version

WebP Support

Enables the use of WebP image format for better compression.

Image conversion via Remote server

Converts images to different formats using a remote server.

Resizing of large images

Allows resizing of large images to smaller dimensions.

AVIF Support

Allows conversion of images to AVIF format for superior compression and quality.

One license for unlimited websites

Permits usage of the software on an unlimited number of websites with a single license.



$0 / N/A

Plan includes

WebP Support
Image conversion via Remote server
Resizing of large images

PRO - 15,000,000 images per year

$2500 / yearly

Plan includes

WebP Support
AVIF Support
Image conversion via Remote server
Resizing of large images
One license for unlimited websites

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations



How to get technical support? (before you ask for help)

Configuration for Nginx

Configuration for Nginx Proxy

Error on plugin settings screen?

Error while converting?

What are requirements of plugin?

How to check if the plugin works?

How to change the path to uploads?

How to exclude paths from converting?

Support for custom directories

How to run manually conversion?

Support for WP-CLI

Does plugin support CDN?