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Create a Website with AI
SEOPress – On-site SEO

SEOPress, a simple, fast and powerful all in one SEO plugin for WordPress. Rank higher in search engines, fully white label. Now with AI.


Rating summary




Active installations

Main benefits

Boost your traffic

Improve social sharing

Manage 301 redirections

Custom HTML/XML sitemaps

AI-generated meta data

About this plugin

Author: SEOPress
Categories: SEO and Marketing
Version: 7.7.2
Last updated: 01-03-2001
WordPress version: 5.0 or higher
Tested up to: 6.5.3
PHP version required: 7.2 or higher
Languages: Chinese (China), Dutch [+22]


Google search console



Xml sitemap

Learning resources: View resources


SEOPress is a comprehensive and user-friendly SEO plugin designed for WordPress, seamlessly integrating with all page builders and themes. Leveraging the power of AI (GPT-4), it automates the generation of meta titles, descriptions, and alt texts for images, making SEO management more efficient. SEOPress offers a versatile SEO metabox allowing easy edits from any page builder without switching to the WordPress admin interface and supports content analysis to help write search engine-optimized content with unlimited keywords. With features like customizable HTML and XML sitemaps, schema/structured data setup, 301 redirection management, social media integration, and Google Analytics tracking, it covers all necessary SEO aspects. Additionally, it provides a variety of premium features in its PRO version such as video XML sitemaps, internal linking suggestions, and advanced schema automation, all aimed at boosting traffic, search visibility, and social media sharing. Trusted by over 300,000 websites since 2017, SEOPress is offered at competitive pricing, making it an affordable all-in-one solution for website owners.

AI-Powered SEO Optimization

  • Uses GPT-4 to automatically generate meta titles, descriptions, and alternative texts for images.
  • Supports bulk actions for efficient metadata management.
  • Helps in creating optimized content without needing deep SEO knowledge.

Comprehensive SEO Features

  • Includes tools for building custom HTML and XML sitemaps.
  • Manages 301 redirections and removes unnecessary URL parameters.
  • Supports Google Structured Data types and optimized breadcrumbs.

Ease of Use and Integration

  • Universal SEO metabox allows editing SEO settings from any page builder or theme builder.
  • Installation wizard and pre-configured settings make it easy to set up.
  • Deep integration with popular page builders like Elementor.

Cost-Effective and Flexible

  • SEOPress PRO is available for $49/year for 5 sites, with an option for unlimited sites at $149/year.
  • No need for additional extensions, reducing the risk of conflicts and maintenance costs.
  • Features can be easily activated or deactivated without losing configuration.

Features list


Free version

Premium version

No ads

Enjoy an ad-free experience.

White label

Brand the product as your own.

No data collected

Your data remains private and secure.

Integrated with all page builders / themes

Compatible with various page builders and themes.

SEO Content Analysis

Analyze and improve your content for SEO.

Optimize your SEO metadata

Enhance your site's SEO metadata.

Enhanced Social Sharing

Boost your social media sharing capabilities.

XML / HTML sitemaps

Generate XML and HTML sitemaps for your site.

Google Analytics / Matomo statistics

Track site performance with Google Analytics or Matomo.

No Ads

Experience the product without any advertisements.

OpenAI integration

Integrate OpenAI's capabilities into your platform.

Local SEO

Optimize your website for local search results.

WooCommerce SEO

Enhance the SEO of your WooCommerce store.

Analytics stats in your dashboard

View detailed analytics directly in your dashboard.

Automatic & manual schemas

Implement both automatic and manual schema markups.

Google News & video XML sitemaps

Generate XML sitemaps for Google News and videos.

Redirect manager & 404 errors monitoring

Manage redirects and monitor 404 errors.

Support by mail

Receive support through email communication.


SEOPress Free

$0 / free

Plan includes

No ads
White label
No data collected
Integrated with all page builders / themes
SEO Content Analysis
Optimize your SEO metadata
Enhanced Social Sharing
XML / HTML sitemaps

SEOPress PRO Unlimited

$149 / year

Plan includes

OpenAI integration
Local SEO
WooCommerce SEO
Analytics stats in your dashboard
Automatic & manual schemas
Google News & video XML sitemaps
Redirect manager & 404 errors monitoring
White label

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users appreciate the SEOPress plugin for its intuitive interface, comprehensive features, and effectiveness in improving SEO. They commend it for being lightweight and non-intrusive, providing valuable SEO tools such as meta tags and XML sitemaps without slowing down their sites. The Pro version is praised for its affordability and powerful capabilities, helping users achieve high SEO ratings and increased organic traffic. Users also highlight the exceptional customer support. However, some users note issues such as bugs in updates and occasional critical errors. There are also criticisms about the handling of certain functions and the need for more refined features like Schema markup.


26 Apr, 2024

I found it very useful. First of all, it helps me notice problems with SEO, then it helps me quickly get indexed by Google


25 Apr, 2024

Ништяк! Упрощает жизнь!


25 Apr, 2024

Cela quelque temps que j’utilise ce plugin et j’en suis pleinement satisfait! Belle ergonomie, simple d’utilisation, bref tout ce qu’on demande


24 Apr, 2024

How refreshing to see a clean UI, sensible UX, and a cohesive design in a WordPress SEO plugin. You’re making something special. Bravo! The MS Clarity integration was a pleasant surprise, as well!


17 Apr, 2024

Before start using SEO Press I have used some competito


Can I import my post and term metadata from other plugins?

How to use Google Tag Manager / other scripts with SEOPress?

Which types of sitemaps support SEOPress?

How do I get support?

Is SEOPress GDPR compliant?

Is SEOPress compatible with WordPress multisite?

Is white label a free feature?

Is it compatible with the core XML sitemaps (WP 5.5+)?

My XML sitemap returns a 404 error

My XML sitemap returns a blank page

I don’t see the correct title!

My question is not listed here!

How can I optimize my content for search engines using SEOPress?

Does SEOPress support WooCommerce?

Can I use SEOPress with page builders?

What are the benefits of SEOPress PRO?