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WP Statistics – The Most Popular Privacy-Friendly Analytics Plugin

WP Statistics – The Most Popular Privacy-Friendly Analytics Plugin Reviews

Get website traffic insights with GDPR/CCPA compliant, privacy-friendly analytics. Includes visitor data, stunning graphs, and no data sharing.

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Users appreciate the comprehensive range of features provided by the WP Statistics plugin, which includes easy installation, a user-friendly interface, and detailed visitor data that assists in making informed decisions about content and website strategy. Real-time data and intuitive reports are particularly valuable for users who want to understand their audience better. Top-notch customer support also stands out, with many users noting quick and effective assistance. However, some users report significant drawbacks. These include issues with accuracy, especially when compared to Google Analytics, inconsistencies in data collection, performance problems leading to high server resource usage, and a lack of support for larger sites or specific configurations. Frequent bugs and slow response to updates also detract from the user experience. Additionally, the plugin can interfere with other tools such as WooCommerce and has been noted to create privacy concerns.