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YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist add all Wishlist features to your website. Needs WooCommerce to work. WooCommerce 8.9.x compatible.


Rating summary




Active installations

Cover Photo
Main benefits

Save favourite products

Share wishlist easily

Loyalise and attract customers

Over 900,000 installations

Improved design and options

About this plugin

Categories: E-commerce
Version: 3.34.0
Last updated: 09-05-2024
WordPress version: 6.3
Tested up to: 6.5.3
PHP version required: 7.4
Languages: Albanian, Arabic [+49]

Wishlist for woocommerce

Woocommerce wishlist

YITH WooCommerce Wishlist

Woocommerce add to wishlist

Yith wishlist

Learning resources: View resources


The YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin is a robust tool designed for eCommerce shops to enhance user experience and drive sales by allowing customers to save, share, and manage their favorite products in a wishlist. With over 900,000 active installations, this popular plugin offers both free and premium versions, each providing a range of features. In the free version, users can save favorite products, display 'Add to Wishlist' and 'Remove from Wishlist' buttons, and customize wishlist tables. The premium upgrade significantly boosts functionality, including viewing wishlists of logged-in users, sending promotional emails, allowing multiple wishlists per user, and offering advanced management options. It also enables customers to share their wishlists, increasing store visibility and attracting new customers. With the latest 3.0 version featuring enhanced design and more options, YITH WooCommerce Wishlist aims to foster customer loyalty and increase conversions.

Save and Organize Favorite Products

  • Users can save their favorite products for future reference.
  • Quick and easy access to saved products for later purchase.
  • Supports product variations like color and size.

Share Wishlist with Others

  • Users can share their wishlist with friends and family for special occasions.
  • Wishlist sharing on social networks provides indirect advertising for the store.
  • Visibility options allow users to make wishlists public, private, or shared.

Increase Sales and Customer Loyalty

  • Encourages repeat visits and purchases by saving desired products.
  • Promotional emails can be sent to users with specific products in their wishlist.
  • Multiple 'Add to Cart' buttons and product price variations enhance user experience.

Enhanced User Management and Customization

  • Users can create, rename, and delete multiple wishlists.
  • Drag and drop functionality for arranging products in the wishlist.
  • Modern and beautiful layouts for wishlist pages and tables.

Features list


Free version

Apply a discount on the whole shop or on all products of a specific category

Apply discounts across the entire store or specific categories.

Create targeted offers and increase the average order value

Design offers aimed at boosting the average order value.

Set up the most popular promotions (like 3 for 2, 2 for 1, BOGO etc.)

Implement popular promotions such as 3 for 2, 2 for 1, and BOGO.

Schedule discounts and promotions that will start and end automatically

Automate the start and end times for discounts and promotions.

Offer a product as a gift or a discount to all users that buy a specific product or spend a specific amount

Provide gifts or discounts for purchases of specific products or amounts.

Offer dynamic discounts in cart or free shipping when users spend a minimum amount

Give dynamic cart discounts or free shipping for minimum spend thresholds.

Create any kind of discount or promotion: 3 for 2, 2 for 1, Buy One Get One Free, 50% on the second item, Buy X and get Y for free

Design various discount types like 3 for 2, BOGO, and more.

Apply a massive discount on the whole shop catalog or on products of a specific category

Apply significant discounts to the entire catalog or specific categories.

Set dynamic discounts based on product quantity

Create discounts that adjust based on the quantity of products.

Create discount rules to apply to the cart

Establish rules for applying discounts directly in the cart.

Show dynamic messages in the cart to encourage users to spend more

Display messages in the cart to motivate higher spending.

Show a modal window in the cart and give one or more products as a gift

Present a modal in the cart offering gift products.

Create a last-minute deal to show on the cart or checkout page

Offer last-minute deals visible in the cart or at checkout.

Create dynamic messages to show on your product pages

Display dynamic messages on product pages to engage users.

Decide whether to give discounts to all your users or a specific niche only

Choose to offer discounts to all users or target specific groups.


YITH WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing & Discounts

$0 / free

Plan includes

Apply a discount on the whole shop or on all products of a specific category
Create targeted offers and increase the average order value
Set up the most popular promotions (like 3 for 2, 2 for 1, BOGO etc.)
Schedule discounts and promotions that will start and end automatically
Offer a product as a gift or a discount to all users that buy a specific product or spend a specific amount
Offer dynamic discounts in cart or free shipping when users spend a minimum amount
Create any kind of discount or promotion: 3 for 2, 2 for 1, Buy One Get One Free, 50% on the second item, Buy X and get Y for free
Apply a massive discount on the whole shop catalog or on products of a specific category

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

See all pricing options

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations



22 Jul, 2021

Good support and great plugins !


14 Feb, 2023

The demo version did not work properly on my site when external affiliate products were added to the Wishlist. Forum support just messed me around and the thread was closed so that I could not ask any further questions to try and fix the problem. Very disappointing experience.


28 Nov, 2022

Great plugin but the best feature is the support provided.


07 Mar, 2023

I am really happy with the plugin, but I have stumbled across one function that I could really use:The ability to pass the name of the wishlist across to the customer order. We have customers that purchase items as donations / gifts. It would be great to know which customer purchased which item. So if the customer purchased “Gift 1” from “Susan’s Wishlist” and they added this to their own order, I would ship the Gift to Susan and the rest of the order to the customer. But now I have no way of knowing which wishlist the gift came from. So instead it looks like the customer purchased everything in the order for themselves.Other than that, this is a very well thought-out, integrated, clean and professional looking plugin. Hopeful you’ll incorporate my recommendation. This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Steven Stern (sterndata). This topic was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by owlbooksdk. Reason: Update title of post so others can see it


19 Apr, 2024

This plugin simply does the job, time and time again. G


Does YITH WooCommerce Wishlist allows adding an “add to wishlist” button on the products on shop page and archive pages?

Can I customize the wishlist page?

Can I move the position of 'Add to wishlist' button?

Can I change the style of 'Add to wishlist' button?

Wishlist page returns a 404 error?

Have you encountered anomalies after plugin update, that did not exist in the previous version?

I am currently using Wishlist plugin with Catalog Mode enabled in my site. Prices for products should disappear, yet they still appear in the wishlist page. Can I remove them?

How can I report security bugs?