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Create a Website with AI


Smart, efficient cache solution for WordPress. Use DB, HDD, APC or Memcached for storing your blog pages. Make WordPress faster!


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Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

Optimizes page loads

Multiple caching methods

Reduces database queries

Supports WordPress Multisite

Automatic cache management

About this plugin

Version: 2.3.2
Last updated: 28-10-2021
WordPress version: 4.4
Tested up to: 5.8.10
PHP version required: 5.2.4
Languages: Deutsch (Schweiz, Du), Deutsch (Sie) [+10]
Learning resources: View resources


Cachify is a dynamic WordPress plugin designed to enhance the performance of your website by caching posts, pages, and custom post types as static content. The plugin offers multiple caching methods, including database caching, server hard drive (HDD) storage, Memcached (exclusively for Nginx environments), and APC (Alternative PHP Cache) for system-level caching. By delivering content directly from these caches, Cachify significantly reduces the load on the database and PHP processes. Key features include support for custom post types, an easy “Flush Cache” button, compatibility with WordPress Multisite, HTML markup compression, whitelist management for posts and user agents, and both manual and automatic cache resets. It also includes an automatic cache management system, a dashboard widget for monitoring cached objects, and server-specific settings for Apache and Nginx. The plugin is highly extendable via hooks and filters and offers community support through the WordPress support forums. Development and bug fixes are actively managed on GitHub, where contributions and translations are welcomed.

Optimized Page Loads

  • Caches posts, pages, and custom post types as static content
  • Reduces the amount of database queries and PHP requests
  • Supports multiple caching methods: DB, HDD, APC, and Memcached

Versatile Caching Options

  • Choose between database, hard drive, APC, or Memcached caching
  • Supports caching for custom post types
  • Automatic and manual cache reset options

User-Friendly Features

  • “Flush Cache” button in the WordPress toolbar
  • Dashboard widget for cached objects
  • Optional compression of HTML markup

Compatibility and Extendability

  • Ready for WordPress Multisite
  • Settings for Apache and Nginx servers
  • Extendable via hooks and filters

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations


User sentiment analysis

Users are highly impressed by this plugin's simplicity and speed. They appreciate its straightforward interface, lack of intrusive ads, and compatibility with other plugins. Many users find it significantly improves load times and overall site performance. The HDD caching mode is particularly praised for its effectiveness in reducing server load and speeding up page delivery. However, users mention some drawbacks. Manual configuration of the htaccess file is required, which can be challenging for some. It lacks advanced features and doesn't cache for logged-in users. Additionally, comprehensive documentation and support in languages other than German is missing, which limits accessibility for a broader audience.


21 Jul, 2021

I’m simply amazed at how simple and super quick this plugin is. Even if I was sponsored to use another caching plugin I simply wouldn’t!
James Hunt

James Hunt

30 May, 2021

I rarely write review but this plugin is really well deserved. Certainly this is a reliable caching plugin can go against the major competitors out there. There are many reviews out there suggesting the load times are not as fast as other big players, but that is simply not true. I tested myself and can confirm this actually loads faster than those claimed to be faster in those popular reviews in the wild. This plugin only do 1 thing unlike its competitor and it nailed it! I particular like the built-in compatibility with other plugins I’ve used, non-intrusive at all, also the way it caches with its HDD mode, that’s how a real cache mechanism should work. I have been using many of the popular caching plugin in my production sites, until I gave Cachify a try, and I am a totally satisfied with it. The only concerns for some people is the manual configuration on the htaccess file to make it work, but that’s never an issue for me for just copy and paste a paragraph of setting into 1 file. Good work guys! Thank you for your great efforts developing this excellent plugin! Please keep this simple and free.


17 Aug, 2020

Excellent plugin, works nice doing object caching and improving the overwall wordpress site performance. 100% free!


12 Jun, 2020

It crashed my website.


19 Oct, 2019

Thank you!


No cache expiration option while using HDD cache?

PHP Fatal error: Cannot use output buffering in output buffering display handlers in Unknown on line 0

My Website looks in some parts broken after activating Cachify!

Cachify HDD: Character encoding does not work correctly

Cachify with CDN support?

PHP OPcache as a caching method?

When does Cachify automaticaly flush its cache?

Which parts of the website are not cached by default?

The cache folder is indexed by search engines!