Flex Posts – Widget and Gutenberg Block
A widget to display posts with thumbnails in various layouts. Fits nicely in any widget area size.
Installation instructions
Customer support & learning resources
Main benefits
Responsive widget layout
Multiple post display options
Customizable widget settings
Gutenberg block support
Flexible content adaptation
About this plugin
Author: Tajam
Categories: Widgets and Sidebars
Version: 1.11.0
Last updated: 17-07-2024
WordPress version: 5.2
Tested up to: 6.6.1
PHP version required: false
Languages: Svenska, 繁體中文
Learning resources: View resources
Flex Posts is a versatile WordPress plugin designed to showcase posts in a variety of layouts, making it an ideal tool for news websites that need to display multiple posts on a single page. This responsive widget adapts its layout based on the container's width, displaying posts vertically in narrow areas like sidebars and in columns within wider spaces. Users can customize the widget settings extensively, choosing from various layouts, post types, categories, and tags, and controlling the display of images, titles, authors, dates, excerpts, and more. Additionally, the plugin includes a Gutenberg block for easy integration into post and page content using the WP 5.0 block editor. Flex Posts is compatible with PHP 5.3 and above, with a recommendation to use the latest PHP versions for enhanced security and performance.
Responsive Design
- Adapts content based on the width of its container.
- Displays posts vertically in narrow areas like sidebars.
- Displays posts in 2 or 3 columns in wider areas.
Highly Customizable
- Multiple layout options (layout 1 to 4).
- Various post type selections including custom post types.
- Filter posts by category and tags.
- Customizable display options for images, titles, categories, authors, dates, comments, excerpts, and more.
Advanced Post Display Options
- Order posts by newest, oldest, most commented, alphabetical, random, or modified date.
- Set the number of posts to show and skip.
- Exclude the current post from the display.
- Show pagination links for easier navigation.
Gutenberg Block Integration
- Add the widget directly into post/page content with the WP 5.0 block editor.
- Enhances the flexibility of content placement within the Gutenberg editor.