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RA Widgets Bundle

RA Widgets Bundle

A collection of widgets using the SiteOrigin Widgets API.


Rating summary




Active installations

RA Widgets Bundle
RA Widgets Bundle



Installation instructions

Customer support & learning resources


Main benefits

SiteOrigin Widgets API

Developer-friendly styles

Custom widget templates

Multiple widget options

Extendable functionality

About this plugin

Author: FrodoBean
Version: 1.0.3
Last updated: 20-08-2019
WordPress version: 4.7
Tested up to: 5.2.21
PHP version required: false
Learning resources: View resources


The RA Widgets Bundle is a versatile collection of widgets designed using the SiteOrigin Widgets API, allowing users to enhance their WordPress sites with customized, minimalistic styles. This plugin grants the end-user control over the visual and functional aspects of their website through easily adaptable styles and customizable widget templates. Featuring widgets such as Call-to-Action, Button with multiple styles, Image, Image Carousel, Testimonial Carousel, and Headline widgets, it caters to a variety of content presentation needs. The Call-to-Action widget, for instance, facilitates user engagement by combining image and button elements to prompt specific actions. For developers, the plugin's minimalistic default styling is particularly advantageous as it allows for extensive style customizations using custom CSS or templates. Future enhancements include more comprehensive documentation and additional widget offerings.


  • Provides minimal styles to allow developers to take control of the look and behavior.
  • Can be extended through custom widget templates to suit specific website needs.

Versatile Widget Collection

  • Includes a variety of widgets such as Call-to-Action, Button, Image, Image Carousel, Testimonial, and Headline.
  • Widgets can be used to enhance different aspects of a website's functionality and design.

Customizable Button Widget

  • Offers three predefined styles: flat, rounded, and wire.
  • Styles are rendered through their respective LESS stylesheet, allowing for easy customization.

Image and Testimonial Carousels

  • Image Carousel Widget allows for the creation of image slideshows using the Owl Carousel jQuery plugin.
  • Testimonial Widget enables the creation of testimonial slideshows, also using the Owl Carousel jQuery plugin.

Rating and reviews


Rating summary




Active installations



Do I need to install SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle for this to work?

What do you mean by 'Developer-friendly'?

Do you plan on adding styles in the future?

What widgets are included in the RA Widgets Bundle?

What is the Call-to-Action Widget?

What styles are available for the Button Widget?

What is the Image Carousel Widget?

What is the Testimonial Widget?