vs Justhost: guide for 2024

Final verdict

Final Verdict

After comparing and Just Host, it’s clear that Just Host provides a more well-rounded and reliable hosting solution.

  • Just Host (Overall grade: 7.4)

    offers a comprehensive suite of hosting types, including VPS and eCommerce hosting, making it suitable for a diverse array of user needs. Their 99.95% uptime guarantee, high-performance servers, and advanced caching options ensure stable and speedy website performance. The inclusion of features like unlimited email accounts, SSH access, and a 30-day money-back guarantee enhance its appeal. Although customer service feedback is mixed, the extensive support options and easy-to-navigate cPanel contribute to an overall positive user experience. Just Host also provides robust WordPress hosting and a variety of scaling options, which makes it an ideal choice for users seeking flexibility and comprehensive support.

  • (Overall grade: 6.5)

    is best known for its user-friendly website builder and various security features, including domain privacy protection and SSL certificates. While it offers dedicated hosting and a straightforward upgrade path, it lacks advanced hosting options like VPS and eCommerce hosting. The 99.99% uptime claim isn’t backed by consistent performance, which might be a drawback for high-traffic websites. supports WordPress hosting with a focus on pre-installed plugins and curated themes, which can be advantageous for users less familiar with web design. However, the limited email services and less versatile scalability options make it less appealing when compared to Just Host.

Overall grade:6.5

Overall grade:7.4

Uptime and Availability 3.2 7.1
Hosting Performance 5.3 5.8
Hosting Security 7.9 7.7
Price 8.1 8.6
Hosting Features 5.8 6.7
Ease Of Setup 7.7 8.2
User Management 7.2 7.2
Customer Support 7.1 7.8
User feedback 3.2/5 4/5

Hosting types offered

Both platforms provide a variety of hosting types, each designed to meet the different needs of users.

Shared hosting
Cloud hosting
WordPress hosting
Ecommerce hosting
VPS hosting
Dedicated hosting

Although both offer a variety of hosting plans tailored to different needs, in certain cases, one platform may prove to be more suitable.

WordPress More curated themes and pre-installed plugins catered to WordPress.

Just Host: Offers superior support, reliability, and advanced features, making it a better choice for businesses prioritizing growth and stability in ecommerce.

Tie: Both offer a variety of plans and solid customer support ideal for agencies managing multiple clients.

High-traffic websites Dedicated hosting with enhanced security and flexibility ideal for high-traffic needs.

Multimedia websites
Tie: Both offer unmetered storage options, suitable for multimedia content.

Detailed comparison

Uptime and availability

Evaluates the average uptime statistics, uptime guarantee and overall availability of the hosting

Score Components:

  • Uptime percentage (30%): evaluates the uptime statistics in given period of time
  • Uptime guarantee (20%): Assesses if the platform offers an uptime guarantee and
    whether the actual uptime matches the promised guarantee.
  • General performance (25%): Evaluates how fast is the average response time and overall
    it’s stability.
  • Responsiveness (10%): Adaptability to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Availability (25%): Reflects the total downtime and number of outages.


SECTION-1: Winner JustHost: Reliable uptime with competitive performance.

SECTION-2: claims a 99.99% uptime guarantee, but details on what constitutes ‘downtime’ are vague. Actual performance reviews reveal lower uptime and slower response times compared to competitors. This lack of clarity and inconsistent performance may not meet expectations, especially for high-traffic websites.

SECTION-3: JustHost offers a 99.95% uptime guarantee, which aligns well with industry standards. Despite some concerns with server response speeds, their overall uptime is reliable, and they offer continuous customer support. However, automatic backups are only available on premium plans, and their customer service sees mixed reviews.

Hosting performance

Evaluates the platforms hosting speed and performance tools
Score Components:

  • Hosting speed (30%): This includes SSD quality, Load times, PageSpeed score ranges,
    additional information on website speed, built-in plugins for performance enhancement, available caching
    methods, and CPU/RAM options
  • CDN (20%): Considers whether CDN is available or not, whether it’s free or paid, and
    the quality of the CDN service
  • Available data centers (30%): Evaluates the number of data centers and their locations
  • Scalibility (20%): Looks at whether elastic scaling is available, the process required
    to scale (manual upgrade vs. automatic scaling), the presence of dedicated servers, and the costs
    associated with scaling.


🏆 Winner Just Host: Reliable hosting with high-performance servers and comprehensive support.

When comparing the general performance of and Just Host, Just Host has a more reliable and sturdy environment due to its high-performance quad processor servers and UPS power backup generators. Both providers offer unmetered bandwidth and include various levels of performance guarantees. However, Just Host edges out with its 24/7 network monitoring and built-in caching options, enhancing website speed and reliability. Both offer a free first-year domain with the hosting plan, with Just Host adding unlimited email accounts to the mix.

Website Speed

Just Host provides an enhanced level of performance with high-quality servers and caching options. This ensures faster load times and better overall web experience., conversely, also offers consistent uptime and speed due to its scalable bandwidth and 99% uptime guarantee, though it relies heavily on basic shared hosting features without specific mentions of caching or CDN services.

Scalability offers a straightforward upgrade path within their tiered plans but lacks information on dedicated servers or automatic scaling features. Just Host, on the other hand, provides both VPS and Dedicated Hosting with instant provisioning and robust resource allocation via KVM hypervisor virtualization. Scaling can be more flexible and immediate on Just Host, with options for storage upgrades, although exact costs for these upgrades are not provided.

Hosting security

Reflects the platforms security measures, data privacy, backups and adherence to legal
and regulatory requirements

Score Components:

  • Technical security measures (40%): This includes encryption, firewalls, DDoS
    protection, secure configurations, server monitoring, access control and availability of security addons
    (e.g Sitelock security).
  • Operational security measures (30%): Encompasses data privacy, backups and data
  • Compliance and certifications (20%): Adherence to legal and regulatory requirements
    (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) and possession of certifications (e.g., ISO 27001, SOC 2).
  • Business and reliability (10%): Factors in the provider’s reputation, uptime
    guarantees, and customer support.


🏆 Winner Offers comprehensive security features with enhanced protection and compliance support.

Both and Just Host, have notable differences in their approaches to technical and operational
security, as well as in their compliance with regulations.

Technical security measures: provides various SSL certificates, ranging from basic domain validation to eCommerce SSL with extensive warranties, while Just Host offers free SSL across all plans and premium certificates for higher-tier plans. Both services leverage SiteLock for malware protection, automatic removal, and vulnerability scanning. Just Host supports PHP 5 and 7, while’s PHP support isn’t specified. includes domain privacy protection, whereas Just Host features Spam Assassin Protection and hotlink protection.

Operational security measures: features 24/7 support by security experts and automatic malware removal through SiteLock. Just Host also offers SiteLock services but adds a dynamic security badge and instant threat notifications. Both services offer a web application firewall and database vulnerability scanning. Additionally, Just Host provides on-demand expert services for site cleanup if needed, while focuses on database scanning and blacklist monitoring.

Compliance and certifications:

Both hosting providers comply with GDPR but neither is HIPAA compliant, which may be a critical factor for businesses in healthcare. offers PCI compliance but restricts this to dedicated and VPS hosting plans, whereas Just Host does not provide PCI compliance across any plans.

SSL Certificate

Various types

Free with all plans, premium available

Additional Security Features

SiteLock, Domain Privacy, 24/7 support

Spam Assassin, Hotlink Protection, Custom Cron Jobs, SSH Access

PHP Versions

Not specified

PHP 5 & 7

GDPR Compliance



HIPAA Compliance

Not specified

Not specified

PCI Compliance


Not explicitly mentioned

Hosting features

Looks at the features offered by hosting platforms
Score Components:

  • Domains (20%): Assesses the availability of a free domain, domain purchase options, and
  • Email (15%): Considers if the provider offers full email hosting, or is reselling
    third-party service, and if the email is only transactional or not
  • Website builder (15%): Checks if website builder is available, and it’s user
    friendliness and overall the level of customization allowed.
  • Staging environment (20%): Determines if a staging environment is available, allowing
    for testing changes before going live.
  • FTP & SFTP accounts (10%): Evaluates if and how easily users can access FTP and
    SFTP accounts
  • Git and SSH access (20%): Assess whether Git is integrated into the hosting service and
    if SSH access is provided


🏆 Winner
Just Host:
A robust hosting provider with extensive features and services.

Both and Just Host offer impressive hosting features suitable for different user needs. boasts a user-friendly drag-and-drop builder, making it easy for users to create websites without coding knowledge. It offers unlimited bandwidth, storage, and FTP accounts, and includes a free domain for the first year when using the promo code DOMFREE. Just Host also provides a free website builder and supports complex customizations, making it a good choice for those who need more advanced features. Free domain name registration for one year is available with Just Host’s qualified plans. It offers additional perks like free marketing tools and one-click installations for various applications.

A key difference between the two providers is the availability of SSH access; Just Host offers secure shell access, providing users with an additional layer of security and control. Both providers include SSL certificates for secure transactions, though offers it free for the first year. Just Host also has a more extensive list of additional features like server-side scripting support and various customizable options. In terms of user support, while both providers offer 24/7 support, Just Host includes a 30-day money-back guarantee, enhancing its appeal for users who want a risk-free trial.

Free Domain

Yes, for the first year

Yes, for the first year

Free SSL

Yes, for the first year


Email Hosting



Website Builder



Staging Environment



FTP & SFTP Accounts



Git and SSH Access



Free Backup



Money Back Guarantee


Yes, 30 days
In some cases hosting providers offer different features based on various components like
a location.
As a result in rare cases the features mentioned here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

Just Host outshines when it comes to email services. Just Host offers unlimited email accounts with POP3/IMAP support, allowing users to manage their email campaigns and business communications effectively., however, doesn’t offer email hosting services within the provided features. Users needing a comprehensive email solution will find Just Host to be the better option.


Looks at the cost-effectiveness and value for money of each platform.
Score Components:

  • Plan value (40%): What each pricing tier offers.
  • Transparency and clarity (30%): Clearness of pricing structures.
  • Flexibility of plans (20%): Range of options to suit different budgets.
  • Hidden costs (10%): Additional expenses not included in the plan.


🏆 Winner Just Host: This hosting provider stands out for its diverse range of high-performing plans tailored to meet various needs, making it a preferred choice among users.

Evaluating the pricing of plans among various hosting providers can be complex due to their differing pricing and renewal strategies. Additionally, certain plans require annual commitments, which adds to the difficulty of making comparisons. The prices listed are based on monthly commitments; plans requiring annual commitments are indicated. Additionally, although some providers offer identical plans for WordPress and shared hosting, we have created separate tables for each to enhance clarity.

When comparing and Just Host, Just Host emerges as the superior choice. While offers a flat rate of $3.75/mo across all its plans, including shared, WordPress, and security add-ons, Just Host provides more variety at different price points to cater to a wider range of needs. Just Host’s plans offer freedom with options for a single website or unlimited websites with extensive features and higher performance. Additionally, Just Host also includes automated backups in its higher-tier plans which can be a valuable feature for enterprise-level businesses.

Basic Plan $3.75

1 website, 10GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL.Certificate included, free domain for the first year.

Value for price:8.1

Basic Plan $14.99

1 website, 50GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain registration, 5 email accounts.

Value for price:8.6

Plus Plan $3.75

5 websites, 20GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain for the first year.

Value for price:8.1

Plus Plan $20.99

Unlimited websites, unmetered storage, bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain registration, unlimited email accounts.

Value for price:8.6

Premium Plan $3.75

10 websites, 40GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain for the first year.

Value for price:8.1

Choice Plus Plan $22.99

Unlimited websites, unmetered storage, bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain registration, domain privacy, unlimited email accounts, automated backups.

Value for price:8.6

Pro Plan $35.99

Unlimited websites, unmetered storage, high performance, bandwidth, SSL & Premium SSL included, free domain registration, domain privacy, unlimited email accounts.

Value for price:8.6

Basic Plan $3.75

1 website, 10GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain for the first year.

Value for price:8.1

Basic Plan $14.99

1 website, 50GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain registration, 5 email accounts.

Value for price:8.6

Plus Plan $3.75

5 websites, 20GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain for the first year.

Value for price:8.1

Plus Plan $20.99

Unlimited websites, unmetered storage, bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain registration, unlimited email accounts.

Value for price:8.6

Premium Plan $3.75

10 websites, 40GB storage, unmetered bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain for the first year.

Value for price:8.1

Choice Plus Plan $22.99

Unlimited websites, unmetered storage, bandwidth, SSL Certificate included, free domain registration, domain privacy, unlimited email accounts, automated backups.

Value for price:8.6

Pro Plan $35.99

Unlimited websites, unmetered storage, high performance, bandwidth, SSL & Premium SSL included, free domain registration, domain privacy, unlimited email accounts.

Value for price:8.6

Standard Plan $109.99

4 cores, Intel Xeon processor, 4GB RAM, 500GB storage, 5TB bandwidth, 3 IPs, monthly price.

Value for price:8.6

Enhanced Plan $159.99

4 cores, Intel Xeon processor, 8GB RAM, 1000GB storage, 10TB bandwidth, 4 IPs, monthly price.

Value for price:8.6

Premium Plan $209.99

4 cores, Intel Xeon processor, 16GB RAM, 1000GB storage, 15TB bandwidth, 5 IPs, monthly price.

Value for price:8.6

In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location.
As a result in rare cases the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

Enterprise plans

For enterprises, Just Host provides comprehensive dedicated and VPS hosting plans that offer higher bandwidth, RAM, and storage compared to’s offerings. These plans cater to businesses requiring high-performance computing and extensive server resources. In contrast,’s uniform pricing and features across different plans may not offer the scalability required by large-scale enterprises.

Ease of setup

Evaluates the ease of setting up and migrating websites on the hosting

Score Components:

  • Site migration (25%): Assesses whether the provider offers tools for site migration,
    either automated or manual, and whether these services are free or require a fee.
  • Admin panel usability (35%): Evaluates the type of admin panel provided, such as the
    standard cPanel or a custom solution, focusing on its accessibility and user-friendliness for both
    technical and non-technical users.
  • Setup features (20%): Examines the availability and ease of use of various setup
    features, including FTP accounts, file managers, email account setup, PHPMyAdmin, and easy CDN
  • Help center quality (20%): Measures the quality and accessibility of the provider’s
    help center resources, including articles and tutorials.


🏆 Winner Just Host: Offers a straightforward cPanel interface complemented by a variety of easy-to-integrate tools for seamless website management.

Just Host utilizes the cPanel control panel, which is known for its user-friendly interface catering to both beginners and experienced users. The cPanel control panel offered by Just Host simplifies the management of email accounts, domain management, and website statistics. With clear, easily accessible options, users can effortlessly navigate through the different aspects of their hosting account. Additionally, Just Host provides one-click script installs via SimpleScripts, allowing users to quickly set up popular applications like WordPress and Joomla., on the other hand, incorporates its own custom control panel tailored specifically for their hosting environment. This panel integrates features such as Google Workspace and a variety of pre-installed plugins for WordPress hosting, all designed to streamline the setup process. While’s control panel is effective and provides comprehensive functionality, it may present a steeper learning curve for non-technical users compared to the universally recognized cPanel offered by Just Host.

Just Host provides a variety of tools for site migration, including automated and manual options, making the process straightforward for users. Migration tools are designed to be easy to use, even for those who are not technically adept. Additionally, support for migration is available if needed. While does offer migration support, it is more centered around guiding users through the process rather than providing automated tools. As such, users might find the migration process slightly more cumbersome.

Evaluating the help center resources, Just Host stands out with a comprehensive knowledge base filled with various articles, tutorials, and guides. They also provide 24/7 phone, chat, and email support, ensuring users have multiple avenues for assistance when needed. also offers a robust knowledge base, supported by 24/7 live chat and an accessible help section. However, the overall quality and breadth of resources available from Just Host slightly edge out those of

The platforms provide extensive knowledge bases filled with guides, how-to articles, and instructional content. Just Host offers a wide range of resources alongside 24/7 chat and phone support. also boasts a detailed help center with an intuitive search function and around-the-clock support via live chat, phone, and ticketing, ensuring comprehensive user support.

User management

Assesses the platforms’ capabilities in managing user roles, permissions, and

Score Components:

  • Role customization (40%): Flexibility in creating and defining user roles and
  • Ease of management (30%): User interface and tools for managing users.
  • Access control (20%): Effectiveness of access control measures for different user
  • Scalability (10%): Ability to manage a growing number of users efficiently.


🏆 Winner JustHost: Offers a comprehensive suite of user management features via cPanel. provides straightforward management of WordPress user roles, including fine-grained control over user permissions for tasks such as post creation, content management, and profile updates. In contrast, JustHost leverages the cPanel control panel, known for its user-friendly interface and extensive control options. While WordPress roles on are specific to content management, JustHost’s user management capabilities through cPanel allow for a broader range of administrative and technical tasks, including multi-account management and server settings modifications. Overall, JustHost provides more versatility in user role creation and management.

The user interface on is centered around the WordPress Dashboard, which is intuitive and familiar to anyone who has previously used WordPress. Adding or editing users is a simple process with clearly defined roles. JustHost, on the other hand, utilizes the cPanel control panel, which is designed to be straightforward and accessible to both beginners and advanced users. The enhanced cPanel for VPS hosting offers even more features, providing a more comprehensive suite of tools for managing user accounts, emails, domains, and server settings. Both platforms offer user-friendly interfaces, but JustHost’s cPanel provides a wider array of management tools.’s user roles within WordPress are effective for content management but may require more administrative oversight as the number of users grows, specifically with roles like Contributor that require higher-level approval for publishing. JustHost’s cPanel interface supports scalable user management with its multi-account management feature, making it easier to oversee a large number of user accounts across various domains and services. Additionally, JustHost’s root access for VPS hosting offers unparalleled control, enabling administrators to implement advanced security measures and customized settings to manage access more effectively.

JustHost User Roles Table

Role Description Access highlights
General cPanel User General management of hosting services Access to cPanel features such as email, domains, and basic settings
VPS Root User Full control over the server environment Complete root access to CentOS, full server control, including SSH and FTP
Multi-Account Manager Access to multiple accounts with one login Manage various cPanel services and account information from a single interface

Customer support

Evaluates the quality, availability, and scope of the customer support offered by the
hosting provider.

Score Components:

  • Support communication channels (30%): Measures the variety of customer support types
    provided (live chat, chatbot, email, phone, etc.)
  • Availability (20%): Assesses the availability hours for each channel, including 24/7
    support options.
  • Technical support quality (30%): Assesses whether the provider offers comprehensive
    technical support, including hardware upgrades (e.g., HDD to SSD), software installations, and web
    server configuration changes.
  • Enterprise support (20%): Checks if there are dedicated or priority support services
    for enterprise-level customers.


🏆 Winner
JustHost offers more comprehensive support options and excellent uptime, making it a reliable choice for web hosting.

Phone support

Live chat support


Email/ticket support

Enterprise support
(dedicated agent, priority support) and JustHost both offer 24/7 customer support, but their services differ in several ways. provides chat and phone support for general inquiries, with designated hours for account verification, renewals, and cancellations. Technical assistance is available from 7 a.m. to midnight EST, via phone or a Help Ticket for email support. They have separate contact numbers for US and international customers. However, some users have reported issues such as slow response times and communication difficulties, often attributed to outsourcing.

On the other hand, JustHost also offers round-the-clock support via live chat, phone, and tickets, with a notable emphasis on providing comprehensive tech support across all plans. On higher-tier plans, JustHost offers advanced technical support, assisting with significant hosting changes like server configurations and software installations. While JustHost generally receives positive feedback, some complaints highlight longer wait times for resolving complex issues, a challenge common in the hosting industry.

User feedback
21 reviews
3.2 out of 5 stars
1 reviews
4 out of 5 stars

User feedback for this hosting provider reveals a mixed experience. Many users appreciate its user-friendly platform, straightforward domain registration process, and reliable customer support. However, significant criticisms include poor customer service practices, confusing pricing and add-ons, and outdated or slow web interfaces. While some users praise the affordability and efficiency of domain management, others warn of hidden costs and problematic service.

JustHost is praised for its simplicity and ease of use, making it a great option for beginners wanting to learn more about hosting and cPanel. Users appreciate its intuitive interface and reliable performance with minimal outages. The introductory pricing is highly attractive, offering significant savings for long-term commitments. However, some users feel that the regular pricing after the initial period can be steep, though still competitive.


Which platform is better suited for hosting WordPress websites?

Both and Just Host are well-suited for hosting WordPress websites, offering specific WordPress plans with curated themes and pre-installed plugins. However, Just Host’s robust caching options, high-performance servers, and additional features like unlimited email accounts give it an edge for those seeking high performance and flexibility.

Are both platforms suitable for beginners?

Both and Just Host are beginner-friendly, offering easy-to-navigate interfaces and comprehensive support resources. features a user-friendly website builder, and Just Host provides a simple cPanel control panel, making both suitable for new users. The choice will depend on the specific needs and preferences of the individual user.

Which hosting service offers better security features? offers extensive security features, including various SSL certificates, SiteLock for malware protection, and domain privacy protection. Just Host also provides robust security measures like free SSL certificates, Spam Assassin Protection, and hotlink protection. While both platforms offer solid security options, has a slight edge in terms of comprehensive security features and compliance support.

Which platform offers better customer support?

Both and Just Host offer 24/7 customer support through phone and live chat. However, Just Host extends its support offerings with email/ticket support and more comprehensive resources like a detailed knowledge base. Despite some mixed reviews, Just Host’s broader support options and additional features, like PIN validation for extra security, give it an edge.

What are the differences in the control panels offered by each hosting service?

Just Host utilizes the cPanel control panel, known for its user-friendly interface and extensive control options, making it easy to manage email accounts, domains, and website statistics. integrates its custom control panel tailored for their hosting environment, which incorporates features like Google Workspace. While effective,’s control panel may present a steeper learning curve for non-technical users compared to cPanel.

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