Hostinger vs Hivelocity: guide for 2024

Hostinger vs Hivelocity: Final verdict

Looking over Hostinger vs. Hivelocity, it’s clear why both hosts are so popular. They have both hosted millions of
websites that run on WordPress for decades, building up a loyal customer base.

  • Hostinger (Overall grade: 8.7)

    offers an impressive balance of speed, scalability, and user-friendly features. With their strong uptime guarantee and global data centers, they provide reliable and fast hosting solutions. Hostinger excels with its variety of plans, including economical shared hosting options and robust cloud hosting for enterprises. The platform’s comprehensive support resources, coupled with an intuitive control panel and seamless migration services, make it particularly suitable for both beginners and advanced users. However, some users have mentioned renewal pricing issues and the lack of phone support as areas needing improvement.

  • Hivelocity (Overall grade: 7.7)

    shines with its strong focus on reliability and security, backed by an impeccable uptime record and compliance with rigorous standards such as HIPAA and PCI. Their dedicated hosting solutions cater to high-demand applications and specialized uses, excelling in server performance and customer support. Hivelocity offers managed services with robust technical support, although it might be more complex for non-technical users. Despite the higher costs associated with their high-performance options and the occasional variability in support quality, Hivelocity remains a top choice for users prioritizing reliability and security.

Overall grade:8.7

Overall grade:7.7

Uptime and Availability 9.2 9.8
Hosting Performance 9.0 7.0
Hosting Security 8.4 8.7
Price 8.8 8.7
Hosting Features 8.3 2.5
Ease Of Setup 9.0 8.5
User Management 8.2 6.9
Customer Support 8.3 9.5
User feedback 4.4/5 4.9/5

Hosting types offered

Both platforms provide a variety of hosting types, each designed to meet the different needs of users.

Shared hosting
Cloud hosting
WordPress hosting
Ecommerce hosting
VPS hosting
Dedicated hosting

Although both offer a variety of hosting plans tailored to different needs, in
certain cases, one platform may prove to be more suitable.

Tie: Both offer comprehensive tools for WordPress hosting.

Hostinger: offers superior support, reliability, and advanced
features for ecommerce endeavors.

Hostinger: Multiple hosting types and tools for team collaboration.

High-traffic websites
Tie: Both provide scalable options, but Hivelocity offers dedicated hosting for higher performance.

Multimedia websites
Hostinger: Advanced caching and CDN options, making it more suitable for media-heavy websites.

Detailed comparison

Uptime and availability

Evaluates the average uptime statistics, uptime guarantee and overall availability of the hosting

Score Components:

  • Uptime percentage (30%): evaluates the uptime statistics in given period of time
  • Uptime guarantee (20%): Assesses if the platform offers an uptime guarantee and
    whether the actual uptime matches the promised guarantee.
  • General performance (25%): Evaluates how fast is the average response time and overall
    it’s stability.
  • Responsiveness (10%): Adaptability to different devices and screen sizes.
  • Availability (25%): Reflects the total downtime and number of outages.


🏆 Winner
It’s superior uptime and significantly faster response times make Hivelocity a better choice for users who require high performance and stability from their hosting provider.

Hivelocity shows a slightly superior performance in terms of reliability and speed. Both hosting services have impressive uptimes, with Hivelocity slightly edging out Hostinger with a 99.99% uptime over a 3-month period compared to Hostinger’s 99.89%. This difference in uptime is reflected in the number and duration of outages, where Hivelocity experienced 3 outages totaling 12 minutes, while Hostinger had 5 outages totaling 2h 12 minutes.

Hivelocity’s advantage is more pronounced in terms of server response time. It boasted an average response time of 389ms, which is significantly lower than the shared hosting industry standard and faster than Hostinger’s average response time of 670ms, which can peak up to 1152ms. This suggests that Hivelocity is not only more reliable in maintaining uptime but also in delivering faster website loading speeds, making it a preferable option for users prioritizing performance.

Which one has better hosting performance?

Evaluates the platforms hosting speed and performance tools
Score Components:

  • Hosting speed (30%): This includes SSD quality, Load times, PageSpeed score ranges,
    additional information on website speed, built-in plugins for performance enhancement, available caching
    methods, and CPU/RAM options
  • CDN (20%): Considers whether CDN is available or not, whether it’s free or paid, and
    the quality of the CDN service
  • Available data centers (30%): Evaluates the number of data centers and their locations
  • Scalibility (20%): Looks at whether elastic scaling is available, the process required
    to scale (manual upgrade vs. automatic scaling), the presence of dedicated servers, and the costs
    associated with scaling.


🏆 Winner Hostinger: Offers unmatched speed and comprehensive features.

When comparing the general performance of Hostinger and Hivelocity, Hostinger takes the lead. Hostinger provides exceptional speed with high-speed CPUs, ample RAM, and NVMe storage, complemented by LiteSpeed web servers and a variety of caching methods. Their HTTP/3 and IPv6 support, along with an integrated CDN that boosts speed by up to 40%, further enhance website performance. With data centers located globally in four continents, Hostinger ensures optimal load times. Hivelocity also offers fast performance with high-end hardware options and SSD storage, but relies on a diesel power redundancy system for reliability. It features a self-healing network and data centers on six continents but lacks the built-in performance enhancement tools Hostinger offers.

Website speed

Hostinger is designed for speed, featuring 4X more speed with high-speed CPUs and extensive RAM. Their LiteSpeed web servers paired with the LSCWP cache plugin further reduce load times, making websites exceptionally responsive. With object caching decreasing response times by up to 3x and a CDN improving speed scores significantly, Hostinger excels in website performance. In comparison, Hivelocity offers good speeds using high-end hardware like Intel and AMD processors, but lacks the specific speed-boosting features such as LiteSpeed and website acceleration plugins, making Hostinger a better option for rapid website loading.


Hostinger offers elastic scaling with the capability to automatically handle increased traffic without manual upgrades. Their cloud plans, starting from $9.99/month, allow for plenty of room to grow, featuring incrementally higher storage, RAM, and CPU cores as you scale up to enterprise levels. Hivelocity, on the other hand, has traditional dedicated servers with massive bandwidth but requires more manual intervention for scaling. The cost of scaling with Hivelocity isn’t specified, making Hostinger the more transparent and user-friendly choice for seamless scaling.

Which one has better security features?

Reflects the platforms security measures, data privacy, backups and adherence to legal
and regulatory requirements

Score Components:

  • Technical security measures (40%): This includes encryption, firewalls, DDoS
    protection, secure configurations, server monitoring, access control and availability of security addons
    (e.g Sitelock security).
  • Operational security measures (30%): Encompasses data privacy, backups and data
  • Compliance and certifications (20%): Adherence to legal and regulatory requirements
    (e.g., GDPR, HIPAA) and possession of certifications (e.g., ISO 27001, SOC 2).
  • Business and reliability (10%): Factors in the provider’s reputation, uptime
    guarantees, and customer support.


🏆 Winner
Hivelocity Hosting:
Hivelocity Hosting offers superior security features and compliance, making it an ideal choice for security-conscious businesses.

Both Hostinger and Hivelocity Hosting, have notable differences in their approaches to technical and operational
security, as well as in their compliance with regulations.

Technical security measures:

Hostinger and Hivelocity both have robust technical security measures. Hostinger provides 24/7 server monitoring, firewall protection, anti-malware protection, and enhanced DDoS protection. Additionally, it supports PHP version control and malware scanning. In comparison, Hivelocity showcases advanced encryption technologies, robust firewall and network security, proactive malware scanning, and brute force detection. Hivelocity takes further steps with 24/7 monitoring and hardware diagnostics, offering a more secure environment for high-risk data.

Operational security measures:

Both hosting providers emphasize strong operational security measures. Hostinger’s dedicated security team, regular vulnerability scans, and responsible disclosure policy fortify its operational security. It also encourages secure coding practices and strong passwords. Hivelocity backs its operational security with SSAE-16, HIPAA, and PCI compliance, regular security audits, and robust authentication controls. Both providers offer DDoS protection and malware scanning, yet Hivelocity’s operational measures appear more comprehensive with load balancing and RAID monitoring.

Compliance and certifications:

Both hosting providers comply with GDPR but neither is HIPAA compliant, which may be a critical factor for businesses in healthcare. Hostinger complies with GDPR regulations but does not provide environments compliant with HIPAA or PCI standards. It also lacks ISO 27001 and SOC certifications. Hivelocity, on the other hand, meets the requirements for SSAE-16, HIPAA, and PCI, making it suitable for businesses needing strict regulatory compliance. While both are GDPR compliant, Hivelocity’s broader compliance scope gives it the edge.

SSL certificate

Free SSL certificates

Basic, Business, Premium SSL

Additional security features

Enhanced DDoS protection, malware scanner

Proactive malware scanning, brute force detection

PHP versions

Allows version control

Not specified

GDPR compliance



HIPAA compliance



PCI compliance



Hosting features

Looks at the features offered by hosting platforms
Score Components:

  • Domains (20%): Assesses the availability of a free domain, domain purchase options, and
  • Email (15%): Considers if the provider offers full email hosting, or is reselling
    third-party service, and if the email is only transactional or not
  • Website builder (15%): Checks if website builder is available, and it’s user
    friendliness and overall the level of customization allowed.
  • Staging environment (20%): Determines if a staging environment is available, allowing
    for testing changes before going live.
  • FTP & SFTP accounts (10%): Evaluates if and how easily users can access FTP and
    SFTP accounts
  • Git and SSH access (20%): Assess whether Git is integrated into the hosting service and
    if SSH access is provided


🏆 Winner Hostinger: A versatile option with numerous features designed for both beginners and advanced users.

Both Hostinger and Hivelocity offer a range of features that cater to different types of users. Hostinger provides an intuitive drag-and-drop website builder with AI features, giving users a straightforward experience in creating and customizing websites. This could be particularly appealing for users who prioritize ease of use over complexity. Additionally, Hostinger’s package includes free domain and SSL with most plans, making it an attractive choice for those who do not wish to handle these aspects separately.

On the other hand, Hivelocity focuses on providing managed services with a stronger emphasis on security and system performance. While it does not offer a built-in website builder like Hostinger, it supports multiple control panels such as cPanel, Plesk, and Webmin, allowing more experienced users to manage their websites with greater flexibility. Hivelocity also offers specialized operating system options and up to 2TB of cloud storage, which can be critical for larger projects needing extensive resources. Both providers include SSH access, with Hostinger also offering free automatic website migration, which could ease the transition for users moving from another host.

Free domain



Free SSL



Email hosting



Website builder



Staging environment



FTP & SFTP account



Git and SSH access



Free backup



Money back guarantee


In some cases hosting providers offer different features based on various components like
a location.
As a result in rare cases the features mentioned here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

Email services at Hostinger are provided through a partnership with Microsoft 365, offering a professional email and access to Outlook on a trial basis before transitioning to a paid service. Conversely, Hivelocity provides unlimited free professional email accounts, which is particularly beneficial for users requiring multiple email accounts without incurring additional costs.

Email services:

Hostinger provides comprehensive email hosting with the ability to set up custom email campaigns, suited for various business needs. Hivelocity supports email hosting as part of its managed services and includes transactional email capabilities crucial for actions like form submissions. Although neither provider resells third-party email services directly like Google Workspace, their email hosting functionalities cover basic to advanced email requirements efficiently.


Looks at the cost-effectiveness and value for money of each platform.
Score Components:

  • Plan value (40%): What each pricing tier offers.
  • Transparency and clarity (30%): Clearness of pricing structures.
  • Flexibility of plans (20%): Range of options to suit different budgets.
  • Hidden costs (10%): Additional expenses not included in the plan.


🏆 Winner Hostinger: Offers comprehensive hosting solutions across various plans with valuable features at competitive prices.

Evaluating the pricing of plans among various hosting providers can be complex due to their differing pricing and renewal strategies. Additionally, certain plans require annual commitments, which adds to the difficulty of making comparisons. The prices listed are based on monthly commitments; plans requiring annual commitments are indicated. Additionally, although some providers offer identical plans for WordPress and shared hosting, we have created separate tables for each to enhance clarity.

Hostinger and Hivelocity offer a range of unique hosting plans tailored to different needs. Hostinger boasts lower entry-level pricing for both shared and WordPress hosting, with features like unlimited bandwidth, free domains, and SSLs, making it an attractive option for smaller websites and businesses. Hivelocity, on the other hand, specializes in dedicated server solutions with a variety of account-based pricing and instant server options, appealing to users needing more power and customization. Both providers offer comprehensive support, but Hostinger provides a significant cost advantage in most pricing tiers.


100 websites, Free domain, SSL, email, backups, templates

Value for price:9.0

100 websites, Free domain, SSL, email, WP multisite, themes

Value for price:8.9
Cloud Startup$9.99

300 websites, Free domain, SSL, email, backups, WP AI tools

Value for price:9.0

100 websites, 100 GB SSD, Unlimited bandwidth, Free domain, templates, email

Value for price:8.8

100 websites, 200 GB NVMe, Unlimited bandwidth, Free domain, SSL, email, daily backups

Value for price:8.8
Cloud Startup$19.99

300 websites, 200 GB NVMe, 2M inodes, Free domain, SSL, CDN, daily backups

Value for price:9.0
Instant Server E3-1270 v6$154

4 Cores, 960GB SSD, 20TB bandwidth, Los Angeles

Value for price:8.5
Cloud Professional$32.99

300 websites, 250 GB NVMe, 6 GB RAM, 4 CPU, Free domain, SSL, CDN, daily backups

Value for price:9.0
Instant Server E3-1270 v5$145

4 Cores, 960GB SSD, 20TB bandwidth, Atlanta

Value for price:8.5
Cloud Enterprise$54.99

300 websites, 300 GB NVMe, 12 GB RAM, 6 CPU, Free domain, SSL, CDN, daily backups

Value for price:9.1
In some cases companies have different prices based on various components like a location. As a result in rare cases the prices displayed here can differ from the ones you see on their websites.

Enterprise plans

Hostinger offers enterprise-grade plans such as the “Cloud Enterprise” for $54.99, providing 300 websites, 300 GB NVMe storage, 12 GB RAM, 6 CPU cores, unlimited bandwidth, free SSL, and daily backups. Hivelocity features higher-tier instant servers and dedicated server solutions starting around $61 for cPanel dedicated servers and various game server options. With a focus on high performance, ample storage, and powerful CPUs, Hivelocity caters to businesses needing significant computational resources.

Hostinger vs Hivelocity: Ease of setup

Evaluates the ease of setting up and migrating websites on the hosting

Score Components:

  • Site migration (25%): Assesses whether the provider offers tools for site migration,
    either automated or manual, and whether these services are free or require a fee.
  • Admin panel usability (35%): Evaluates the type of admin panel provided, such as the
    standard cPanel or a custom solution, focusing on its accessibility and user-friendliness for both
    technical and non-technical users.
  • Setup features (20%): Examines the availability and ease of use of various setup
    features, including FTP accounts, file managers, email account setup, PHPMyAdmin, and easy CDN
  • Help center quality (20%): Measures the quality and accessibility of the provider’s
    help center resources, including articles and tutorials.


🏆 Winner: Hostinger: Offers an intuitive, user-friendly interface and extensive support resources, making it accessible for all users.

Hostinger features a custom control panel called hPanel, designed to be intuitive and user-friendly. With hPanel, users can easily manage their websites, emails, domains, and other tasks without prior technical knowledge. The panel provides a straightforward interface that caters to beginners, allowing seamless installations through over 100 one-click app integrations. In addition, built-in AI tools and automated updates simplify many tasks, minimizing the need for extensive manual intervention.

Hivelocity, on the other hand, offers a range of control panels, including cPanel, DirectAdmin, Plesk, and more, providing flexibility for users with different preferences and technical backgrounds. While these control panels are well-known and widely used, their complexity might pose a slight challenge for non-technical users. However, the availability of numerous control panel options means that users can choose the one that best suits their needs. Hivelocity also supports various operating systems, adding more layers of customization and control.

Hostinger provides a free automatic website migration service, ensuring a smooth and hassle-free transfer with no downtime. This service is beneficial for users looking to switch to Hostinger, as it eliminates the technical challenges and potential errors associated with manual migration.

Hivelocity offers managed migration services, which typically come at a cost. Although they have a range of control panels facilitating manual migration, the complexity may require technical know-how or additional support.

Hostinger’s help center is comprehensive with 24/7 multilingual support available through live chat and email. Users can access a rich database of tutorials, a host of video guides through Hostinger Academy, and a help center filled with articles on various topics. Hivelocity also offers 24/7 support via chat, open tickets, and phone. Their extensive knowledge base covers multiple categories, with updated articles on various subjects. Both providers ensure their users have access to extensive resources for troubleshooting and learning.

User management

Assesses the platforms’ capabilities in managing user roles, permissions, and

Score Components:

  • Role customization (40%): Flexibility in creating and defining user roles and
  • Ease of management (30%): User interface and tools for managing users.
  • Access control (20%): Effectiveness of access control measures for different user
  • Scalability (10%): Ability to manage a growing number of users efficiently.


🏆 Winner Hostinger: Hostinger offers an efficient and streamlined user management system designed to suit the needs of hosting clients effectively.

In comparing the user role management capabilities of Hostinger with the unspecified details for Hivelocity, Hostinger stands out with clearly outlined methods for adding and managing clients within its platform. Hostinger offers smooth onboarding, centralized service management, and customizable access levels. This provides flexibility in defining user roles and permissions, making it easier to tailor specific roles to various client needs. The restrictions set by Hostinger’s system ensure that critical account aspects remain secure while allowing necessary functions to be accessible to clients.

Hostinger’s hPanel provides an intuitive interface for user management, featuring an easy-to-navigate Home section to add new clients, manage websites, and control domains. Users can utilize clear menus and options like “Account Sharing” to grant access efficiently. Tools such as access to the WordPress admin panel and analytics give users control over their website performance, while centralized management simplifies oversight, making it accessible for all skill levels.

Hostinger’s access control measures and user management capabilities are effective in handling a growing number of users. Access levels can be precisely defined, ensuring users have the necessary permissions without comprising crucial account security. Users with granted access are restricted from performing sensitive tasks, mitigating the risk of unauthorized changes or breaches. This systematic approach allows Hostinger to manage client needs dynamically and efficiently, providing a scalable solution for user management.

Hostinger User Roles Table:

Role Description Access highlights
Manage services Modify files and websites, manage VPS, and change hosting settings Permissions include file management, VPS management, website modifications but excludes payment handling
Manage services and make purchases Handle service management and purchase new hosting plans or domains Can manage all services and make purchases, excluding adding new payment methods and sensitive personal info

Customer support

Evaluates the quality, availability, and scope of the customer support offered by the
hosting provider.

Score Components:

  • Support communication channels (30%): Measures the variety of customer support types
    provided (live chat, chatbot, email, phone, etc.)
  • Availability (20%): Assesses the availability hours for each channel, including 24/7
    support options.
  • Technical support quality (30%): Assesses whether the provider offers comprehensive
    technical support, including hardware upgrades (e.g., HDD to SSD), software installations, and web
    server configuration changes.
  • Enterprise support (20%): Checks if there are dedicated or priority support services
    for enterprise-level customers.


🏆 Winner
With extensive coverage including 24/7 support and multiple global data centers, Hivelocity stands out for its impeccable service reliability and advanced customer support options.

Phone support

Live chat support


Email/ticket support

Enterprise support
(dedicated agent, priority support)

Hostinger and Hivelocity both offer extensive customer support options, but they differ in their approach and availability. Hostinger provides 24/7 live chat support, an email-based inquiry system, and a comprehensive knowledge base with tutorials and video guides. They also offer priority support with certain plans and have multilingual support capabilities, but lack phone support.

On the other hand, Hivelocity offers a broader range of channels, including live chat, phone support, and a reliable ticketing system available 24/7. Their prominent feature is their impressive uptime record and multiple global data centers ensuring high reliability. This comprehensive offering, along with their robust support infrastructure, positions Hivelocity as a more versatile choice, particularly for users seeking direct phone support and custom solutions.

Hostinger vs Hivelocity: User feedback

649 reviews
4.4 out of 5 stars
34 reviews reviews
4.9 out of 5 stars

Hostinger receives high praise for its user-friendly interface, competitive pricing, and robust performance. Customers appreciate the wide range of features, including seamless website migration, the intuitive hPanel, and excellent uptime. The standout feature, consistently mentioned across reviews, is the exceptional and responsive customer support available 24/7 via live chat, although some users express a desire for phone support. On the downside, a few customers report issues with renewal pricing, occasional slow support response times, and the limitations of the lower-tier plans.

Hivelocity is highly praised for its exceptional customer service, reliable server performance, and knowledgeable technical support. Long-term users, some with over a decade of experience, commend the company for its personalized support and rapid response times, often highlighting near-instant ticket resolutions and a proactive approach to addressing issues. Additionally, the infrastructure and network reliability receive strong accolades, with many users experiencing minimal to no downtime. While a few noted the increasing prices and occasional variability in support quality, the consensus is that Hivelocity offers an outstanding hosting service marked by dependability and top-tier customer support.

Hostinger vs Hivelocity: FAQ

Which platform is better suited for hosting WordPress websites?

Both Hostinger and Hivelocity offer comprehensive tools for WordPress hosting. Hostinger provides an intuitive environment with one-click installations and robust features at competitive prices, while Hivelocity delivers strong performance and high reliability with its dedicated hosting options. The choice between them depends on user needs, but both platforms effectively tie in this category.

Are both platforms suitable for beginners?

Hostinger is particularly suitable for beginners due to its user-friendly hPanel, seamless migration services, and a comprehensive support system. Hivelocity, on the other hand, caters more to advanced users with its range of control panels and higher complexity in managing dedicated servers. While both support users with varying technical skills, Hostinger offers a more beginner-friendly approach.

Which hosting service offers better security features?

Both Hostinger and Hivelocity provide robust security measures, but Hivelocity has an edge with advanced encryption technologies and rigorous compliance standards like HIPAA and PCI. Hostinger offers strong security features such as enhanced DDoS protection and 24/7 server monitoring but lacks some of the advanced compliance certifications that Hivelocity maintains.

What are the major differences in pricing and value between Hostinger and Hivelocity?

Hostinger offers a variety of plans at more affordable rates across several categories like shared hosting, WordPress hosting, and cloud hosting. Their plans include numerous freebies, making them attractive for cost-conscious users. Hivelocity focuses on high-performance dedicated servers and managed services, which are generally more expensive but cater to specialized needs with higher reliability and security.

How do the providers handle email hosting and what features are included?

Hostinger provides comprehensive email hosting with custom email campaigns suited for various business needs. Hivelocity includes email hosting as part of its managed services, with critical features like transactional email capabilities. Both platforms cover basic to advanced email requirements efficiently but do not resell third-party email services like Google Workspace.

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