Brenda Barron
Brenda Barron is a freelance writer and editor residing in California. When not working, she loves spending time with her family, knitting, painting, playing piano, and singing in her spare time.
How to Create a Custom WordPress Theme Without a Line of Code
There is definitely no shortage of WordPress themes. Both free and paid themes are available, whether you go looking in the official depository or turn to third-party marketplaces and independent theme developers. These WordPress themes make creating a website for your clients relatively easy. However, there are times when you need a more custom design. In such situations, the obvious…
WordPress Default Theme: What It Is and How to Change It
Every year, WordPress releases a new default theme that ships with every WordPress installation. The WordPress default theme typically shows off new features that have been added to the platform. However, the WordPress default theme is often lacking in features that are crucial for a small business website. That’s why it’s so common for WordPress users to change the default…