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Arto Minasyan

Arto Minasyan

Arto Minasyan is the founder of 10Web and a serial entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience is software business development. Currently, he is running 2 tech startups, 10Web Inc. and Krisp, and is passionate about building great teams, products, and companies. Arto holds a PhD in Mathematics.
Illustration of the Chrome logo on a computer screen with the Err address unreachable error


10 Min Read

Google Chrome stands as a leader in the world of web browsers, renowned for its user-friendly interface and a wide array of extensions that enhance the browsing experience. Despite these advantages, it’s not immune to errors. One such issue that can be particularly vexing is the ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE error. This error pops up when you try to visit a website and,…

Abstract design of the 422 error

Troubleshooting the 422 Unprocessable Entity Error

8 Min Read

The HTTP 422 Error, known fully as the 422 Unprocessable Entity error, is a unique challenge in the world of web development and management, particularly within WordPress environments. This error code essentially communicates that the server understands the request you’ve made but is unable to process it. The crux of the issue usually lies in a semantic error, often within…

An abstract representation of two hands. One is trying to shake the other is rejecting.


11 Min Read

The SSL_ERROR_RX_RECORD_TOO_LONG error in Firefox occurs during a crucial security procedure on the internet known as the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) handshake. SSL is a protocol for encrypting internet traffic and verifying server identity, critical for secure online transactions. This process is like a secret handshake between your browser and a website to establish a secure line of communication. Imagine…



8 Min Read

The ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED error pops up when your browser fails to translate a website’s domain name into an IP address – a process crucial for online navigation. The error represents a critical failure in the process of Domain Name System (DNS) resolution, which is fundamental to how the internet functions. To truly grasp this issue, let’s delve deeper into the mechanics…

Image showing colorful arrows going round with err in the middle.

Resolving the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS Error

8 Min Read

The ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS, also known as a redirect loop, is a common browser error that can be perplexing but is generally straightforward to resolve. This error typically surfaces after recent changes on a website, misconfigurations of server redirects, incorrect settings with third-party services, or sometimes due to issues with the browser’s cache or cookies. What is the ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS error? This error…

Light green and cream image with 500 internal server error written on it.

How to fix the 500 Internal Server Error

10 Min Read

Understanding the 500 Internal Server Error The 500 Internal Server Error is the digital equivalent of a shrug from your server. It’s a general-purpose error message indicating that the server encountered something unexpected that prevented it from fulfilling the request. This error is particularly tricky because it’s a catch-all response for when the server knows something is wrong but can’t…

405 error method not allowed

Resolving a 405 Error

15 Min Read

What is an HTTP 405 error? The 405 Method Not Allowed error is a standard HTTP response status code that indicates a web server has received and recognized a client’s request but has rejected that particular method for the requested resource. This means the method – such as GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc. – used in the request line is…

Round image in light blue set against dark grey with the error 401 Unauthorized in the middle.

How to Fix the 401 Unauthorized Error

8 Min Read

When you’re surfing the web and suddenly hit a “401 Unauthorized Error,” it’s like running into a digital roadblock. This error is a standard response in the internet world, indicating that access to the requested resource is denied due to lack of proper authentication. Same error different message The message of the 401 Unauthorized Error can vary: 401 Authorization Required…

Modern retro design of shapes with the 503 Error set in a colorful circle.

Fixing HTTP Error 503 Service Unavailable

13 Min Read

When browsing the web, encountering an HTTP error isn’t uncommon. One such error is the HTTP Error 503, known as ‘Service Unavailable.’ This error pops up when you’re trying to access a website, but the server is, for some reason, unable to handle your request at that moment. Unlike errors that indicate a problem with your own internet connection or…

Computer on desk that has the 400 error on it.

How to Fix the 400 Bad Request Error

8 Min Read

Encountering a 400 Bad Request error can be a baffling and often frustrating experience for internet users. This error is a standard HTTP response code that indicates the request sent to the website server, typically by the user’s web browser or other client, is incorrect or corrupted, and the server can’t understand it. It’s like sending a letter with an…

A guide to resolving the ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH error in chrome.


18 Min Read

If you come across the error message ERR_SSL_VERSION_OR_CIPHER_MISMATCH when trying to access a website, it may be due to the site using an outdated and unsupported version of TLS. Whenever you visit a website that uses HTTPS, there are several steps that take place between your browser and the webserver to ensure that the SSL/TLS connection and certificate are valid….

How to fix this site cant be reached errors on Chrome.

How to Fix This Site Can’t be Reached Errors

17 Min Read

Chrome says this site can’t be reached. What does that mean? When you encounter a “This site can’t be reached” message in Chrome, it indicates a failure in establishing a connection to the requested website. Essentially, Chrome is attempting to reach the server hosting the website, but something is preventing a successful connection. One common issue is a disruption in…