What is the Best Cache Plugin for WordPress: Our Top 5 Picks

Caching is a popularly recommended technique for optimizing WordPress website performance. By speeding up website and page load times, caching can significantly boost website traffic and conversion rates. This article aims to explain the importance of caching, its functionality, and the best caching plugins available for WordPress.


Can I use 2 cache plugins in WordPress?

This is highly discouraged. If your cache plugin can no longer suffice for your needs, look out for an alternative. This is primarily because their operations might conflict after installation since they serve the same purpose. Try out 10Web Booster and you won’t have to think about any other website optimization plugin.

When should you not use cache?

You should always use cache. The only case when you don’t need a third party caching plugin is when your hosting provides page and file caching. If you’re using an automated WordPress hosting platform like 10Web, you don’t have to worry about server-level caching. Caching is handled for you automatically.


Caching is a mechanism for storing requested information (static files for websites) in a temporary storage location (a cache) for faster access. Here’s how it works practically:

website cache

WordPress is a dynamic content management system (CMS). When a visitor requests a page, the hosting fetches data from the database and runs a collection of PHP scripts to process the data before sending a response (in the form of a web page) to the visitor’s browsers. This process increases the load on the hosting server as a website’s traffic increases. Hence, the need for caching on WordPress websites.

There are several WordPress caching plugins on WordPress.org, but not all can serve your website’s needs. This article will discuss the best WordPress caching plugin for your website and why you should understand your caching needs.

All plugins perform best in different use cases, so there is no best per se.

Understanding WordPress caching plugins

WordPress caching plugins handle page caching for WordPress websites. Technically, a cache plugin creates a static version of a web page that it delivers to a visitor on subsequent requests. WordPress cache plugins operate in slightly different ways. Some cache plugins allow you to select the pages you don’t want cached. An example of where this is useful is in WordPress-managed ecommerce storefronts. The cart and checkout pages shouldn’t be cached for the best user experience. 

However, do you need a caching plugin for your WordPress? It’s important to understand the types of caching – browser and server. Browser-level caching is handled by a visitor’s browser and is unique to a visitor’s device. Server-level caching is handled by the hosting server. It implements caching for all website visitors. 

If you’re using a automated WordPress hosting platform like 10Web, you don’t have to worry about server-level caching. 10Web uses backend or server caching for websites hosted on 10Web to cache everything from pages to feeds to 301-redirects on subdomains for the websites hosted on the platform. It also makes use of Nginx FastCGI Caching, the quickest page cache solution, which gives you control over which pages are cached and guarantees that pages are fetched as quickly as possible.

If you’re managing your WordPress hosting yourself, then it’s imperative to choose the best WordPress cache plugin for your WordPress website. 

Top 5 caching plugins for your WordPress website

As said earlier, the best WP cache plugin for WordPress is relatively subjective. While some are highly robust, they might not be the best option in specific use cases. For that reason, the plugins listed in this section are categorized based on their use case.

10Web Booster

10Web Booster WordPress Banner

10Web Booster is more than a WordPress cache plugin. It is a powerhouse for solving WordPress speed issues. I’d describe it as an all-around speed optimization plugin for WordPress websites. With its feature-packed functionalities, it handles website caching intelligently while employing other advanced performance fixes that are paid for on other plugins on its free version.

Why is 10Web Booster one of the best caching plugins?

  • Drop-dead simple user interface perfectly tailored for beginners and advanced users.
  • It offers free frontend optimization of homepages + 5 inner pages for any site.
  • 10Web Booster enables page caching for static pages to read entirely from the cache, improving server response time and loading.
  • 10Web Booster is compatible with all WordPress hostings.
  • It provides Cloudflare enterprise plan  CDN for ultra-fast static and dynamic content delivery across Cloudflare’s global network.
  • It provides 90+ pagespeed score both for desktop and mobile and allows to successfully pass Core Web Vitals (CWV) test.
  • It generates critical CSS in a way that ensures flawless optimization on all devices and screen sizes by distinguishing between critical and non-critical CSS and loading critical CSS first.
  • 10Web lazy loads images, videos, and iframes to improve webpage performance.
  • It delays loading JS files and prioritizes important styles and scripts intelligently, and in a non-blocking way without executing them wrongly.
  • 10Web uses font swap to optimize how web fonts load. This helps avoid Flash of Unstyled Text (FOUT) and Flash of Invisible Text (FOIT).
  • 10Web Booster provides image optimization including image conversion and container-specific resizing.
  • 10Web is more than a plugin, it is a platform that allows you to migrate to 10Web automated hosting on Google Cloud with one click. 

Recommended use case

  • All round speed optimization.
  • Efficient cache plugins for WordPress with automated mobile optimization based on devices and network types.
  • Suitable for ecommerce storefronts, image-heavy websites, blogs.
  • 10Web Booster Free version is suitable for simple websites.


10Web Booster is a free WordPress plugin with 24/7 live chat support, tutorials, and published guides. 10Web Booster Pro is the paid version of 10Web Booster including all pages optimization and Cloudflare CDN starting at $6 per website. The pricing for 10Web Booster Pro decreases with the number of websites, how good is that?

WP Rocket

WP Rocket banner

WP Rocket is another WordPress caching plugin considered a superior option in the WordPress development ecosystem. It is considered one of the best WordPress caching plugins. 

Why is WP Rocket One of the best WordPress Caching plugins?

  • Instant website caching with one click.
  • WP Rocket automatically activates GZIP compression, page cache, and cache preloading.
  • Drop-dead simple user interface suitable for beginners.
  • It minifies and combines CSS and JS files to speed up delivery and webpage rendering.
  • It uses Google font optimization to preload fonts and optimizes font rendering.
  • It delays JS execution on webpages and removes unused CSS to render webpages optimally.

WP Rocket also provides a set of add-ons and allows you to control them with one click. Its paid addons include Rocket CDN for CDN integration and Imagify for image optimization.

Recommended use case

  • WP Rocket as a cache plugin for WordPress is best for ecommerce storefronts. 
  • Like 10Web Booster, WP Rocket will suffice for different WordPress business ventures. 


WP Rocket is a premium WordPress caching plugin. It has three plans – single, plus, and infinite. The Single plan is priced at $59 per year, the Plus plan at $119 per year, and the Infinite plan is pegged at $299 per year. All the plans offer product updates, but the Single plan offers support for one website, the Plus plan offers support for three websites, and the Infinite plan offers support for unlimited websites.

The pricing for WP Rocket is usually the reason why most small and medium-scale businesses opt for free alternatives. Also, WP Rocket does not include CDN and image optimizations as part of its plans, they are separate paid addons. 

W3 Total Cache

W3 Total Cache WordPress banner

W3 Total Cache is a popularly recommended WordPress caching plugin. It has a comprehensive collection of features and settings that allows for flexible and seamless integrations with other tools. The only caveat is that it’s not the best for beginners.

The configurations on W3 Total Cache can be a bit complex to navigate for beginners. However, the several options it provides makes it an ideal pick as one of the best WordPress caching plugin.

Why is WP Total Cache one of the best caching plugins?

  • W3 Total Cache implements page and resource caching.
  • It supports object caching by default.
  • W3 Total Cache converts all images to WebP to improve webpage loading speed.
  • It provides an extensive framework for customization and plug-and-play with other tools e.g Cloudflare CDN and the WordPress Multilingual Plugin (WPML).
  • It minifies and compresses CSS and JS files to speed up page load.
  • It also caches stylesheets and scripts in memory or on disk for faster retrieval.
  • The pro version supports lazy loading of images and static file compression with GZIP or Brotli. 
  • W3 Total Cache Pro also eliminates render-blocking CSS, and lazy loads Google Maps.

Recommended use case

W3 Total Cache is best for complex websites, particularly because of its advanced caching settings and configuration. However, due to its relatively complex configuration, it might not be an ideal choice for simple websites. Regardless, W3 Total Cache as a cache plugin for WordPress will speed up the overall performance of any website.


W3 Total Cache has a free version and a paid version. The paid version, W3 Total Cache Pro, is billed at $8.25 per month annually.

WP Super Cache

WP Super Cache WordPress banner

If you search with the keyword “cache” in the WordPress plugin repository, you should see these WP Total Cache and WP Super Cache next to each other with impressive reviews and download counts. This cache plugin developed by the creators of WordPress, Automattic, has limited features. It generates static HTML files from your website and serves those files to your users instead of hitting the server every time. It is simple to use and provides recommended settings for less technical users.

WP Super cache provides three options – Simple, Expert, and WP-cache caching. The Expert mode has extensive configurations but requires some edits to your PHP files. For this reason, the Simple option is the recommended choice for most users. The final option, WP-cache caching is to be used for authenticated users. It generates cached pages “per user” and ensures that each user enjoys the same pleasant experience.

Why is WP Super Cache one of the best caching plugins?

  • It implements page caching, resource caching, and cache preloading.
  • It provides a REST API endpoint for accessing its settings programmatically. Although, this feature requires authentication.
  • It’s simple to use for beginners.
  • It uses cache rebuilding to update cached content instead of clearing and reaching.
  • It provides three different caching options depending on your skill level.

Recommended use case

WP Super cache as a WordPress caching plugin is best for blogs. Its minimal feature set does not provide the flexibility that might be needed in other website niches.


WP Super Cache is a free plugin.


WP-Optimize WordPress banner

With over 1 million active installations, WP-Optimize is considered as one of the best WordPress caching plugins. It is an advanced WordPress plugin that caches your website, cleans your database, and optimizes your website images.

 Why is WP-Optimize one of the best caching plugins?

  • It minifies and combines CSS and JS files.
  • It implements page and resource caching.
  • It provides optional multisite support and lazy loading.
  • WP-Optimize automatically deletes unused images, freeing up more space on your server.
  • The plugin provides database optimization as one of its core services.
  • The paid version also allows you to schedule general cleanups.

Recommended use case

WP-Optimize is a great choice for caching for a broad range of WordPress websites. Y However its advanced optimization techniques like critical CSS and JS delay are somewhat limited. There is no WebP conversion as well. THe paid version of the plugin also does not include CDN. Because of these features the ability to reach a 90+ PageSpeed score using WP Optimize is limited.


WP-Optimize has a free version of the product. The premium version, WP-Optimize Premium, has more extensive features than the free version. It is billed at $49 per year for two sites, $99 per year for up to five sites, and $199 per year for unlimited sites.


Caching is a crucial technique for optimizing WordPress website performance, enhancing speed, and improving user experience. By storing information temporarily, caching reduces server load and accelerates page load times. Choosing the right caching plugin depends on your specific needs. Implementing the right caching strategy can significantly boost your website’s efficiency and user satisfaction.

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