41 Free to Best Value AI Writing Assistants and AI Editors in 2023

The advancements in AI have led to the emergence of AI writing assistants that have revolutionized the content creation industry. These tools are designed to help human writers generate content and improve the quality and clarity of their writing. In this article, we will explore the benefits of AI writing assistants, how to use them to get the most benefit, and what are some popular writing assistants and editors that will help you boost your SEO and avoid writer's block.

In the last decade, we have witnessed significant advancements in the field of artificial intelligence (AI). The most popular of these developments has been in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP), a subfield of artificial intelligence concerned with giving computers the ability to process and understand spoken or written human language. These advancements have led to the emergence of AI writing assistants and editors, revolutionizing the content creation industry.

These tools are designed to help human writers generate content and improve the quality and clarity of their writing by providing real-time feedback at every step of the writing process. There are different AI-powered writing assistants designed for various purposes. However, AI writing assistants can generally help with tasks such as ideation, research, writing content, rephrasing, grammar checking, and more. 

In this article, we will discuss how businesses can benefit from AI writing assistant tools and the best way possible to use them without total dependency.

The Benefits of AI Writing Assistants 

AI writing assistants have had huge implications in the writing and content creation industry and sparked controversial topics. Amidst fears of Generative Pre-trained Transformers such as ChatGPT replacing writers, it is undeniable that these tools yield several benefits.

Here are some of them:

  • AI writing assistants enable you to write faster and more efficiently: Writing is a process that requires a great deal of research, creativity, and focus. Sometimes even the most experienced writers face writer’s block, which can be frustrating. Using AI writing assistants, writers can generate new content ideas, outlines, or entire content and quickly fix issues.
  • Maintain a consistent writing style: Maintaining a unique brand identity and voice is suitable for any business building an online reputation. AI writing tools such as Grammarly allow you to consistently define and convey your brand voice throughout your writing, instilling confidence in your brand.
  • Enhance the quality of your writing: AI writing assistants use NLP technology to quickly scan vast amounts of text, which would otherwise be arduous to humans, and identify spelling and grammar mistakes. 
  • Save time: AI writing assistants can help with most tasks, such as generating titles, headings, and subheadings. These ai writing tools can also simplify editing and proofreading, saving countless person-hours.
  • Boost SEO efforts on content marketing: AI writing tools can help writers improve the quality and rank better. Besides that, AI writing tools can quickly analyze and recommend content ideas that align current with user trends and behaviors that may take time to become evident to human writers. 

How to Use AI Writing Assistants Without Overusing Them?

While AI writing assistants can be helpful in the writing process, like any other tool, they can also cause unintended harm if not well used. Here are some tips on how to avoid overreliance on them and mitigate mistakes: 

  • Use AI writing tools selectively: There are several options for choosing an AI power writing assistant. Selecting the most suitable AI writing software for specific tasks such as proofreading, content generation, or grammar checking allows you to stay in control and avoid too much dependency on a single tool.
  • Practice writing without using an AI writing assistant software: Like any other skill, writing requires constant practice to be good at it. Overreliance on AI powered writing assistants inhibits human creativity. Therefore, you should improve your writing skills without relying too much on AI writing tools. 
  • Understand the limitations of AI writing assistants: While AI writing tools have wowed us so far, it is prudent to recognize that their capabilities are limited to the data they are trained on. As a result, they may sometimes make inaccurate suggestions that you should keep an eye on. Moreover, you should be aware of AI content detectors while using writing assistants. 
  • Learn of AI writing suggestions: AI writing editors such as Grammarly make extensive suggestions based on correctness, clarity, engagement, and grammar.  Instead of blindly accepting these suggestions, understand why they were made to improve your writing. 
  • Get feedback from a human reader: While AI writing assistants and editors are good at analyzing text, catching errors, and giving suggestions, they should be no substitute for human feedback. Human feedback may give perspectives that may be oblivious to the tools. 

5 Blog AI Writing Assistants and Editors to Boost Your SEO

1. ChatGPT

ChatGPT, developed by Open AI, is an Artificial Intelligence powered chatbot based on Open AI’s GPT-3.5 and GPT 4 large language models. ChatGPT has several language-related capabilities. For instance, ChaGPT has Natural Language interpretation, Language generation, Translation, and dialogue management capabilities besides answering questions.

These features make ChatGPT a perfect AI writing assistant. Here are some ways to leverage ChatGPT as a writing assistant.

Key Features

1. Content generation

ChatGPT is a game changer when it comes to generating content. Whether a professional writer or a novice, you can generate content on virtually any topic by simply entering a topic or prompt. You can create content for blogs, articles, social media, marketing, and more.

ChatGPT Content Generation

2. Content ideation

You can generate content ideas for blogs, articles, and social media by simply providing a topic or keyword. 

ChatGPT Content idea generation

3. Keyword generation

ChatGPT can assist with generating keywords and phrases that you should include in your content to optimize it for SEO.

ChatGPT Keyword generation

4. Content summarization

Spending hours reading through content when conducting research can be overwhelming. With ChatGPT, you can summarize content from different sources and quickly read through the key ideas.

ChatGPT Content summarization

5. Content translation

ChatGPT can translate content from one audience to another, making it more accessible.

ChatGPT Content Translation


ChatGPT has a free plan with limited features and a subscription plan for $20/month with faster response times.

2. Grammarly

Grammarly is a popular cloud-based online AI writing assistant. Grammarly uses artificial intelligence to help you improve your writing by identifying grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes in real time.

Grammarly goes beyond basic proofreading, provides contextual suggestions, completes sentence rewriting, and detects tones. It also provides numerous other features that make it a powerful and trusted AI editor and writing assistant, enabling teams to sound consistent and individual writers to write clearly.

Key features

1. Grammar and spell checks

Grammarly allows you to catch spelling errors, grammar mistakes, and punctuation errors when writing content. You can simply copy and paste text or start typing in the Grammarly editor, and Grammarly will detect the errors in real time. 

Grammarly grammar and spell checks

2. Clarity and conciseness

Most writers easily fall into wordiness and the use of redundant words. Grammarly allows you to stay concise in your writing by suggesting the most potent words for expression.

Grammarly clarity and conciseness suggestion

3. Tone suggestion

Grammarly suggests entire sentence rewrites for sentences that noticeably lack confidence while allowing you to stay friendly and approachable.

Grammarly tone suggestion

4. Clarity suggestion

Overly wordy or run-on sentences are often entangled and hard to read. Grammarly provides full-sentence suggestions that can improve clarity. 

Grammarly Clarity Suggestion

5. Integration with multiple platforms

Grammarly cross-browser support and seamless integration with popular tools such as Gmail, Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and others make using the AI content editor virtually anywhere easier.

Grammarly Integration with multiple platforms


Grammarly has a free plan, a premium plan starting from $12/month, and a business plan from $15/month.

3. 10Web AI Writing Assistant

With 10Web AI Writing Assistant, you have the power to create highly engaging and SEO-optimized content directly within your WordPress environment. The 10Web AI Writing Assistant also has SEO-checking and editing features that help identify and quickly rectify SEO and readability mistakes. 

Key Features

Using the Gutenberg or classic editor, the 10Web AI Writing Assistant lets you generate a wide range of content, such as paragraphs, outlines, copies, text, product descriptions, introductions, and conclusions.

1. Introduction generation

You can highlight a title and generate an introduction, as shown below.

10Web AI Assistant - Generating Introduction

2. Paragraph generation

Overcome writer’s block by generating a paragraph from a title or prolonging a paragraph by first highlighting and then clicking the paragraph generator.

10Web AI Assistant - Paragraph Generation

3. Outline generation

This helps you to create outlines for articles, blogs, descriptions, ads, landing pages, and more within seconds.

10Web AI Assistant - Outline Generation

4. Conclusion generation

It saves you valuable time by producing relevant article conclusions.

10Web AI Assistant - Conclusion Generation

5. Meta description generation

You can generate or paraphrase meta descriptions and titles automatically using the 10Web AI Writing Assistant.

10Web AI Assistant - Meta description generation

6. Paraphrasing tool

Enhance your paragraphs and sentences using this tool by simply selecting the paragraph in question and pressing “paraphrase a paragraph”.

10Web AI Assistant - Paraphrasing

7. 10Web AI Assistant SEO Pack

It allows you to automatically fix Yoast SEO issues, keyphrase and passive voice errors, subheading and distribution issues, as well as sentence and paragraph length errors.

10Web AI Assistant SEO Pack - Fixing SEO issues in Yoast

8. Templates

10Web AI WritingAssistant provides content templates, including complete blogs, outlines, list articles, product descriptions, FAQs, and more, to help streamline your content creation process.

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10Web AI Writing Assistant has a free plan with a limit of 2,000 words. Paid plans billed monthly include personal, premium, and agency for  $20, $60, and $200, respectively. Alternatively, you can opt for annual billing for these plans at $10, $30, and $100 monthly.

4. Jasper AI

Jasper AI is one of the best AI content-writing software for creating high-quality content quickly. With Jasper AI, you can create blog posts, social media posts, ads, eBooks, landing page copies, stories, novels, and more. 

Key Features

1. Content creation

You can Generate high-quality content that is 100% plagiarism-free and SEO optimized. With access to over 54 writing templates, you can generate outlines, article introductions, conclusions, paragraphs, titles, meta descriptions, and more.

Jasper AI - Content Creation

2. Content optimization

With Jasper AI, you can optimize your content and increase your chances of ranking higher in the SERPs.  Jasper AI content optimization includes fixing technical aspects, On pages issues such as keywords usage, and off-page issues such as link-building strategy.

Jasper AI - Content Optimization

3. Multilingual support

Jasper AI can write in 25+ languages giving your creative teams the flexibility they news. These languages are classified into input and output languages.

Jasper AI - Multilingual support

4. Folders

Folders help to keep your content organized and make it easier for teams to collaborate and switch between different clients and projects.

Jasper AI Folders

5. Jasper AI integrations with Surfer SEO

Surfer is an on-page SEO tool. Using this tool, you can edit and optimize content for SEO right in the Jasper editor by simply turning on SEO mode, and Surfer will provide suggestions on improving your content to rank on the first page.

Jasper AI integrations with Surfer SEO


Jasper AI has a starter plan starting from $29/month for 20k words and a boss mode plan from $59/month for 50k words.

5. Wordtune

Wordtune can help you write concise, engaging content devoid of spelling and grammatical errors. As the name suggests, Wordtune can help you “tune” your content by rephrasing to improve coherence and readability.

Key Features

1. Rewrite

Rewrite is a feature in Wordtune that allows you to rephrase a single word, sentence, or entire paragraph at the click of a button. This feature can be used in the Wordtune editor and across the web using the Wordtune browser extension. However, the paragraph rewrite is only available in the premium version.

Wordtune - Rewrite Feature

2. Choose between tones

Choosing the right tone sets the right mood for the entire text and allows you to connect with your audience. Wordtune editor gives you different tone options. You only have to highlight your text and choose from different tones at the top of the Wordtune editor.

Wordtune - Choosing tone

3. Shorten and expand the text

Conciseness improves readability and makes your writing more engaging. The shorten feature allows you to shorten lengthy texts, while the expand option lets you lengthen a text for more explanation. 

Wordtune - Shorten and expand text

4. Grammar, clarity, and spelling recommendations

This feature detects grammar, spelling issues, and sentences that lack clarity and suggests changes on the right side of the Wordtune editor. Click on the suggestions to effect the recommended changes.

Wordtune - Grammar, clarity, and spelling recommendations

5. Wordtune spices

Wordtune Spices is a feature that allows you to enhance your writing. Using this feature, you can expand a sentence, give an example, give a statistical fact, emphasize a concept, give a definition, give an analogy, and many more.

Wordtune - Spices


Wordtune has a free plan with most features discussed above. The premium plan starts at $9.99/month and is billed annually: $119.88/year, with unlimited features.

5 AI Creative Writing Assistants to Avoid Writer’s Block

1. CopySmith

CopySmith is designed to help you overcome writer’s block and generate content quickly. CopySmith is described as one of the best copywriting assistants that makes content writing easier.

Key Features

1. Content ideation

CopySmith allows you to generate content ideas that enable you to overcome writer’s block and create content faster. All you have to provide is company information, keywords, and the target audience, and the AI generator will do the rest of the work.

CopySmith - Content Ideation

2. AI-powered content writing

CopySmith’s AI generator understands user input and generates high-quality and unique content based on the user input. Alternatively, you can use CopySmith’s 30+ templates to generate content for different use cases, such as marketing ads, product descriptions, social media, and copies.

CopySmith - AI-powered content writing

3. Content rewrite

It allows you to rewrite both long-form and short-form content instantly. This feature can rewrite old stale content and product descriptions and give your content a new life.

CopySmith - Content rewrite

4. Plagiarism check

A built-in plagiarism checker enables you to check the content you generate for plagiarism at the click of a button.

CopySmith - Plagiarism Checker

5. Workflow and collaboration tools

CopySmith’s collaboration feature allows you to work with large teams and collaborate on content seamlessly on one platform. Using this feature, you can assign roles to team members, share files and projects, consolidate billing, and streamline your workflow. 

CopySmith - Workflow and collaboration tools


CopySmith pricing starts at $19/month for the starter plan and $49/month for the professional plan. Both plans have a free trial.

2. Copy AI

Copy AI is an AI power writing assistant that uses natural language processing and machine learning to generate human-like content in a few minutes. This writing assistant focuses on helping marketers, writers, and virtually all professionals that do any form of writing produce high-quality content quickly.

You can use Copy AI to create copies for social media, advertising, email marketing, and more.

Key Features

1. Simple and intuitive interface

Copy AI has a straightforward interface, and you can navigate between the menu on the left and the workspace on the right without training.

Copy AI - Interface

2. Tone detection

The tone is essential for any form of writing and allows your audience to connect deeply with your message. You can switch between tones to find the perfect tone for your audience. 

Copy AI - Tone detector

3. Content generation

Generate content for different purposes, including blog posts, using the blog wizard, Instagram captions, product descriptions, or any other text you need to be written.

Copy AI - Content Generator

4. AI templates

Copy AI gives you access to various templates, helping you save hours of work that are spent starting from scratch. They can also help you overcome writer’s block.

Copy AI - Templates

5. CopyBot

CopyBot is an AI assistant that you can have a conversation with. Using this feature, you can brainstorm ideas, generate content ideas, and improve your writing through research for the right words and phrases to use.

Copy AI - CopyBot


Copy AI has a free plan with a limit of 2k words per month and an unlimited plan for $36/month billed yearly. 

3. Writesonic

Writesonic generates SEO-optimized and plagiarism-free content for your blogs, ads, emails, and website 10X faster, saving many hours of writing.

From product descriptions to blogs, emails, landing pages, whitepapers, marketing copies, and everything in between, Writesonic allows you to generate and improve content with little effort.

Key Features

1. AI Writer

Can generate SEO-optimized long-form content in seconds. Using this feature, one can generate up to 2000 words.

Writesonic - AI Writer

2. Rephrasing tool

This feature lets you rewrite plagiarism-free sentences, paragraphs, and even essays. Using this tool, you can update old content and make it more relevant. You can also make your content SEO friendly by adding keywords and phrases or changing the tone of your content from formal to informal and vice versa. 

Writesonic - Rephrasing Tool

3. Article summarizer

It gives you well-written summaries of your text without changing the original text. This text summarizer gives you short and unique summaries in 25+ languages. 

Writesonic - Article Summarizer

4. Surfer SEO integration

Writersonic integration with Surfer allows you to audit your content within the Writersonic editor without switching apps. Accessing the best of these applications can speed up your content-writing process.

Writesonic- Surfer SEO Integration


Writesonic has a free trial with a limit of 10,000 words and a long-form plan from $12.67/month for 60, 000 words.

4. Peppertype AI

Peppertype AI is a virtual AI writing assistant that generates content in a matter of seconds. With Peppertype, businesses can automate the process of ideation and content generation.  Whether you’re a freelancer, product manager, or marketing team, you can use Peppertype to create blogs, articles, social media content, product descriptions, and more.

Key Features

1. Content templates 

Peppertype has a variety of templates for copywriting, emails, ecommerce, social media content, and advertising copies.

Peppertype AI - Content Templates

2. Plagiarism check

You do not need an external tool to check for plagiarism. Peppertye can check and highlight content that lacks originality. 

3. Grammar check

Checks for and highlights Grammar mistakes and sentence run-ons in your content. 

4. Sentence formatting and Autocorrect

Ensures sentences are written with clarity and coherence while the autocorrect catches spelling mistakes within your content.

5. Translation

Peppertype offers translation and localization services at scale. For instance, you can translate apps, blogs, websites, or subtitles to over 45 languages. 

Peppertype AI - Services


Peppertype AI had a personal plan for an individual for $35/month and a team plan for teams for $199/month for a five-user seat.

5. Rytr

Rytr uses NLP and machine learning to generate high-quality content for different purposes. Rytr can help you create blog posts, articles, emails, product descriptions, landing pages and web copies, and more. 

Key Features

1. Tone options

Using the right tone allows you to connect with your audience. Rytr writing assistant allows you to choose from a list of 21 tones, such as casual, convincing, humorous, worried, passionate, and more.

Rytr - Tone Options

2. Grammar check

Rytr can help detect and fix basic grammar mistakes in your writing.

Rytr - Grammar Check

3. Ideation and outline

Using the tool, you can generate Blog, Article, or Essay Ideas and Outlines in One Click. For instance, here is an outline of a “Benefits of AI writing assistants” article.

Rytr - Ideation and Outline

4. Multilingual support

Rytr supports over 30 languages, meaning you can use the tool to generate content in different languages ranging from German, French, Korean, Hebrew, and many more.

Rytr - Multilingual Support

5. Multiple content generation options

Use Rytr to overcome writer’s block by practically generating any form of text from blogs, cover letters, product descriptions, and more.

Rytr- Content Generation Options


Rytr offers a monthly free plan of up to 5K words. Premium plans start with the Saver plan for $9 per month.

Other AI Writing Assistants

1. AnyWord

Anyword is an AI writer that enables marketers to craft powerful creative, marketing, and advertising content in just a few clicks. Using the AnyWord content generator, you can generate content for different uses. For instance, you can create blog posts, long-form content, product reviews, newsletters, ad copies, and many more forms of written content.

2. Sudowrite

Sudowrite is the AI writing partner that makes creative writing more fun and interactive. With Sudowrite, you can write descriptions that paint a clear picture in mind, complete sections of your writing, rewrite sentences up to 100 times and get actionable tips on how you can improve your writing.

3. WordHero

WordHero is an all-in-one platform and AI writing assistant that is perfect for easily crafting short-form content and articles. Using the generator mode, you can generate content such as headlines, product descriptions, and more, while in the editor mode, you can craft engaging articles and add keywords using the keyword assistant.

4. Growth Bar

Growth Bar has a complete toolset for SEO content writing. You can use Growth Bar to plan, write, and optimize long-form content faster. With Growth Bar, you can also generate SEO-optimized plans and turn those into blogs, audit and optimize existing content, and see your competitor’s keywords, among other functionalities.

5. Frase

Frase is a popular tool for writing content that ranks well on search engine results pages. Using Fraser SEO, you can generate content inspired by key SERP metrics, well-researched outlines, SEO-optimized copy, blog intros, high-converting copywriting formulas, FAQs, headings, and more.

6. Article Forge

Article Forge is the leading AI writing assistant for long-form content and articles. Backed by advanced AI and deep learning technology, Article Forge can help you generate high-quality and SEO-optimized content for articles, and blog posts, among other uses. Using Article Forge, you can also extend content to 20,000 + words. 

7. Writer Zen

Writer Zen is an SEO and AI-powered writing assistant that can help you elevate your writing to the next level. Powered by GPT-3, Writer Zen scales your content writing efforts by giving you access to tools for researching, strategizing, creating, and optimizing your content to rank higher. You can also conduct keyword research, generate outlines, and check for plagiarism.

8. Scalenut

Scalenut guarantees seamless content creation without compromising on volume and quality.  Using Scalenut, you can no longer worry about generating generic content that doesn’t resonate with your audience by specifying the tone of your writing. Scalenut also provides SEO research tools to help optimize your content.

9. Epagestore.ai

Epagestore AI is a powerful AI-powered content creation platform that allows you to turn your ideas into content in a matter of minutes. Using this incredible AI writer, you can generate blog titles, introductions, conclusions, ideas, full blogs, product descriptions, emails, social media content,  and so much more. You can also transcribe audio and videos to text with high precision.

10. Longshot AI

Longshot AI is among the most comprehensive AI writing tools, with an incredible collection of features that can help you write content for different purposes. Using Longshot AI Writer, you can generate outlines, FAQs, headlines, blog ideas,  and many more. You can also rephrase, personalize,  and check your content for plagiarism.

11. INK

Ink is the industry-leading AI writing assistant,  SEO-optimized content optimization, and semantic intelligence platform. With Ink, you can worry less about Google’s penalties against plagiarism and AI-generated content and focus on dominating your niche organically and generating 10x more content. Ink for All will perfectly meet your needs if you’re looking to grow and protect your brand reputation.

12. Lyne AI

Lyne AI is an AI content writing tool for crafting personalized emails at scale. Leveraging Lyne AI can save you time researching and increase your cold outreach efficiency, response rates, and sales. Lyne AI integrates seamlessly with your existing tools in your sales stack. 

13. PitchBob.io

PitchBob’s aim is to help businesses create high-quality content for their pitch deck. The tool delivers individualized advice and guidance to assist you in enhancing your communication and expressing the distinctive value of your startup. With PitchBob you can easily create compelling and effective presentations to communicate your business’s mission, vision, metrics, and more. 

14. Neural Text

Neural Text is an all-in-one platform for content marketing with SEO and content writing tools that leverage the power of AI. Some of the use cases of this tool include generating articles, content outlines, and product descriptions.  Neural text AI also includes tools for keyword discovery, keyword clustering, and SEO analysis. 

15. Hoppy Copy

Hoppy Copy is an AI content-writing tool for email marketing and campaigns. Using this tool, marketers on a busy schedule can save time by using AI to generate content for hundreds of marketing campaigns, newsletters, drips, and more. Besides that, one can also convert blogs and tweets to emails and vice versa.

16. QuillBot’s AI Co-Writer

Quilbot AI Co-writer is designed for writing, paraphrasing, researching, and enhancing your writing workflow. QuillBot’s writing assistant can help you write faster, generate outstanding content, and save time. With QuillBot, you can also automatically cite content and check grammar.

17. Undetectable AI

Undetectable AI can help you overcome the challenge of generating content that is flagged as AI-generated.  With Undetectable AI, you can turn your writing into high-quality content that sounds human-written and is undetectable by AI. This tool can write content for different purposes and readability levels.

18. Paragraph AI

Paragraph AI is a free tool that allows you to instantly generate text, email, and more in your voice everywhere you write. Whether you’re writing ad copies, paragraphs, manuals, outlines, social media posts, resumes, blog posts, or any form of writing, Paragraph AI can help you save time and communicate effectively.

19. AI Writer

AI Writer enables you to generate up-to-date, efficient, and verifiable content with citations to the sources used. Using AI writer, you can generate full-length articles, discover topics, reword sentences, fact-check, add references, and optimize your content for SEO.

20. Zeno Assistant

Zeno Assistant is an all-around AI writing assistant that can help you write clear and concise content for different purposes.  Zeno assistant allows you to summarize text and write blog posts, essays, and articles. With Zeno, you can also rewrite sentences, fix grammar issues, and translate your content into 25+ languages.

21. Hypotenuse AI

The tool enables you to generate content. All you have to do is provide a few keywords, and the Hypotenuse AI will generate full-length articles and marketing content. You can also use this tool to generate eCommerce content, social media content, ad content, and emails.

22. Word AI

Word AI is an AI content writer that uses the power of machine learning to generate and rewrite high-quality content that’s indistinguishable from human-written content. If you’re nervous about AI writing tools producing generic and boring content, then this tool is for you. With Word AI, you can also improve quality, clarity and avoid detection by AI. 

23. Closers Copy

Closers Copy is an AI copywriting assistant that you can use to generate compelling marketing copy and SEO-optimized blog posts. Using this platform, you can elevate your marketing game, collaborate with your teammates, access the platform in different language options, and tap into a wide community of users.

24. CopyMatic

CopyMatic is an AI writer and an image generator that enables you to automatically generate unique, engaging, and high-quality content for different purposes. With CopyMatic, you can generate content for social media ads, website copy, blog content, and eCommerce copy.  You can also perform sentence rewrite and grammar check. 

25. Outranking

Outranking is an AI-assisted content writing and SEO platform enabling you to leverage AI, data, and automation to amplify your content return on investment.  Using Outranking, you can generate outlines, personalized content briefs, and factual drafts. You can also optimize your content for SEO, correct plagiarism, and plan your content using the content calendar.

26. Simplified

Simplified are market leaders in AI tools for content creation. Among the tools in the Simplified all-in-one app is the Simplified AI writer, which is an incredible tool for generating written content. Using the Simplified AI writer, you can generate entire blogs, social media posts, video subtitles, reviews, product descriptions, and also expand sentences.

27. Narrato Workspace

Narrato Workspace is a content creation and collaboration platform enabling you to ideate, create and publish your content writing projects in one place. With Narrato’s content writing assistant, you can write content briefs, complete SEO suggestions, plan your entire content workflow, and collaborate with others.

28. Friday AI

Friday AI makes writing content of any kind as easy as possible. Whether you are writing an essay, blog, ad content, or marketing ad copy, Friday AI can help you write quality content. You can choose from 40 + templates to help you write faster. 

29. Pro Writing Aid

ProWriting Aid is an all-in-one AI writing assistant to help you make your writing shine and express your ideas, stories, and knowledge with confidence. It provides suggestions, explanations, and advice right within the software, so you can write like an expert without the effort of becoming one. ProWriting Gudei integrates well with popular apps and browsers. 

30. Neuron Writer

Neuron Writer is an advanced content editor that helps you plan, write and optimize content with user intent in mind. With Neuron Writer, you can leverage the power of GPT 3 to save time on writing and avoid writer’s block. You can also explore content ideas, and user intent and enrich your content with semantic SEO.

31. Wrytr AI

Wrytr AI is the ultimate AI content writing tool for professional writers, bloggers, and content creators. With Wrytr, you can create engaging and compelling content for your users. Wrytr helps you improve productivity, grammar, and sentence structure. This writing software also has a one-click post to WordPress feature.


There is no denying the fact that AI writing assistants have revolutionized writing. While there are many concerns about the ethics and safety of tools that now leverage AI, AI writing assistants are impressive tools. Anyone looking to produce content at scale should leverage them. However, these tools are still imperfect, and anyone using them should be aware of their shortcomings. Some defects to look out for include potential bias and the ability to generate blatant disinformation that can have significant societal consequences.

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